The Hardest Opening System in History

Chapter 1514: Return to rule the roost

On the banks of the North Sea outside Shen Xiancheng, although the Ring of Destruction had swept past and continued to sway southward, the forbidden power that burst out from the center of the North Sea still impacted outwards one after another.

Then, whether it was the sea water or the barren land in the north, more and more gray mist was washed and evaporated, rolled up and down, and then disappeared.

If you take a bird's eye view of the entire North Sea from the sky, you will find that the North Sea at this time is like a piece of beautiful jade that is removing dirt, and it is renewed with breathtaking magnificent colors every moment.

As the saying goes, the layman looks at the excitement, the insider looks at the doorway, and the higher the cultivation level, the feelings of everything happening in Beihai at this time are also completely different.

Ordinary people can only see the toxic gray fog that is forced out in the North Sea waters, but there are none, and you can see more from the chaos inverted in front of them.

"The original laws of the North Sea are being completely shattered and then quickly reorganized. This is a complete rebirth belonging to the northern border of the Taixuan Land."

On the sea surface not far from the shore of the North Sea, within the sea water mist that boiled over infinitely, a vast golden light shone in the void.

Within this golden light, the huge body of Jinhai Great Lord was squatting and curling up, showing a defensive guardianship. At the same time, the billowing golden light was mobilized to spread the next layer of defensive supernatural powers around his body to shine in the world.

At the same time, the young man Xuan on his shoulders nailed his feet to the shoulders of the great master, watching the shocking vision sweeping the entire Beihai, and continued to speak:

"For tens of thousands of years, the laws of this northern land have been shattered and extremely chaotic, and because of this, it is difficult for ordinary palm edge birth and death realm masters to tear apart the space here, and use distanceless methods, fighting power and Compared with the time in Central Plains, it is much inferior."

After the voice fell, a solemn and solemn expression appeared on Xuan Pu's ordinary face, and the voice continued:

"As everyone knows, it is extremely difficult to reorganize the laws of a region, especially the huge and extremely large area like the Northern Territory, which is even more fantastic, but I did not expect that this reborn Daxia force would have such strength, and So courageous!"

The voice fell, and the Great Lord Jinhai, who released the golden mang for defense with all his strength, just wanted to respond, but he opened his mouth and let out a muffled hum, because at this moment, another wave of destruction was swept from the front.

"What is it that can produce such violent destruction power, the deity has repeatedly retreated to the shore of the North Sea, but still resists so hard, then at this time the deep center of the North Sea, the power How vast it should be, it's hard to survive as immortals."

A roar rolled out from the mouth of the Great Lord Jinhai, and then the body that the former was struggling to defend, was directly blown southward under the waves of stars from the bombardment.

The vast tumbling sea of ​​gold smashed countless evaporating mists, while leaving an extremely dark crack in the void. Then the golden light burst from the hands of the great master Jinhai, suddenly condensed inward, and directly wrapped the great statue. The hands covering the sky and sun are like wearing a pair of pure gold gloves.

At the next breath, Great Master Jin Hai stretched his hands into the cracks in the space, and then slammed inward, trying to fix the whole body in place, and then the crackling and cracking sound continued to sound, heading south. The huge body that lifted off still showed no signs of stopping.

"Even during the fiercest **** battle in the North Sea tens of thousands of years ago, the deity never encountered such a powerful impact, so stop it!"

The roar of Jin Hai Great Master rang out violently among the upside-down water mist, and then the young man Xuan on his shoulders, with his hands folded and imprinted, directly patted the front palm.

Then a blue lantern emerged from Xuan's shoulders, and the flames above the blue lantern suddenly burned at an unprecedented speed, and released a billowing blue air, directly enclosing the entire body of the Jinhai Great Lord. At the same time, a mysterious breath began to flow within the blue aura, and began to resist the force of the taboo from the north.

After a few breaths, the Golden Sea Grandmaster, who was covered in blue and gold with two qi, finally stabilized his figure above the void, stretched out his hand to the water mist waterfall rushing from the sea to the sky, and tore a huge opening. , Stepped out in one step, continued to turn into a sea of ​​gold, and quickly moved away southward.

"Xuan, it's dangerous. Without the light of luck you used, this time the deity wants to retreat all over, I'm afraid it won't be easy."

Great Master Jin Hai continued to sound from the tumbling water with a little sigh, and then the young man's steady response came from the shoulder of the former:

"At this time, it is already at the outermost periphery of the entire North Sea, even not far from the coast. Therefore, compared to the center of the North Sea, the power that sweeps outwards has been weakened by at least 40%. Therefore, you and I can get away and have to Good for this."

The young man Xuan’s response was neither humble nor utterance, but if he listened carefully, he could still feel a very strange emotion in it, and then he stared at the gray mist that was forced out of the surrounding blue-gold light. The voice sounded again:

"The major monks and the major forces in the Great Profound Land meet every once in a while to discuss the Tao. I have heard that there is a powerful discussion about the harsh conditions that the North Sea needs to recover.

"Among them, the chaotic remnant aura hidden in the endless sea, like bone gangrene, is one of the most difficult diseases to expel. At that time, no one at the Taoist society could give a practical solution. At this time, Fortunately, I have seen the most perfect and most shocking method of extermination!"

"This method is too exaggerated. Even during the time of the Immortal Palace, which was once the peak of the Supreme Profound Land, the deity who served as the envoy of the town gate did not see such an act of burning the North Sea. Once you become famous, the world knows!"

After the words of the Great Lord Jinhai fell, at the end of the line of sight in front of him, a vague coastline suddenly appeared, and behind the coastline was the North Sea waste soil that was stripped layer by layer on the sky.

Then the Great Lord Jinhai moved faster to the south, and his whole body jumped up, and after two breaths, he slammed heavily on the ground by the coast, making a roar.

Then the strong touch of the foot on the ground made Jinshan Great Master loose his heart, lifted his fists into the sky, and the golden light was released, gradually stabilizing his body in the impact wave.

"Beihai is going to change completely!"

After the great sigh of Jinhai fell, the young man Xuan slowly sat down cross-legged. In addition to the blue light on his shoulders, there were hexagrams spinning around his body. Then he raised his head and looked at the north with his voice. Continue to ring:

"This devastating impact not only eliminated the remaining chaotic aura, but more importantly, it shattered the secrets and backhands who had previously been able to stay in the North Sea.

"In other words, the kingdom where the Great Northern Territory is located will completely control the entire Beihai, and the rise of Daxia is unstoppable.

"The world is unpredictable, and no one has thought that the first to truly complete the return to dominance is the North!"

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