"Close its mouth!"

The emperor gave orders to the world and kept his word.

Therefore, after this radiant sound penetrated the world, the Gobi desert that was originally in silence, countless sands and stones were instantly blasted into the sky by a huge force.

These continuous patches of gravel rushing to the sky are not hundreds of miles away, but almost encompassing the entire Gobi desert, all rising together to form a spectacular sand-dust waterfall.

In the next instant, the vast silver light that Zeng Jinghong glanced at once again rushed into the sky from below the earth, and at the same time, a heartbeat that was even more ear-sounding than a thunder roar, shocked the already broken void in the center of the North Sea.

After that, the strong to the extreme power of blood and blood, together with the dazzling silver light, burst out among countless sand and dust storms, and completely exploded in a blink of an eye, turning into a dust storm sweeping the sky and the earth.

In the next breath, two huge silver palms stretched out from the rolling sand and grabbed the huge scarlet mouth that opened its mouth to spit out the chaotic sea above the sky.

These two palms are so huge, just like two large boundless floating continents, and at the same time, the silver light and the vast ultimate power have firmly imprisoned the huge mouth of Sleepless above.

"This is the ultimate strength. Except for the two town envoys of the Ancient Immortal Palace, no one in the world has this ability to use. With the power of silver energy and blood, you are the Great Lord Silver Mountain!"

Since the ancient fairy court period, this fairy palace gatekeeper has been famous, so the giant mouth of the **** of sleepless religion is naturally no stranger, and it is worth mentioning that in this sound from above, apart from shock There is also a faint fear.

The roar of the insomniac deity lingered back and forth, a huge body standing upright on the ground, following these silver palms, it began to step out between the tumbling dust that enveloped the world.

As the huge body stepped forward, the earth-shaking heartbeat inside the Great Lord Yinshan became even louder.

"Boom, boom, boom!"

If it is said that the Silver Mountain Great Lord Guangguang used the palm of his hand to photograph several terrestrial gods and gods on the ground, already showing the most powerful edge, then at this time, the former who completely revealed his body shape has released it. Zhengrong, even hard to describe in words.

I saw the part above the neck of the Great Venerable Silver Mountain. Because the body was too tall, it was directly hidden in the clouds composed of countless blood and the mist of Taoism, but it was exposed in front of everyone's body, except for the silver light. In addition, there are countless bright red runes woven back and forth to form a complex rune like a dragon.

These runes came from the beating heart in the body of Great Silver Mountain at this time, the heart with the most extreme power of qi and blood in the world.

Heart of Terror!

The Heart of Terror Ao not only gave Silver Mountain the power of vitality and blood that was more violent than before, but also gave him the greatest power in the world, moving mountains and reclaiming the sea, and crushing stars.

After blinking, Yinshan Great Venerable's two big hands directly approached the sleepless god's mouth above the sky, and at the same time, the hands showed a tendency of overlapping up and down, trying to directly press the latter's open fangs mouth.

"Damn it, why does the Great Silver Mountain appear here!"

The screaming sound from the scarlet giant mouth above the sky was even sharper, but it contained a strong unwillingness, as if it were extremely unbelievable.

Then the chaotic sea water in the mouth of the sleepless god, together with the densely protruding bone claws, rushed forward, directly like the sky, pouring down towards the bottom.

In the next breath, the chaotic sea water of countless souls washed directly on the hands of the Great Silver Mountain, and the whole world was completely changed. The piercing screams of the souls and the ear-shaking heartbeat of the battle drum were intertwined in one place, and the whole The world is completely filled with noise.

Then under the eyes of everyone, the chaotic sea water splashed around along the palm of the Great Silver Mountain, and in the sea, countless souls stretched out their bones and claws, desperately grasping the silvery skin in front of them, trying to absorb any vitality. .

But all this is in vain. No matter how these soul-worn claws bite, the silvery skin glowing outside the palm of the great master, like a strong copper wall and iron wall, firmly resists the sea.

Chaos sea and sea waters together with these souls are undoubtedly the natural nemesis of all the creatures in the Supreme Profound Land, because it can absorb unimaginable vitality in an instant, even if it is a top-level overhaul, it is difficult to persist for too long and directly exhaust the source of life And die.

However, it is worth noting that the Silver Mountain Great Venerable is essentially a puppet of heaven and earth, which does not belong to the category of beings in the Supreme Profound Land. Therefore, this chaotic sea water can hardly draw any vitality from his body.

On the other hand, the heart of Terror's beating inside the Great Lord is also the nemesis of the chaotic sea, because it is producing incomparably rich vitality every moment.

The sleepless gods, who have dealt with Yinshan and Jinhai, the two original fairy palace gatekeepers, naturally know the power of restraint of the heaven and earth puppets, so they directly begin to condense in the giant mouth to destroy the heavens and destroy the earth. Supernatural powers.

I saw an incomparably piercing purple light in the rolling chaotic sea water. Within this purple light, there seemed to be a huge finger looming, but the next moment, I had not waited for the fingers in this mouth to completely condense. The hands of Great Silver Mountain, the overlapping hands, directly pressed against the upper and lower lips of the huge mouth with an unstoppable force.


The next breath, accompanied by a roar of heaven and earth from the Great Lord Silver Mountain, on the entire arm of the Great Lord, together with the palms that covered the sky and the sun, the blood pattern like a dragon lit up for an instant, and even a sound like a dragon roar was heard. Howling roar.

After an instant, the extremely powerful force shattered the void, and at the same time, the **** mouth of the sleepless **** was completely pressed together!

Jun has no joking, but the young emperor says he is happy, even if it is a so-called god!

Then a earth-shattering hum came out from the huge mouth of Sleepless, and after being forced to close his mouth with unparalleled strength, the former began to tremble violently due to infinite anger, so that the entire rear was acting The eyes of Beihai Tiandao that came to the media began to appear incomparably dark cracks.

Within these cracks, the billowing sleepless air rushed out crazily, like this **** of sleepless sect, because of such humiliation, he would descend on more bodies.

Then Zhao Yu, who was holding the Fengao Nine Sky Banner on the Gobi, moved slightly with his black hair and flying robe, and took a step forward.

With this step, the young emperor walked straight into the sky, standing firmly on the void, and continued to move, step by step towards the nine heavens.

At the same time, gazes with incomparable respect and reverence began to condense on the figure that slowly walked up to the sky, upright like a pine.

Afterwards, whether it was the taboos on the cliffs and the sea, or the countless people behind the entire Daxia, they all knelt down on one knee, their heads hung down, and silenced with awe to show respect to the Supreme Emperor.

Zhao Yu didn't step forward quickly, but with every step he took, he could soar up for nine days.

After three breaths, Zhao Yushui's figure appeared directly in front of the sleepless god's huge mouth, his majestic gaze looked straight ahead, his lips lightly opened, and the emperor's voice heard:

"You will remember me, and you will also remember this Beihai."

After speaking, countless **** red lights appeared on the young emperor's right hand, and in a blink of an eye, a huge five-star magic array was condensed, shining in the world.

Ancient taboo magical powers. Doom!

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