"Damn it, **** it, how can this saint dare to make decisions for countless creatures in the entire Taixuan Land, directly cede the northern border of the Taixuan Land, and still make a deal with the Chaos Sea Wu Mianjiao!"

When the excitement of Jieyu came from the scarlet mouth, the old man from the central Shangguo who heard all this from below, opened his mouth and let out a horrified roar. Then he thought about it, his complexion changed suddenly, and the roar came out again:

"No, the Lord traded with the Gods of Sleeplessness at the cost of the northern border of the Taixuan Land. The purpose was to withdraw the holy court's hands from the Chaos Sea. In this way, his motive was obvious."

Speaking of this, the face on the Central Shangguo Lao Zun became more and more ugly, and finally lifted the whole body directly from the ground, looking back at the direction of the Central Plains to the south, and a voice of horror came out:

"The holy court's move is to go to a full-scale war with my central Shangguo, or the current Tangdu is already burning everywhere, **** it, the deity must go back immediately!"

After the words fell, this old veteran of the Central Shangguo directly began to mobilize the few golden origin powers all over his body, trying to leave this violently changing cliff and sea.

However, at the next breath, the situation above his head changed violently again. The huge mouth of the **** that opened from Hokkaido's eyes may have become tired of the prey chasing for several breaths and became a little impatient.

Then Yin Hong's huge mouth opened wider and wider, just like an ancient glutton, opening its huge swallowing mouth that covered the sky and the sun. After an instant, the huge mouth suddenly turned from inhalation to vomiting, and countless chaotic air gushed directly from the mouth. .

"Chaotic seawater, this is the chaotic seawater of the Giant God Sea, and ordinary creatures in the land of the Supreme Profound Realm are almost bound to death!"

The Old Master in the center opened his mouth again and let out a strange cry, and then he stopped the figure that had jumped out to death, because the chaotic seawater was born with a tyrannical capture to all the surrounding vitality, once the former moved, it would Will cause endless culling.

The next breath, the chaotic sea water from within the huge mouth of the scarlet god, after rushing into the void, directly let out a harsh ghost roar.

Then, under the control of the vast will of the sleepless god, it took only a few breaths to directly condense inward countless hideous claws, and began to participate in the siege of that round of blue eyes from all directions.

At this moment, the Eye of Heaven in the vast land of Shenzhou suddenly became precarious, and the countless seemingly chaotic chaotic bone claws completely filled the void with the momentum of the former servants and descendants. At the same time, they were also rapidly shrinking the cyan eyes. The range of dodge.

Five breaths of time passed, the green eyes of the vast land of Shenzhou, completely inevitable, and at this moment, the vast land of God directly lowered its eyes, staring straight down in the Gobi desert. Standing proudly above, a figure standing tall and straight like a green pine.

Emperor Fuyao!

At this moment of life and death, this vast land of God knows that the only one who can save it at this time is the young man below who is in charge of the entire Daxia!

Therefore, looking at Zhao Yu from above, he directly brought a trace of prayer.

That is the prayer from the vast land and heaven of China.

Numerous chaotic bone claws all over his body quickly approached, and what is even more desperate is that the scarlet tongue that spit out from the mouth of the **** of sleeplessness directly tore the void and enveloped it.

At this moment, the heavenly Dao of the vast land of China sent a stronger message for help to Zhao Yu on the ground. At this moment, it is no longer as high as it once was, but it seems so humble.

Time became extremely slow at this moment, and then everyone's ears heard a response that was still as smooth as a mountain:

"Your request, I refuse!

"Because Daxia never tolerates every betrayer, even if you were originally the so-called Dao of Heaven!"

Emperor Huang Huang's voice fell, and a thunderous thunder suddenly sounded between the heaven and the earth!

Then this thunder directly turned into a grinning laughter from the sleepless **** that resounded through the sky, and at the same time, the long tongue protruding from the huge mouth, like a sharp blade, pierced the cyan eyes that were imprisoned by numerous bone claws within.


There was a broken sound immediately afterwards, making everyone watching all of this tremble, and then accompanied by more and more dense broken sounds, this long tongue drove straight into the eyes of the Tao, and in a blink of an eye the latter completely Pierce through.

A stream of blue-gold blood gushed out from the eyes of Dao, and the air of countless laws surged out like a punctured balloon.

"It's so fascinating, it's coming to the mouth of the gods, what a pity it would be wasted!"

The excitement and piercing sound came out from the giant mouth. After speaking, the former opened again, and then suddenly contracted his tongue, with the completely pierced eye, returned to the Yin Hong giant mouth. Inside.

At the next breath, the neat teeth in the huge mouth closed inward, and he chewed down, instantly containing countless laws of green-gold blood, suddenly gushing out from between the lips and teeth, even overflowing the corners of the mouth.

This is a picture that makes your scalp numb!

The Eye of Heaven in the vast land of Shenzhou is so easily chewed and eaten without any resistance, and the scarlet giant mouth chirps because it is too delicious, and it is like a heavy hammer, striking the figure below. Heart.

"This sleepless god, eating the eyes of heaven like chewing berries, really terrifying!"

Sima Annan's extremely solemn voice undoubtedly said the minds of all the taboos beside him, and then the chewing sound of the huge mouth above his head became louder and louder, indicating that the sleepless **** had been completely immersed in the delicacy.

At the same time, after that huge scarlet mouth had eaten the entire Shenzhou Haotu Tiandao, the upper and lower lips began to exude a very strange blue-red color.

"It's worth it. I didn't think that the old fox of the Lord might also miscalculate. It seems that he really can't wait. This sale is worth it!"

A long howl with a harsh smile continued to spread from the giant mouth, and perhaps because of the previous delicacy and nostalgia, after chewing the eye of heaven, the **** of sleepless religion still stuck out his tongue still. Add all the remaining heavenly blood to the mouth.

After a few breaths, the giant mouth of Sleepless after swallowing the Eye of Heaven, the corners of the mouth raised slightly, appearing particularly happy, and then it lowered slightly, turning the giant mouth toward the Gobi ground and fell into silence.

The silence at this time was thinking for the gods of Sleepless Sect. Time passed by breath after breath. Finally, the scarlet sentence mouth slowly grinned outward, facing the young emperor below, opening his mouth and let out a roar:

"The **** remembered you, young man!"

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