The Hardest Opening System in History

Chapter 1519: All beings are equal

Wandering heavy rain, knocking on the big umbrella, making a crackling sound, and then two tall figures wearing white robes of the Five Immortal Sect disciples, shuttled between the heavy rain curtains, drifting down the mountain at an extremely fast speed.

"Junior Sister, in the former Shenxian City, or the entire Taixuan Land today, judging whether a creature is strong or not is basically to look at its cultivation realm. After all, for us, we have few and many supernatural powers. Whether the heaven and earth vitality in the body is full or not, the rule geometry mastered is the only indicator of strength."

After the initial excitement, Ao Bai, who had calmed down again, continued to speak. Then he turned his head and looked at the girl with bright eyes and white teeth, and his voice came out again:

"But in the past few months, since I began to gradually come into contact with that country called Daxia, I discovered that everything is not like this. In this mysterious country, practitioners are important and have extraordinary status, but there are still a lot of People who don’t know how to practice at all are equally respected and live and work in peace."

Ao Bai's words made the quiet-looking girl's eyes condensed, her red lips lightly opened, and she responded:

"This is incredible."

"If I say that a large part of the craftsmen who make puppets are just ordinary people with no energy, can this make the junior sisters understand?"

"Can I understand that in the Great Xia Kingdom, there is not only the path of Taoism, but the other ways are also popular, such as the Taoism mentioned by the seniors?"

"Senior Sister is smart, and it makes sense at one point. Brother, I have also been observing the front for several months before I have a sense of it."

A smile appeared on Ao Bai Junlang's face, and then he continued to sigh:

"For me, this great country is like a great mystery that contains great secrets. It constantly calls me to explore, and one day, I must go to the capital of the Great Xia Emperor to see. Get a taste of how magnificent and magnificent the city is said to be the No. 1 city in the world."

"Everything is impermanent, you and my life, just before you know it, like the entire northern border around you, earth-shaking changes have taken place without warning, everything has begun, and everything has just begun!

"The future can be expected!"

The girl Ao Fu’s eyes were also full of vigor, and she tapped her right foot on the ground continuously, and floated towards the Five Immortal Sect Mountain Gate at a faster speed. After a while, noisy communication came from under the heavy rain ahead. The disciples of the Five Immortals in white clothes were already waiting on the square.

The young disciples of the Wuxianzong saw the two falling on the square, and then one after another stepped aside to both sides, and then revealed the side of the square, a burly figure wearing a black dragon armor, which is the relationship between Ao Bai and Ao Bai. Good black dragon Wei Shunzi.

Then Ao Bai looked upright, and bowed to Shunzi, who was stepping forward, and said:

"Brother Shunzi, I haven't seen you in a few days. Don't come here without any problems. You came to the sect to look for it, but something?"

"I heard that the first green plant on the shores of the North Sea has sprouted. I am here to see you."

Shunzi's words still carried the enthusiasm of the man from Leizhou in Daxia, and then he grinned, showing his big white teeth, and the voice continued:

"This plant is a treasure right now. There are many people who came to see it in Shenjing City. Therefore, Mr. Wei Guogong, Mr. Xu, specially asked you to come down and call you Wuxianzong. After all, between Daiyu Xianshan and Shen Xiancheng, sooner or later there will be contact."

The three words "Shenjingcheng" in Shunzi's mouth were particularly aggravated, so the eyes of the two young people of the Five Immortals Sect in front of him moved. After a little thought, they turned sideways and raised their hands. The voice continued:


After the words fell, the three of them directly turned into arcs and rose into the sky, straight into the Beihai sky where the heavy rain continued.

If you take a bird's eye view of the entire Shenxian City on the Ao Jia from the sky, you will find that not only the outer North Sea, but also Shenxian City after a great war, has also undergone a complete change.

A large number of broken houses in Shenxian City are being gradually rebuilt, and the figures walking in the city at this time are no longer some of the creatures of the Beihai race, but a race with black eyes.

That is the human race from Wuxian City under Ao Jia!

After the **** battle in Beihai was over, Shen Xiancheng was also emptied. After discussion, the presbytery composed of descendants of Wuxianshan decided to send the descendants of Xianshan under Ao Jia to Shenxian City above in batches to start a new life.

"These descendants of the Five Immortals Mountain below have lived under the Ao Jia for their entire lives. They have never seen the appearance of the sky outside. Now they have regained the sky. This light makes them face the Great Summer and the Great Emperor of the North. Very grateful, with a natural goodwill."

Above Shen Xiancheng, Ao Bai’s voice sounded again, and then the eyes of the three of them stared down, looking at the descendants of Wuxian Mountain who gathered together and talking and laughing in Shen Xiancheng, from the voice of the girl Ao Fu. Out:

"Before the rebirth of the Northern Territory, the world outside Ao Jia was full of cold wind and darkness, so it may be a lucky thing to spend a life relatively stable within this Ao Jia."

Ao Fu's voice was a little melancholy. After falling, a smooth black radiated from all over his body. He retracted his gaze and slowly responded:

"In fact, what the two of you said, my Daxia people are also deeply moved. You should know that Daiyu Xianshan, where the vast land of my Shenzhou is located, has been in an unknown void after sinking in the Beihai. Ten thousand years.

"In other words, all the people of the vast land of China, and the descendants of Wuxianshan under Ao Jia, are essentially the same. They have been imprisoned for a long time, but the difference is that when the truth is revealed, your majesty will give We all know all power."

As soon as Shunzi's hearty words came out, the complexions of the two young disciples of the Five Immortals Sect beside him changed. Then they blurted out:

"Every individual has his own thoughts. Once this kind of news involving life and freedom spreads throughout the country, it will undoubtedly cause a powerful and even unstoppable wave. Your Majesty really has great courage!"

"Of course your majesty has great courage."

The natural voice came from Shunzi’s mouth, and the three of them directly climbed over the entire Shenxian City built on top of Ao Jia, and quickly landed towards the side of the sea. At the same time, Shunzi’s young voice continued to sound. Two people's ears:

"The vast land of China and Daxia has hundreds of millions of people. Since the establishment of the dynasty and the establishment of the country, no matter how critical the situation is, even if it is life or death, the will is as firm as ever. We stand with the Zhao clan and the entire Daxia kingdom. , Live and die together.

"If you want to explore the reasons behind this, perhaps it must be classified as fair."

After speaking, the three of them completely landed on the ground, their feet stepped on the ground, and then Shunzi continued to grin, and the voice continued:

"Therefore, I want to tell you a very important point now. Above the vast land of China, the Great Xia Law must be observed.

"Under the Great Xia Law, all beings are equal!"

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