The development of the entire Beihai situation, after the huge red mouth appeared in the Eye of Heaven, has begun to turn to a completely different situation.

Everyone’s heart went from horror to numbness, and then to horror, layer by layer, especially for those who are at this time by the cliff and the sea, the infinite gap in their hearts made the will extremely firm. They also gave rise to a feeling of confusion.

As the saying goes, the praying mantis catches the cicada, and the oriole is behind. They thought they were the oriole who could fight for the best chance, but only then discovered that they and others might not even count as a praying mantis.

Under the great game of heaven and earth, sentient beings are like chess pieces, and even the nobles of the terrestrial gods and fairyland are also involuntarily born and trembling.

When a sleepless breath that cannot be ignored appeared in the vast Tianwei behind, the old man from the Central Shangguo no longer cared about the so-called blasphemy against the heavens. He turned around, looked up at the sky, and opened his mouth with a strange cry:

"In the true eyes of Beihai, why is there a huge mouth of the **** of sleepless sect, how is this possible?"

There was a tremor in the old master’s roar, and then under his increasingly horrified gaze, this larger and larger mouth opened outwards, facing the Heavenly Dao Shenwei Tornado below. Suck.

After an instant, the tornado sky storm that ran through the entire world, like a cake that had been directly bitten off, a huge gap appeared.

In the next breath, within the huge mouth of the heavenly punishment divine might, countless destruction divine might began to burst outward, and the dazzling thunder light kept flickering, bursting outward with the supreme heavenly power that destroys everything.

But what is frightening is that no matter how powerful this divine might is, it can't cause devastating damage to the huge mouth. Then the huge red mouth slowly closed, and it began to chew like food.

The master of the giant mouth chews very elegantly, just like a noble royal nobleman, carefully tasting his own appetizers.

In the next breath, the mouth that was chewing slightly paused, the corners of the mouth moved, and a thick black and red mist intertwined with it was directly opened, and then a voice of extreme dissatisfaction came out:

"This is not pure heavenly energy, it's as unpalatable as a piece of rotten flesh, and it tastes like chewing wax."

After finishing the sentence, a thicker black and red mist sprayed from the huge mouth, and a scarlet tongue protruded from the mouth. After licking his lips, he continued to open his mouth and let out a sigh:

"Every time you come to the land of the Profound Profound Realm, you will be fascinated by the original god. You hear that the soul breath of so many creatures just after the death, exudes mellow deliciousness, it is really great!"

The harsh sound from this huge mouth resounded through the sky, causing everyone who heard it to tingle their scalp. The next breath, the huge mouth raised slightly, as if the vast existence from the Chaos Sea was squinting. Looking to the south, the murmur continued:

"The Taixuan Land still doesn't welcome this **** as always, and there is still a difficult guy above the North Sea."

After speaking, this huge mouth continues to open. It grows bigger and bigger, and the infinite suction reappears, directly like a black hole. It is like a person who has been hungry for countless years to absorb the infinite matter around him. When it comes to delicious food, prepare to open your mouth and feast on it.

In the next breath, deep in the sky in the center of the scarlet North Sea, gray-black ripples that were visible to the naked eye spread outward, and the ripples passed by, and the void vibrated.

In particular, the power of Dao Qi was madly swallowed by the northern boundary city above, just as the people saw their own gods, they began to boil violently, looking from the bottom up, even in the depths of the red light, forming a tower The gray tumbling ocean.

After just a few breaths, the ripples almost directly swept across the entire Daiyuxian Island. At the same time, the swallowing action of the huge mouth that was opening suddenly stopped, and a more excited and crazy voice came out:

"Look at what the **** found, a wisp of the will of heaven secretly hidden, this ancient aura is very familiar, it should be an old acquaintance, let the **** have a look, this is an unexpected joy!"

As soon as the words fell, the red lips that had opened their mouths to the south suddenly turned to the side, and then the tongue in the mouth stretched out, extending infinitely towards the void, and then slapped it fiercely.


A very piercing sound of spatial fragmentation suddenly came from the front, and along this particularly dense spatial crack, wisps of blue energy began to spread out, and at the same time, there was a slightly panicked vastness. will.

"It turned out to be the fragments of the Beihai Tiandao that was shattered tens of thousands of years ago and ran about one-eighth of the Beihai Tiandao. Now there are extremely perfect rules. If you continue to develop, the unevenness will become the next Beihai Tiandao. "

The sound of the sleepless gods resounding through the sky became more and more harsh, and more and more excited, and even because of the excitement, the entire upper and lower lips lit up with wisps of orangutan, which was a few points redder than blood.

Then the giant mouth faced the direction where the green light was shining, and continued to breathe abruptly. In the next instant, the entire innumerable layers of space from deep to shallow shattered at the same time, and then the existence hidden in the deepest part of the void was directly sucked out.

The same eye, a huge cyan eye!

"This, this is the way of heaven that exists in the vast land of my Divine Region, right?"

As soon as this cyan eyes appeared, all the people in the crowd where the Daxia Taboo was standing all breathed, and then after Sima Annan's murmur and questioning fell, the lava beside him nodded with great emphasis, and the response came out:

"In the two years before our Daxia was about to be born, the way of heaven in Beihai disappeared mysteriously. It turned out not to die, but to hide in the dark. It is a good calculation if you want to sit on the mountain and watch the tigers fight, and the fisherman will profit!"

Lava’s boasting voice is extremely cold, not only him, but the faces under the black robes of all the taboos are extremely unkind. In a sense, Shenzhou Haotu Tiandao’s move is a naked calculation of the entire Daiyu People of Xianshan!

Although the whole world is intriguing, the feeling of being calculated by the sky above the sky is absolutely uncomfortable. Therefore, the icy eyes of each group are indifferent from the bottom up, watching everything above the sky.

At this time, the Qiqiang Qi in Beihai suddenly changed, and a chasing battle had already been staged. As the prey, the vast land of Shenzhou was fleeing back and forth, and the next one was stretched out in the mouth. The scarlet tongue out!

This is definitely an unforgettable scene of a lifetime!

A round of jealous laughter came from the inside of the huge mouth, lingering in the sky, and then a tongue like a dragon's tail stirred the entire void, trying to roll the heavenly eyes directly into the mouth and taste it carefully.

At the same time, a word that shook the soul like thunder, directly resounded in everyone's ears:

"A pure and incomparable fragment of the Heavenly Dao can make this **** take another half step forward. With this thing, this time it is worth the adventure to come to the land of the Supreme Profound!

"If the Lord is an old treacherous fellow, if he knows that this North Sea Center has such an opportunity, will he regret it, regret taking the entire northern border of the Supreme Profound Land as a deal and cede it to me?"

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