The Hardest Opening System in History

Chapter 1516: Arrived on schedule


The deafening thunder lingered over the entire northern realm. At the same time, on the sky like an angry ocean, thunder and lightning intertwined back and forth, like a thunder dragon, tumbling above the sky.

Lightning and thunder, representing the birth of a new life!

If you carefully distinguish the thunder on the North Sea at this time, you will find that compared with the once talkative North Sea storm, it has more the breath of life pouring outward when the chaos was born.

"Long live your majesty, long live Daxia!"

Great summer in the vast land of China, after the twists and turns, and the thrilling North Sea war gradually came to an end, the people of Daxia who knew the overall situation was set, rushed out of their own homes and went to the streets and alleys for wanton carnivals, shouting like a tsunami The sound resounded throughout the world.

Especially in the city of God, the heart of Daxia, countless people began to spontaneously flock to the Taiping Ruins, with sincere smiles on their faces, cheering and singing and dancing.

A group of immature children, while holding the sketched lifelike sugar man, chased each other and slapped each other, listening to the thunder blasting down from the nine heavens, they opened their mouths and let out a crisp shout with a smile:

"It's going to rain, it's going to rain!"

These juveniles with innocent smiles on their faces know the great summer country they are in, and have won another great battle, and every time the great summer victory, they can eat delicious food at the celebration. , For example, the sugar man who can receive [Penqugeso] for free in the same hands.

For these young children, there are still many happy things. After this great victory, they no longer have to be locked up at home like the previous period. They can resume their previous lives and run out of the house. I went to the school to meet my little friend I haven't seen for a long time.

The young children were innocent and did not understand what the victory of this vital battle meant for the entire Daxia, but after they ran away, they stopped and looked back at their mothers in the back, but they were extremely Suspicion was on A-niang's face, and saw a smile and tears on her face.

Daxia’s battle to gain a foothold in the North Sea has the same meaning for every citizen in the country.

For these young women whose husbands are on the frontline battlefield, the end of the **** battle means family reunion, and for the gray-haired old people in Daxia, this battle also means that they will live together with the land under them. , Has completely entered a completely new era.

"It is so lucky to be able to witness a bigger and more magnificent world together with Da Xia before entering the earth, and this point alone will be a big surprise."

Although the news of the great victory of the imperial court has not been spread to the world by the commanders and officials, the people of Daxia who have fully witnessed the entire battle through the picture scroll of mountains and seas have already begun to celebrate in advance.

Afterwards, in the major restaurants in Taiping Ruins, jars of fine wine were continuously shipped out, and a large number of elderly people who were too excited and red-faced began to swig in the middle of the road, holding the wine jars, old and heroic Then the voice came out:

"Using your majesty’s prowess, it won’t be long before we can fully recover the entire Northern Territory. At that time, the old man and you old arms and legs will be sent outside to see, and even go. The so-called Central Plains."

As soon as the old man's voice fell, the other old man beside him who hit the altar and drank heavily, smiled and shook his head, and directly responded:

"I'm afraid that when the time comes, people like you and me want to stay at home every day, knowing that you and I have been living well in the past few years, and still want to die away?"

As soon as the words came out, all the old people around who heard the words showed bitter smiles, and said together:

"If it is possible, I really want to borrow from the sky for a few more years, not to mention five hundred years, even if it is five years and ten years, we can see the days when we dominate the world in Daxia."

Lively and extraordinary celebrations were staged everywhere in the Shenjing City. On the contrary, the solemn and solemn Baidi Palace in the center of the city was still quiet. Under the cover of the rich imperial authority and majesty, the Manchu civil and military officials walked out of the imperial hall and came to Stand in line on the square below.

These officials are waiting for the new emperor across the northern border.

The young emperor who created this epic explosion with his own hands, completely reborn the Beihai, the land of Supreme Profound!

"Immediately there will be a heavy rain sweeping the entire northern border."

In the imperial square, in front of the line of hundreds of officials, an unhurried voice came from the mouth of Sima Annan who looked up at the sky, and since he was transported back to Daxia, the young man has been watching the sky above his head.

For people like Sima Annan who practice the secrets of heaven, the North Sea above the chaotic rebirth is undoubtedly a great opportunity. Then, between the lightning and thunder, Sima Annan boasted the lava beside him, nodded, and responded:

"This rain should rain. It's good. After this rain, the entire Beihai where we are located will be completely different. If in the future this deserted North Sea, the first grass will grow and the first fish will be born. I must go to witness it with my own eyes."

"Unexpectedly, the lava exaggerator, who is the messenger of the doomsday, is so tender."

A smile appeared on Sima Annan's handsome face, then he raised his hand and arched it forward, and the voice continued:

"At that time, the exaggerated people must bring the kid, such a trans-epoch scene, you also need to bring a few bottles of old wine, while cooking the wine, while drinking, it is a pleasure."

"Easy to say, easy to say."

After hearing Sima Annan's words, Lava's boastful eyes suddenly lit up, then grabbed the dense beard and hair on his chest, and continued to speak:

"Let's ask other colleagues when the time comes. The deity thinks that this matter must be of interest to many people. Why don't you guess, where is the first plant in the north?"

"This matter is so interesting, how about counting me?"

As soon as the lava boasting sound fell, the entire Emperor Huangji's steady voice sounded directly.

This voice was neither light nor heavy, but it sounded clearly in everyone's ears.

Afterwards, the civil and military officials who had been waiting for a long time all smiled, and then they all dressed up, adjusted their clothes, bowed respectfully, and made a uniform cry:

"The ministers welcome the return of the Great Northern Territory, long live your majesty!"

Under the neat welcome of the Manchu civil and military forces, two figures slowly revealed themselves from the high platform of the Imperial Palace.

Compared with the time of the expedition, the imperial robes of the young emperor were damaged a lot, and they were covered with black hair under the crown of the sky, all flying in the wind, giving people a feeling of wild waves.

However, in addition to this trace of unruly, sweeping from the inside and out of Zhao Yu's body is the violent emperor several times the vastness.

Emperor Wei is vast, covering the world!

At the next breath, the young emperor looked around, his back was emptied, and his voice rolled out:

"All the love is flat!"

After the emperor's voice, a huge thunder suddenly sounded above the sky, and then the first puffy raindrops began to fall.

The heavy rain in the North Sea is coming as scheduled!

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