The Hardest Opening System in History

Chapter 1518: Let the world go

The heavy rain that enveloped the north has lasted more than three months, but it still hasn't dropped a bit.

Three months of heavy rain has washed the entire void of the North Sea clean, and even the air has the meaning of clarity and sweetness that has been dreamed of.

The entire North Sea was reborn in these three months. The seawater that had evaporated to the sky above the sky turned into heavy rain and fell on the sea again, and the sea level continued to rise.

And this reunited North Sea, after removing the stubborn ailment of the chaotic aura, showed a completely blue color. From a distance, the blue waves were rippling, sparkling, and beautiful.

"Today's North Sea air is really fresh, and the vitality of the world floating in the void is much richer."

Shen Xiancheng Wuxianzong, a two-story small building on Penglai Peak, a girl in white stretched out her hand to gently open the window in front of her, took a deep breath of fresh air, and came out with a sweet voice of sigh .

After the voice fell, the girl raised her arms and stretched her waist very lazily. Although the girl Aofu's robe is still wide, there is still a thrilling arc under her waist.

The intensive rain outside the window smashed onto the window sill, and then splashed, just flying above Ao Fu’s pretty face, and then slowly slid down along the girl’s battered cheek, showing a very beautiful picture .

Then Aofu stretched out his hands on the edge of the window, with light blue and black pupils, quietly staring at the quiet and peaceful North Sea in front of him, and muttered softly:

"This new North Sea air smells really good."

Although the temperature in the North Sea is still not high at this time, for the disciples of the Five Immortals who have often endured the biting cold wind in the north, the temperature at this time can be described as pleasant.

Then the girl put her hand on the window and tilted her head. While listening to the crackling rain, she fell asleep lightly. As soon as she was about to fall asleep, a young and heroic voice sounded directly in her ear:

"Junior sister, junior sister, wake up soon, don't sleep."

When this voice fell, Ao Fu lifted his head, looked down at the Five Immortal Sect major disciple Ao Bai who was walking under the umbrella with a suspicious gaze, and asked:

"Brother, it's been so violent this morning, but why?"

"Big things, big things."

After the exaggerated response fell, Ao Bai, who raised his umbrella, flashed with excitement in his eyes, and then continued to open his mouth and say:

"On the seaside land of the North Sea not far from our Shenxian City, the seeds sown some time ago, there was a plant that broke out of the soil this morning, and a green sprout emerged. This is the first in the North Sea for tens of thousands of years. A green plant is of extraordinary significance!"

Speaking of this, Ao Bai continued to raise his hand at the girl by the window and beckoned, and the voice continued:

"When the news reached Shen Xiancheng, the people in the city were boiling, and they wanted to go to Ao Jia to have a look. This lively energy even made the court dispatch sergeants to protect this green plant.

"At the same time, I came to the clan ward and asked me to send disciples to maintain order. For such an important task, you and I can't be absent. The disciples in the clan are waiting at the mountain gate. Let's go."

Ao Bai's words came out with eagerness, the girl by the upper window thought for a few breaths, no longer hesitated, and gently supported her right hand, and her whole body fell straight down like a weightless white butterfly.

After a few breaths, Ao Fu, who fell on the ground, opened an umbrella with a swipe, and lightly stepped, together with Ao Bai next to him, floating towards the bottom of the mountain, and at the same time a pleasant voice came out:

"Big brother, I heard that you have been to the south with Daxia's young Black Dragon Guard these few days, but there are some different discoveries."

As soon as he said this, Ao Bai, who was originally smiling, gradually became solemn, and then responded:

"Big, everything that the Great Northern Emperor did was a shocking, horrifying, triumphant work. In just three months, it’s not right. It’s only two months after a full fight. A line starts from Hanyan County in the west and ends at Fengxian County in the east. The Great Wall, which spans the entire northern border, has already taken shape.

"Junior sister, you should know that although my northern border has been abandoned for a long time, it has a vast area, and this Great Wall spans not a single county, but the entire northern border, which shows the difficulty of this matter."

Ao Bai's words fell, holding the umbrella towards the girl Ao Fu, who was moving quickly down the mountain, her eyes condensed, and then she responded:

"That's incredible. Before the rebirth, the Northern Territory was extremely barren and even a tree could hardly survive. The land was also deserted and dilapidated, not to mention the strong rocks needed to build the city wall. So how did the court get so much material? "

It is true that whether you want to build a house or a city wall, solid materials are always the first element, and the girl Aofu has a clear mind, and instantly thinks of the core problem.

This question came out, Ao Bai was dancing in white, the color of amazement on his face became thicker, and then he spoke in response:

"Junior sister, you will never think of the origin of this material."

After he finished speaking, his right foot was a little harder on the ground, and Ao Bai, who floated to the front, didn't want to sell him, and continued to speak:

"They come from Liusha County. They are the endless yellow sand in Liusha County. There are many very special puppets in the Daxia Ministry of Industry. They can directly smelt the yellow sand on the Gobi desert into solid rocks. Then these stones The blocks are in the hands of craftsmen and monks, branded with special defensive runes, and then sent to the front to be stacked into a magnificent Great Wall."

As the words fell, Ao Bai's expression of exclamation remained undiminished, and he raised his left hand, and continued to dance with his hands:

"Sister Fu, do you know who is the main force to build the Great Wall ahead?"

As soon as this question fell, Ao Bai, who was already excited, hadn't waited for the girl next to him to answer, and his louder voice followed:

"It's not the intrepid sergeants, nor the people of the human race who are not strong in individual strength, but the puppets, all kinds of puppets, and countless numbers.

"The heavy city bricks are transported by the transport puppets that are huge in size and have a large number of wheels rolling. They are very fast, and often they can send enough city bricks for the construction of the Great Wall to a large section of the Great Wall. The blocks that build the walls are also puppets, and even the final reinforcement is also done by different puppets.

"Furthermore, I heard from a craftsman who said that after the puppets that can automatically depict runes are available, the completion of the entire Northern Great Wall can be as fast as 20%!"

Ao Bai's words became louder and louder, and his face became more and more enthusiastic, and in his eyes, it seemed that a completely different picture was slowly reflected in his eyes.

In the picture, countless puppets walk around, replacing manpower, building a vast Northern Great Wall in full swing.

Craftsmen come from all directions, and the world will go!

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