The Hardest Opening System in History

Chapter 1499: A deal from the devil

This is not the first time the young emperor has met the **** of sleepless religion!

Zhao Yu and all the taboos who participated in the Northern War can recognize this huge mouth covering most of the sky at a glance, but the latter, who is avatar of will free from countless worlds, still needs a certain amount of time to remember the quick glance. Zhao Yu.

The reason why this sleepless **** can remember Zhao Yu is actually due to the billions of Yin soldiers from the Ying clan that Guan Zhengqing had sacrificed before. The strength of his soul left this huge mouth extremely deep. impression.

"It turns out that the place where this **** was summoned before is actually Daiyu Xianshan. It is really dark under the lights. If you know in advance, you may be able to seek more!"

There was a little regret in the voice that came from the huge mouth of Yin Hong, and then the tongue inside the huge mouth of sleepless stretched out, licking the tongue again, the voice continued to sound:

"There are too many people who want to do business with the original god, so many times I am lazy to remember where I have been and who I have met, but the people who can let the original **** meet twice in a short time, it is not much."

After finishing the words, the sleepless giant mouth above the sky, together with the Hokkaido eyes behind the giant mouth, stared directly at Zhao Yu, who was flying in the imperial robe below, as if looking carefully up and down.

Afterwards, Zhao Yu, who was not irritated and majestic, stared at the top, his lips lightly opened, and the Emperor Gunun's voice came out:

"Perhaps after today, you will remember me, the unforgettable one."

After he finished speaking, Zhao Yu stretched out his right hand, patted his side, and supported his small head of the mountain and sea map. The whole body took a step forward, and the calm emperor's voice continued:

"I also know that the so-called heavenly realm is the eye, like you, Chaos Sea Wu Mian teaches the gods to be the mouth, do they still have noses, ears, and even the body, hands and feet?"

"Young people's ability to associate is good, maybe they really have ears and noses, this world is huge, and the **** is just a poor person trapped in the chaotic sea."

After the voice fell, Yin Hong's mouth was smiling, and she continued to make a jealous voice:

"Being able to push this enchanted Beihai Tiandao to such a level, you are proud enough, and young people, you have to know that the existence between the heaven and the earth will cultivate to a certain extent, and a deep-rooted obsession will arise from the depths of the soul. "

Speaking of this, this huge red mouth paused for a while, perhaps because it rarely saw young people as interesting as young emperors, so it spoke again abnormally:

"That is transcendence! Transcendence, transcendence from the shackles that surround the whole body, this is the ultimate pursuit of all living beings, and the **** is seeking transcendence, and so is the so-called deity.

"And sometimes for the sake of detachment, they will do things that weren't fair and honest before, just like the saint who is respectful and cherishes feathers, but this time he also blatantly risked the world's disdain and chose to do it with his own god. A big deal."

The big deal in the mouth of the sleepless giant mouth, at this time everyone on the shore of the Xianshan Sea was already aware of it, so they showed cold and stern colors, and like a grumpy lava boast, it even spit out a cold snort from the nostrils, full of The beard's face was as cold as frost.

It is true that the sudden appearance of the sleepless gods undoubtedly exceeded the expectations of everyone in Daxia. No matter how meticulous and detailed the deduction of the court military department, it would not be counted that the supreme existence in the Chaos Sea would come down.

Therefore, the situation at this moment, for Zhao Yu and Daxia, who are about to control the entire northern border of the Taixuan Land, is a wave of unrest, one after another!

The situation in Beihai that had gone from chaos to almost calming down again began to be turbulent, and then Sima Annan, standing beside the altar, held the folding fan on his right hand, and the veins were exposed because of too much force, and a low voice came out:

"From Beihai Tiandao to this sleepless god, this battle is really hard to fight!"

"Of course it's hard to fight. This is my Daxia's battle to build a country in the land of the Supreme Profound. If it is so easy to win, this world is too easy to talk. You must know that every step of the battle with the world is almost dead. Health!"

As soon as the lava's boastful response sounded, the sleepless giant's mouth, which had fallen into silence above it, suddenly began to change, and its giant mouth continued to open outward, and the sky was sucked violently at the top.

In the next instant, the endlessly rolling mist of Taoism at the highest point of the sky began to penetrate directly downwards, and at the same time countless noisy ghost howls suddenly spread out from all directions.

Afterwards, a series of vague soul shadows continuously rushed out from the depths of the void. It was the monk of the Supreme Profound Land who died on the shore of the fairy island sea, the soul who has not yet returned to the market.

"All come to my god!"

The piercing roar resounded once again between the world and the earth. After a breath, the screaming and roaring spirits were violently swallowed by the scarlet giant mouth, followed by a slightly joking voice rolling down from above again:

"The original **** just thought about it. Since the holy sovereign has already started trading, why doesn't the original god?"

After speaking, the vast will from the gods of Sleepless Sect on the sky began to pour downward, and the voice rose again:

"The saint is old and cunning. He has signed a three-hundred-year peace contract with the god, which means that he has absolute certainty that he can complete his ambitions within hundreds of years.

"Naturally, the **** can't let him do what he wants. This northern realm was ceded by him to the god. The **** could have directly led the Chaos Sea down and washed the entire North Sea, making it a place for the sleepless person. Come, my sphere of influence can reach the bank of Taixuan Central Plains.

"But now, I have changed my mind, I want to make a deal with you!"

The voice fell, and the sleepless giant mouth that almost completely swallowed all the monks' souls in the Supreme Profound Land by the entire fairy island sea, continued to increase the swallowing power in the mouth, and began to spread to the entire North Sea, and the voice continued to pass:

"Young man, this **** has given you and your kingdom three hundred years. During these three hundred years, if you can curb the expansion of the Holy Court's power, then once the time comes, this northern border belongs to you.

"If you can't do it, before that, the **** will come down with infinite chaotic sea water, turning this place into a sleepless place!"

As soon as he said this, the world was silent!

Except for the more and more resounding souls on the shore of the Xianshan Sea, the rest of the sounds seemed to disappear completely, and then more and more souls of the dead began to gather from the entire North Sea Void towards the center, covering the sky.

At the next breath, this huge scarlet mouth belonging to the Sleepless Sect opened again, and the harsh voice continued to resound in the sky:

"Young man, this is a completely worthwhile deal for you, because the enemy of the enemy is a friend, and you only need to leave a little thing.

"That is to leave your soul mark on this contract!"

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