On the outskirts of the North Sea Island Fairy Mountain, nine of them moved from the Daxia East Sea to the islands here with great magical powers. Almost all the generals on the front line gathered directly in the camp of the central island in just a few dozen minutes. within.

After the monk gave Zhao Yu’s latest sacred order, the frontline soldier and horse marshal Wang Jing, who had been sitting behind the table, suddenly stood up and directly took the deputy general out of the camp. The sound of war drums resounded throughout the world.

"Marshal, everything has been prepared for a long time, this moment is finally coming!"

After the lieutenant next to him heard an uncontrollable excitement, Wang Jing strode forward, his footsteps paused slightly, his heroic face raised his sword eyebrows, and a young response came out:

"As the saying goes, whether it is the Military Aircraft Department or our Ministry of Defense that this order is indispensable, this is the fastest and most thorough way. As for the so-called damage to the heavens and disrespect to the Tao, they are all special. Mother is bullshit."

After speaking, Wang Jing directly stretched out his hand to open the camp in front of him, and continued to speak with an increasingly powerful voice:

"Not to mention that the place where the birds do not **** in Beihai has no living creatures. It blows up all the hidden children and layouts that were left before. It is quick and easy. By the way, I will also show the gods and the like of Sleepless Sect. Look, Daxia is not a soft persimmon kneading at will.

"Turn the stall up and let us reorganize it. In another three or five years, let's take a look at those great forces that have killed and beaten the Great Profound Land. Who dares to come to the North to be presumptuous!"

When the voice fell, Wang Jing stepped directly out of the camp, squinted his eyes, and stared forward, and what he saw was the torrent of soldiers starting to mobilize intensively below.

At the same moment, except for the main island, the other eight surrounding islands were all extremely busy. Under the roar of the school captains, the military machines on the entire Daxia frontline began to run wildly.

"Marshal Wang, your majesty issued the holy order as soon as possible. Jiuyao Island has already started arranging the orderly evacuation of all the soldiers in the camp, because the transfer of the soldiers began as early as after the end of the war, so big guys such as Weiyang puppets They have all returned to the rear, and the remaining sergeants on the nine islands can complete their teleportation and evacuation in a very short time after the formation is completed."

Behind Wang Jing, the middle-aged lieutenant's report fell, the former nodded slightly, and the voice came out:

"Hurry up, leave enough time for the craftsmen of the artisan department to decorate, and then enjoy it. This is about to amaze the big fireworks in the whole world!"

The three words for the big firework came from Wangjingkou, with a full-bodied look of anticipation. Then the middle-aged lieutenant stood up straight, saluted heavily, turned and walked away quickly.

After ten breaths, the movement of the frontline troops on the entire Jiuyao Island was even faster. The clanging noises made by countless soldiers when their armors collided with each other sounded densely, directly forming a **** iron-blooded battle song. .

After that, beside the shrines on Jiuyao Island that were shining with blue and white light, countless teleporting beams filled the space between the heavens and the earth, and in an instant, blossoms of teleportation flowers shining from the heavens and the earth bloomed, and then these teleported flowers continued to form into pieces. The vast ocean occupies the entire sky.

Within this teleportation flower after another, soldiers evacuated and some teleported here.

Then, under the curious gaze of countless soldiers, a large number of Daxia Craftsmen were transported here. These craftsmen wore very special white robes and carried a javelin-like rune. The long object, which had just been transported down, hurried forward under the leadership of some Ministry of Industry officials.

As far as the various departments of Daxia are concerned, under Zhao Yu's will, the almost reborn Daxia Engineering Department has unknowingly, because of the endless war machines, it has brought a trace of mystery.

Therefore, when these white-robed artisans dispersed in groups toward the nine islands, the eyes of a large number of soldiers followed them, and even the movement of preparing to tear the teleporting scroll in their hands stopped for a moment.

"All the sergeants, all teleported a little bit to make way for the craftsmen. If you neglect the military aircraft and the military law, you little bunnies, take your eyes back to the lieutenant. This battle is now a victory. You still don’t want to think about how to return to your hometown soon after, look around, and quickly tear open the teleporting scroll!"

After their own school lieutenant fell with a smile, these extremely young frontline soldiers hurriedly retracted their eyes, grinned, and tore open the scroll in their hands, and the figure disappeared directly into the place with the beam of light.

Within the next fifty breaths, ninety-nine percent of the soldiers and soldiers on the front line collectively teleported away. The Jiuyao Island, which was full of iron and blood, suddenly became extremely quiet.

At the same time, the Daxia craftsmen scattered across the nine islands, under the guidance of the map in their hands, began to search for marked locations. Among these craftsmen, several figures from the organ sect appeared.

"That's right here, give me the shovel, dig up the land, and confirm."

After speaking for the first disciple wearing a white robe, he reached out and took a shovel with the characteristics of the Ministry of Industry, mobilized the vitality of the heaven and earth in his body, and dig directly into the unremarkable land below.

In the next breath, the originally extremely solid ground in front of him collapsed down like melting, a touch of green suddenly caught the eyes of all the craftsmen, and then the green grew more and more, spreading into one piece, and it was even hard to see the ground. Looking to the end.

Take a closer look, every touch of green under the ground is a barrel that is as tall as a person. On the wall of the barrel, there is also a pattern that looks like a weird smiling face, which looks very inconspicuous at first glance. , But I don’t know why, but all those who saw it instantly felt that their whole body was standing upright, and the skin suddenly stabbed.

Then a few disciples from the Institution Sect behind him swallowed and murmured:

"Brother, the green barrels in front of us can really blow up the entire Beihai?"

As soon as this question came out, the senior brother of the organ master who was crouching in front of the pit shuddered subconsciously, and then took a deep breath, took a long rune column from his back, and inserted it into the side of the ground forcefully, trying his best to be stable but still carrying A trembling voice followed:

"You don't know anything. When the senior sister was washing the red dust washing and experimenting with this thing, I happened to be on the scene. I saw the bursting volcano soaring into the sky. It only took a moment to wipe out the entire mountain. It’s just a bucket of power."

When the voice fell, the pupils of all the organ sect disciples around him shrank fiercely, because in front of them, the entire island was filled with dense drums, countless in number.

At the next breath, the organ master brother seemed to see through the voices in the hearts of these disciples, and the increasingly enthusiastic voice came out directly:

"You are right. The underground Jiuyao Island where we are located are all these mighty barrels. Not only that, there are more of these things everywhere in the North Sea, as well as the Xianshan Sea in the center.

"It can be said that this is my Daxia, one of my trump cards in the battle to build a nation!"

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