The Hardest Opening System in History

Chapter 1503: Clean and clean

"As you said, Daxia, the vast land of my Divine Region, was born in the end of the day, and perhaps except for those with ulterior motives, the rest of the entire Taixuan Land would not care.

"In your eyes, my Daxia chess piece is a waste piece that quietly appeared in the north. You look at the world market and use the North to lay out the Central Plains, and you ignore us that suddenly appeared in the North Sea."

Above the sky above the cliffs of the North Sea, the original violent and unparalleled aura of destruction suddenly dissipated most of it after the Great Lord Silver Mountain reached out and pressed the huge mouth of the **** of Insomnia.

The Great Lord Silver Mountain, who was once the gatekeeper of the ancient fairy palace, has incomparable ultimate power after obtaining the Heart of Terror Ao, and every dragon-like rune vessel on its silver palm is outwards. It exudes infinite repressive power, just like a mountain with infinite weight, suppressing all fluctuations.

Above the sleepless god’s huge mouth, Zhao Yu’s thousands of black hair billowed like a long river, and after the young and steady voice fell, the young emperor lowered his head, watching the trembling and violent scarlet huge mouth, his voice continued to spread. Out:

"The Lord regards the North as a grass and mustard, and discards it as a bargaining chip. The other sect forces in the primordial land also regard this place as a deep and hot land. If it weren't for the so-called fairy mountain opportunity, I am afraid that it would never be mentioned in a lifetime.

"Even the homeless wandering cultivators don’t want to step into the north. They just found a piece of land in Liusha County to the south to linger. This place is already forgotten. You are talking about it, in fact I don't care at all in my heart."

The emperor's voice from Zhao Yu's mouth was as stable as ever. Then the young emperor raised his head and looked around the void, frowned, and continued to speak:

"I don't know if there are other people hiding in this deserted northern land, and the rest are watching, but I am really fearless."

When the word "Fearless" sounded from Zhao Yu's mouth, it had an extremely serious color, and through the eyes of the young Great Xia Master watching from all directions, everything in the entire area of ​​the boundless North Sea seemed to be panoramic.

Above the void outside the North Sea, there was a light emitting a faint blue light floating in the air, and within the blue light that temporarily trapped the Taiqing Sect Master, one after another mighty force blasted out, eliminating the collision with each other. The man in the clothes inside tried to break out of the lamp.

And not far from this blue lantern, there are several golden palaces dragged by Tianma, which are the several emperors of the Central Shangguo who both confronted each other and resisted the vast and energetic attack.

Farther away, the huge ghost dragon of the Soul Burial Sect, and the shadow of the Wujiang Sect walking vaguely in the void, stayed on the void. The monks of the two forces were dignified, staring at the chaotic undulating sky ahead, but Did not dare to move forward half a step.

If you continue to look to the north, you will find that in the place thousands of miles north of the five powers of the five sects of the Taixuan Yin Dynasty, outside of the Daiyu Xianshan Sea, the heavenly body of the Jinhai Great Lord is turning into a sea of ​​gold and moving southward. .

On the shoulders of the Great Master Jinhai, the young man sat firmly on his shoulders, and the hexagrams in his hands were thrown out and retracted, but the blood in each hexagram was rushing to the sky, indicating a big evil sign.

The vast sea of ​​gold flashed above the North Sea, and then the turbulent North Sea below suddenly separated to both sides. A group of monks wearing various robes came out of the sea, and the billowing Buddha light shot outward, dispersing the surrounding sea. .

Then a not old voice sounded softly:

"Little holy monk, there is such a powerful sleepless aura in the north, and there should be a big figure coming, how should we act?"

As soon as this statement came out, all the monks held their breaths and stared at the little novice in the golden robes in front of him. After the next breath, a gentle response came out:

"We have no choice but to continue northward to the island after the two sides fight each other. According to the previous plan, the temples of the Western Regions have moved eastward to impact Dayanxiong Pass. My Buddhism needs a retreat and new blood!"

After the little novice's voice fell, the monks were silent.

Afterwards, the sea area where the monks of the Western Regions are located continues to the north, past the Xianshan Sea where the young emperor and the sleepless giant's mouth are confronting, all the way to the direction of the Sun Empire Tongtian City, broken walls are everywhere along the road, and foreign corpses are everywhere.

In the process of Daiyuxian Mountain breaking through the infinite void and being reborn in the North Sea, the solar empire, which had neither the protection of heaven nor the protection of divine tools, was hit by the destruction of the heavens and the earth, and very few alien races could survive.

Afterwards, under the Tongtian Mountains, which were almost full of corpses, countless frost and snow suddenly fell from the sky, and it took only a few breaths to cover the entire city above the mountains.

Within the sky full of frost and snow, one after another, exuding crystal clear human shadows, slowly walked out, and then countless frightened foreign races of the Sun Empire in Tongtian City opened the gates and rushed out in front of the sky, howling and shaking the world:

"God, the gods have finally come to save us!"

Seeing these ragged alien races, forming a raging tide, an old temple priest who came from the Xuemei country opened his mouth and uttered a stern shout, raised his hand and waved forward, countless ice thorns flying directly from the snow. It burst out from within, pouring forward like a heavy rain.

"Stupid creatures are so noisy and scattered."

After a breath, blood splashed, howls resounded throughout the world, and the flying snow outside Tongtian City was suddenly soaked into scarlet red.

The scenes that are still taking place in the entire Beihai, under the power of the mysterious world, have turned into scenes of light and shadow flashing in Zhao Yu's ebony eyes.

As the young emperor said before, there are people with ulterior motives in Beihai who want to take advantage of this layout, leaving this place as a back road like the Buddhist monks of the Western Regions, and looking for the future of the entire race nation like the Xuemei Kingdom.

Such thoughts are intertwined back and forth to form a huge and complicated chessboard, like countless cuts and messy threads, densely wound.

People who are familiar with Zhao Yu at this time know that once the young emperor speaks this, it means he has to do something.

"Your Majesty is going to flip the chessboard!"

The sound of Sima Anan's unimportant and unimportant sound made all the taboos who were kneeling on one knee stunned in their hearts, slowly raising their heads, and staring into the sky above the sky, there was endless flames burning.

"This Taixuan land is indeed much more complicated than our Shenzhou vast land. Just the Beihai that no one cares about has been laid out by people, not to mention the area. The wider Central Plains.

"That's why the chessboard is lifted. There are a lot of people who have to use their brains to play chess on this land. Lift the table and chop off all the hands that come in to be clean."


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