The Hardest Opening System in History

Chapter 1515: When there is a heavy rain

"The gods are angry, and the northern sky is turned upside down. This is the punishment God has given us. Run!"

In the northern boundary of the Taixuan Land, on the Gobi yellow sand outside Xiaoyao City in Liusha County, several shabby and self-cultivating figures rushed from the north in an extremely embarrassed manner, and the horrified roar came out.

On the face of this digital casual repairer, there is a distorted color after being panicked to the extreme, and turning back frequently, the voice continues to roar:

"Quickly, close the city gate, God's punishment is coming!"

At this time, Xiaoyao City, Liusha County, was much deserted than before. The originally densely packed and countless number of wandering and casual practitioners followed Sun Qian and Xuelianjiao's southward uprising, and the entire city suddenly became empty.

But not every wandering cultivator is willing to fight the uprising. Some people are more willing to live the life of low-level ants. In addition, there are some people with ulterior motives who sneak back to Xiaoyao City to form the new city. pattern.

Then the young emperor recast the North Sea order, the taboo emperor star burst, day and night turned upside down, the white glow completely filled the whole world, Xiaoyao City also sent some monks to explore, but it didn’t take long for him to scream and howl as he fled Back.

In the next breath, the harsh shouts rolled from the front, making the complexion of a large number of monks above the ruined wall of Xiaoyao City suddenly changed. Just when they wanted to ask, their whole body trembled like a sieve.

At the end of these people’s sights, the vast forbidden star ring rushed in with the supreme power. Wherever they passed, the wasteland filled the sky, and countless dark brown lands on the ground were drawn into the sky, forming a statue that completely occupies the entire sky. Between the heaven and the earth, a behemoth of violent rushing with its teeth and claws.

"Damn, damn, what is this?"

A series of horrified shouts came from these wandering San Xiu. After a few breaths, under the increasingly desperate gazes of those San Xiu, the Forbidden Star Ring swept across the earth directly. The casual practitioners blasted into blood foam, and were instantly involved in the wasteland, disappearing.

"This is a punishment, it's a punishment for not joining the Snow Lotus Cult. My life is over!"

Along with a desperate roar from an old casual repairer on the city wall, Taboo Starlink crashed into Xiaoyao City. At the same time, the black tornado originally composed of waste soil suddenly turned into a billowing after countless yellow sand was crushed. tan.

After a short while, the huge quicksand city was completely wiped from the ground, as if it had never appeared, and then the violent impact force continued to the south, rolling the countless yellow sand on the ground into the sky, covering the sky. Blind the sun, quickly approaching towards the end of Liusha County.

On the most southern desert of Liusha County, a huge camp was stationed. Inside the camp, densely packed stray corrections stared blankly at the north with the shocking vision while holding food in their hands.

Then the earth began to crack and tremble wildly, and the faces of these casual cultivators began to become more and more frightened.

"This is the northern border of the land of the profound mystery, isn't it going to be completely destroyed?"

Before the words were over, the violent power of the north swept to the front like a teleport, and then the casual practitioners who went south to the rebellion subconsciously used their hands and feet together, howled and began to flee, and the entire camp was suddenly chaotic.

After an instant, a young and strong voice sounded directly in the ears of all the frantic monks:

"Everyone, don't worry, the north has changed drastically, but the saintess of snow lotus can protect you, don't panic!"

As soon as the words came out, a barrier radiating blue and white light appeared directly above the sky dome of the camp, and then it turned into a big bowl, covered it down, and enveloped the entire campsite.

"Saint Snow Lotus, save all sentient beings!"

In the next breath, bursts of sweet chanting sounded from the heavens and the earth. With this sweet chanting, the violent might swept through, but it was difficult to harm the slightest amount of loose repair within the light.

After that, the casual cultivators began to kneel together, facing the place where the Saint Snow Lotus in the center of the camp is, kneeling to the ground, kowtowing, and shouting like a mountain tsunami:

"Saint, Saint, Saint!"

Under the uniform shouts, a green light suddenly swept outward from the center of the camp, sweeping all the kneeling casual repairs at a very fast speed.

This green light contained an extremely rich life aura, and after sweeping through San Xiu's body, it nourished the latter's lack of vitality like nectar.

Just as the so-called long drought meets the rain, when this breath of life rushed into the body and filled the meridians, the casual practitioners subconsciously opened their mouths and let out a refreshing sigh.

"Saint Snow Lotus, to save all sentient beings, Saint Snow Lotus, to save all sentient beings!"

The louder and louder shouts rose to the sky, and then these San Xiu slowly raised their heads and stared at the center of the camp where the Saint Snow Lotus is located. In their eyes, the color of fanatical devotion was burning.

The seeds of faith in their minds have taken root and sprouted unconsciously, especially when a large number of fanatics have appeared.

"It's really the best way to gain faith to perform miracles. It's no wonder that the so-called gods in the land of the Supreme Profound Realm are all willing to show their power to believers."

In the center of Liusha County camp, a huge tent was erected. Inside the tent, Song Xinhao’s young voice sounded. I saw this young man, his eyes looking through the rolling slits of the camp, watching the sky cover the sun outside. The horror scene, with a look of surprise.

Then Xin Hao sat next to Daxia Guanyou Si Ji Hong Yin Temple Si Cheng Sun Qian, slowly got up, walked to the side of the camp, reached out to open the corner of the tent, and the response came out:

"The destructive power of this earth-shaking star means that the rebirth of the North Sea also represents my great summer, truly standing in the land of the Supreme Profound."

When the voice fell, Sun Qian turned his head and looked at a beautiful girl in white who was sitting in the corner of the camp, and continued to sound in the camp with a unique air leaking voice:

"Anything is possible. If you don't want to sink like this for a lifetime, you have to change your way of living, and Daxia is worthy of trust, isn't it?"

Sun Qian’s words just came out, the young girl in the camp, who was like a snow lotus, raised her head slightly. Her aura eyes met those of Sun Qian in front of her, her red lips lightly opened, and her voice came out. :

"Sun Sicheng doesn't need to beat me anymore. I'm just a little girl who longs for a plain life. Compared with Da Xia behind you, I am even more humble than the ants."

"Many times, only after you have tasted it will you get caught up in it, otherwise, isn't it just a fantasy, isn't it?"

After Sun Qian's two successive faint rhetorical voices fell, he stopped speaking, and continued to look at the upside-down eyes. After a long time, he continued to utter a word:

"After the earth is turned upside down, when there is a heavy rain, under the heavy rain, the northern border is reborn!"

After speaking, the Destroying Star Ring that impacted southward came directly to the extreme edge of the northern realm, and immediately after all the powers dissipated, it was like hitting an invisible wall.

In the next moment, the entire northern sky was filled with mist, thunder bursts, violently rolling, and heavy rain was approaching!

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