"I will release last."

Zhao Yu's simple sentence changed the expressions of Sima Annan and the Taboo below one after another, and then the group screamed again:

"Hope your majesty think twice!"

After the cry fell, Sima Annan took a step forward, knelt on one knee, and continued to speak loudly:

"Your Majesty, you also know that once the Thunder Array completely bursts, the entire Beihai will experience a complete baptism, especially this place as the center, which is even more dangerous.

"Your Majesty is the sky of my great summer. There must not be any mistakes. Therefore, the ministers dare to ask your Majesty to think twice, and the nightmare Sisi will release the final magical power."

Sima Annan's request for not being humble and not speaking fell, and a Daxia soldier behind him also knelt on one knee, and loudly asked Zhao Yu to take back the holy order.

Then everyone heard the response of the young emperor rolling down from above:

"I have my own plan. No need to worry, Sima Annan, you take the people and leave first. Liang Po is coming over. Don't worry."

The word Liangpo came out in the mouth of the young emperor, as if there was an incomparable power that made the taboos including Sima Annan's complexion loose, and then stopped talking, and the line slowly retreated, just like a regular class. Retreat in general.

After a few breaths, the blue and white transmission beams rushed directly to the sky, and the silhouettes of the people on the cliffs and the Gobi were dissipated by the Xianshan Sea.

The entire sky dome of the Gobi desert on the shore of the Xianshan Sea, with the disappearance of each person, only Zhao Yu, who was flying in the robe, and the Great Silver Mountain, who was earthed to the sky, remained.

At the same time, Zhao Yu's right hand continued to lift and swing above the sky, and the majestic emperor's voice continued to resound through the world:

"Yinshan, let go of the **** of sleepless sect. I have something to talk to about this vast and vast Taixuan world."

After the emperor's voice, the Great Silver Mountain, whose body pierced through the entire world, moved slightly, retracting the hands that covered the sun, and completely released the scarlet giant mouth of the **** of sleepless teaching.

Surprisingly, this scarlet giant mouth did not immediately fall into a state of madness after losing its imprisonment, but was calm and unusually calm.

Then the luster of the Five-Star Doomsday Law gradually dissipated the scarlet sleepless giant mouth, looking around for a week, a harsh, hoarse but unusually calm voice came out:

"Although the original **** thinks that you are not a nonsense person, it is unrealistic to overthrow the North Sea and recast the order of the entire northern border with this big formation."

The sound of the sleepless god’s scarlet huge mouth took on an unprecedented seriousness, and by this time, the high sleepless **** had already regarded the young man in the imperial robe flying in front of him as an opponent of his own level. Come treat.

Then the huge scarlet blood-like sleepless mouth above the sky continued to open and close, and the voice came out again:

"This Taixuan land has an infinite area in the north. Although this **** did not participate in the shocking battle that happened tens of thousands of years ago, he also knows that in that place where almost all Taixuan land is top-notch major repairs, life and death fight against each other. Below, it was worthy to shatter the North Sea sky dome.

"Young man, if you think that you can directly recast the order of the North Sea by relying on yourself, that would be a little embarrassing."

"In fact, there are a lot of things, even if you are the so-called sleepless god, you still don't know something, just like you have never understood that our and our Daxia has such a powerful strength."

Zhao Yu’s faint response fell, and the giant mouth of the sleepless **** in front of him fell into a few breaths of silence. As Zhao Yu said, the development of the entire Beihai at this time can be said to be beyond all existing expectations, even if it is. He himself had never expected it.

Thinking of this, the sleepless god's huge mouth stretched out the same scarlet tongue, licked his lips, and said in agreement:

"Young man, this **** admits that there is some truth in what you said. It seems that even the Holy Venerable has taken a blind eye. He tried every possible means to make a drastic change in the North Sea. He wanted to attract the attention of the rest of the great powers in the entire Supreme Profound Land. But never thought that he brought himself an enemy that could not be ignored.

"The original **** still said that the enemy's enemy is a friend, so there may not be no bargaining between you and me."

After speaking, the corners of Wumian's huge mouth raised slightly, revealing a fascinating smile, but Zhao Yu, who stood proudly in the void in front of him, did not have any other expressions on his face that was not angry and prestigious, it was not tight. The slow voice continued:

"Since the first day I and Daxia came to Beihai, the land of Taixuan, I have understood that in this perilous world, all I can do is on my own, but I am not only the emperor of a country, but also the husband of a woman. , Is the father of the children, so I have something to ask."

As soon as Zhao Yu said this, the giant mouth of Wuxian in front of him suddenly burst into laughter. The laughter was harsh, as if he had encountered something of great interest, and then a deafening response came out:

"It doesn't matter if you ask, the **** likes the needs the most, young people, because as long as there is a need, there will be flaws and weaknesses!"

The harsh laughter trembled the world, but the young emperor did not hesitate a bit, but directly asked:

"The so-called sleeplessness, can it really be immortal, and avoid the inevitable five evils of heaven and man in the world?"

After this question came out, the huge mouth of the sleepless **** opened outward, and the harsh laughter became louder and louder, as if he had heard the funniest joke in the world.

"Jie Jie Jie, young man, your [biquger.vip] question makes this **** find it ridiculous. You can ask any child who has a little common sense in the land of the profound, and they can answer you. .

"I wait for the sleepless people, the same unavoidable five failures of heaven and man, because this immortal torture is also one of the five failures, and it is the most painful one."

When the voice fell, the fangs of the sleepless **** continued to be exposed for an instant, and at the same time continued to roll out with a voice of infinite pain:

"I have lost all the memories I had before my life, all day long under the shackles of the Chaos Sea, and the so-called immortality is only relatively speaking, because in the Chaos Sea, no sleep can swallow no sleep!"

As soon as this stern voice came out, although Zhao Yu was still facing the Pinghu Lake, the flashing luster in the black eyes indicated that the young emperor's heart was not calm, but there were countless thunderous sparkles.

After getting the answer, the whole world fell directly into deep silence.

After a few breaths of silence, Zhao Yu closed his eyes without saying a word, turned around slowly, and let out a soft sigh:

"The road to sleeplessness seems to be unworkable, so we need to find another way.

"Even if the entire Taixuan land is turned upside down, I have to find a way!"

After he finished speaking, Zhao Yu stretched out his right hand and replied.

In the next instant, the large silver array shining above the sky was very bright and trembling violently, and then began to sink slowly toward the sea under the action of a powerful force of heaven and earth.

The moment the Great Formation presses into the sea is when the North Sea is overturned!

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