"Brother me, I started a few years earlier than you guys, and when I was admitted to the organ sect, whether it was the organ sect or the Daxia Ministry of Industry, they were all neglected existences. In fact, I was not afraid of your jokes when I said it. Before joining the agency sect, I went to another eight or nine other sects to try first."

The young voice continued to be heard from the older disciple of the Organzong who was wearing a white robe, and then the honest-faced young man took a deep look at the pile of green buckets in front of him, took a breath, and continued to speak. :

"Actually, my talent for cultivation is not high, but fortunately, I have a seriousness. Therefore, I entered the organ sect after all the twists and turns. At that time, in the entire Daxia rivers and lakes, my sect's organ art was regarded as a crooked way. The old master smashed the gate of the mountain with a single sword, which caused frequent cold eyes when going out."

After finishing the sentence, the organ sect disciple stood up and began to bend down to examine the rune standing on the ground pole in front of him. The voice sounded again:

"At that time, many disciples were extremely confused, and then the master sister said something that I still remember. She said that whether it is the so-called right way of cultivation or the other side ways, it can destroy the heavens and extinctions at the extreme level. The ground, one of the tools, may not be any worse than the mainstream practice."

Along with this word, after checking repeatedly and confirming that it was correct, the organ sect disciple directly stretched out his hand and held down the rune in front of him, injecting special vitality into the heaven and earth.

With the next breath, wisps of silver light suddenly lit up from the rune of the long pole, and began to flow, and then the light became more and more intense, directly rising into the sky, forming a silver beam of light.

At the same time, the organ sect disciple who had finished setting up stood upright, patted his robe, took a long sigh, and said with an expectant voice:

"Your Majesty calls the existence in these green barrels a bomb, a very slurred word, and it is not powerful enough, so our craftsmen privately call it the Thunder of the Sky.

"If the Great Silver Mountain represents the pinnacle of ingenious creation of the Dao of Qi, then these sky-shaking thunders in front of you are the ultimate manifestation of the power of destruction by the Dao of Qi, and when our great formation is completely displayed in the North Sea After it is turned on, all the mighty powers of the Thunder's explosion will be merged in one place, and it will not be as simple as superimposing each other."

After this organ sect disciple had finished speaking, an extremely enthusiastic expression suddenly appeared on his ordinary face, even his breathing was a lot of rapid.

Because this impending destruction is the artisan vein that can be clearly seen by the artisans.

The avenue can be seen in front of you, how lucky it is!

After a few breaths, with this first silver beam of light as the starting point, all over the island of Jiuyao, silver lights appeared one after another at almost the same time, vastly straight into the sky, and then directly reflected on the sky. Huge magic circle.

If you take a bird’s eye view of Beihai, the land of Taixuan from the sky, you will find that it is not just the place where Jiuyao islands are located on the front line. The entire Beihai, centered on the deep Daiyuxian Mountain, the surrounding seas are soaring into the sky and into the sky. Within the big array.

Every silver awn rising from the surface of the sea represents an innumerable sky-shaking thunder placed under the sea by the craftsmen of the Daxia Craftsmen. When all these silver awns are raised, they can even be in the sky. A huge pattern was seen above.

That is a mushroom cloud billowing up!

"Master Sima, the information from the surrounding areas has arrived, and everything has been prepared."

On the shore of the Xianshan Sea, a slightly trembling notification sound was hurriedly teleported from the back from the secretary's mouth. Then Sima Annan's eyes suddenly lit up, and his body exploded outwards, and the entire white robe was completely wiped out in an instant. All bulge.

At the next breath, the handsome young man in charge of the military aircraft department turned his head, looked aside Zhong Lizhan, and nodded his head. Although he did not speak, he had clearly revealed his will.

Afterwards, Zhong Lizhan's body directly began to skyrocket outward, and countless mountains and rocks appeared on the surface of their own body, and in a blink of an eye, they became a mountain giant, and then the mountain giant bends his legs, and his whole body jumped up into the void.

At the next breath, Zhong Lizhan, who stood proudly in the sky, stretched out his hands directly, grabbed the silver mantle node at the center of the big array, and then tore it inward.


Accompanied by Zhong Lizhan's roar, under the violent power of the mountain giant, the sky thunder formation like a spider web above the sky suddenly tightened every silvery line to its limit.

Then there was a deafening whistling sound from far and near, wrapped in a billowing wave, quickly approaching the shore of the Xianshan Sea, and among the boiling waves, there were huge islands.

These islands, which are pulled towards the shore of the Xianshan Sea, are large and small, all exuding vast silver light. From a distance, they are like huge stars floating, together with the waves of the North Sea that are soaring. Strange beauty.

But those who know the inside story know that these island stars, which are shrouded in silver light, are one of the most dangerous things in the world, because the interior of each island is washed by red dust day and night, and there are countless numbers Taboo magical bombs.

"Boom boom boom."

With a roar and loud noise that resonated throughout the world, the Gobi desert by the Xianshan Sea trembled violently, and the wave rushed up the cliff and roared more violently.

At the next breath, Zhong Lizhan, the mountain giant above the void, continued his violent force, pulling the islands one after another against the cliff seaside, densely overlapping and fixed, just like this fairy island seaside, extending out directly. The whole continent is average.

Since then, the entire Tianlei formation has taken shape!

And centered on the side of the fairy mountain where the sleepless **** is at this time, the chain of islands spreads southward, gradually covering most of the depths of the North Sea.

At the same time, the large silver awn formation above the sky began to echo the islands below, and every ray of silver awn exuded a charming and dangerous beautiful luster.

After a breath, Sima Annan turned forward, respectfully saluting the young emperor standing proudly in front of the sky, and said loudly:

"Your Majesty, everything is ready, the North Sea order can be recast here, and the ministers will send your Majesty back to the palace!"

Sima Annan finished speaking, all the taboos and the Daxia monks in the rear saluted forward at the same time, and uniform voices came out:

"The minister is waiting to send your majesty back to the palace!"

Under the sound of the mountain whistling and the tsunami, Zhao Yu remained motionless, standing proudly above the void, and within the flying emperor robe, the vast and rich emperor's might poured outward, covering the sky.

The young emperor's faint gaze stared at the sleepless **** who was still shrouded in the five-star doomsday array in front of him, and then Zhao Yu moved his eyes, raised his right hand with a light wave, and the steady emperor's voice was passed down:

"You will leave first. I will release this formation and supernatural powers."

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