Great Summer Law!

Shunzi's understatement made the two of Ao Bai and Ao Fu shocked.

These four characters seem to have an indescribable magical power, which makes people feel a strong emotion directly from the depths of the soul.

This emotion is called awe!

The Taixuan Land believes in the naked and strong eating of the weak. The strong can arbitrarily plunder the weak. There is no such thing as fairness at all, but this Great Xia law can tell all the people that all beings are equal.

Equality, these two words are so inaccessible to the people of the Supreme Profound Land, like a rainbow in the sky, inaccessible, and disillusioned like a broken dream.

The long-lasting tremor in their minds made Ao Bai and Ao Fu, who stepped on the land of the North Sea, subconsciously ignored the feedback from under their feet, which was a completely different soft touch.

At this time, by the North Sea under the heavy rain, the originally rotted and corrupted land was scraped into the sky above the sky by the vast star ring.

Although the land on the banks of the North Sea was slightly humid due to the heavy rain in March, this undoubtedly represents a huge breakthrough.

"Our Great Xia court is extremely concerned about the environmental changes on the shores of the North Sea. After all, this represents the recovery of the Northern Territory. His Majesty often asked about it in the early dynasty. Therefore, the Ministry of Households specially sent officials to come here to sow with fine seeds. A building was built to control rain and light."

After Heilongwei Shunzi's voice fell, the dark-skinned Leizhou young man took the lead in raising his foot and stepping forward, and then the voice continued:

"It is said that the Shumei clan from Qingzhi Kingdom also participated in the cultivation of these seeds. At this moment, it seems that it should be quite effective. The first seedling has already grown, and the subsequent dense forest will not be too far away. ."

Shunzi's words fell, and Ao and Bai next to them also stepped to keep up. Then they raised their heads and looked into the distance, only to see a large black shed intertwined along the seashore, which looked like a maze, especially complicated.

"The former convenience is the place for the cultivation of the Ministry of Households. It is faintly formed into a big formation, really extraordinary."

Among all the young disciples of the Five Immortals Sect, Ao Fu, a very low-key **** weekdays, is definitely the person with the highest realm. Even the big disciple Ao Bai is slightly inferior, so she can see these standing in front at a glance. The special feature of the black shed by the sea.

"Girl Aofu has good eyesight, in fact, in this formation, there is not only a single big formation, but dozens of them."

Shunzi opened his mouth and let out a compliment, then he nodded at the imperceptible sense of consciousness that had been explored from the dark surroundings, and continued to lead the two directly along the seashore, quickly approaching the huge complex.

The so-called feelings between distance and near are completely different, so when they approached this building, the few people found that every row of shed buildings in front of them was as tall as a city, and then the three of them officially entered through a side door.

As soon as I stepped in, the extremely violent rain above my head instantly dissipated. At the same time, a soft light shone from the top of my head with a very comfortable warmth.

"This, this is a forest?"

An extremely incredible voice came from Ao Bai's mouth, and then he subconsciously took a few steps forward, trying to reach out and touch the nearest big tree in the forest in front of him to see if it was an illusion.

That's right, what appeared in front of the two young people of the Five Immortals Sect at this time was a huge lush forest!

In this forest, dark green trees are densely interwoven and arranged and extended, overlapping and undulating occupying the entire line of sight, giving people an extremely shocking feeling.

Especially for people like Ao Bai who had never left Beihai in his life, and only saw a few words in the forest in the classics, he was shocked for a while, and could not speak for a long time.

Then he came to the former under a tree, stretched out his hand to hold the branch beside him, felt this extremely strange touch, and muttered:

"It turns out that this is the tree that the Master once said. It is really sturdy and soft. It is really strange."

Ao Bai's voice just fell, and a very crisp voice of the girl suddenly sounded below:

"Have you never seen a big tree?"

This suspicious voice sounded like Huang Ying singing, and then Ao Bai, who reacted, lowered his head and saw a little girl in light blue clothes.

The little girl is very young and not tall, but her eyes are full of bright and intelligent colors. The delicate facial features seem to be carefully carved, especially on the center of her eyebrows, with a golden phoenix shining like a star. Blink.

After Ao Bai lowered her head, the little girl who raised her head happened to see the face of the former, and then continued with an extremely excited voice:

"You have a dragon horn on your forehead. Then you are the dragon clan of the North Sea, right, great. I finally saw a creature from the other North Sea races. It turns out that they didn't lie to me. There really are other things in this North Sea race."

The little girl’s smile contained the magic power to make the others laugh together, so Aofu, the girl who squinted her eyes and smiled, simply squatted down and asked:

"Little girl, what are you doing here alone?"

"I came here to take a look at the seedling that just grew, but I heard people say that Shenxian City on the shore of the North Sea has other races, so I want to go and see it. It’s not a coincidence. Sister, you also had double horns for the first time , Also belongs to the Beihai Dragon Clan."

Although this is the first time the little girl has seen a stranger, she is not afraid of life at all. Shui Lingling's black eyes stared at the dragon horn on Ao Fu's head, as if she wanted to reach out and touch it.

Then Aofu, with a growing smile on his face, gently shook his head and explained:

"Little girl, you are wrong. Although we have double horns on top of our heads, there is a large part of human blood flowing in our bodies. You can see if your sister's eyes are as black as yours?"

As soon as he said this, the little girl in front of Aofu's eyes narrowed, staring at the black pupils in the blue of the former, and then nodded extremely seriously, and the crisp voice continued:

"It turns out that my sister is also of the same family, and that is also a citizen of Daxia."

As soon as this natural voice fell, Ao Fu, with a smile on his face, suddenly stagnated, making it difficult to answer for a while.

Since Zhao Yu ruled the Northern Territory, in these three months, the young emperor had not had any will to reach Shenxian City on the shore of the North Sea, as if he had completely forgotten this great city.

But everyone who knows the young emperor knows that Zhao Yu is giving Shen Xiancheng or the Wuxiancheng elders a time for thinking. Since it is time for thinking, it must not be too long, so three months is already the limit.

So after the words of the little girl came out, the hearts of the two disciples from the Five Immortals Sect suddenly began to fluctuate.

Because they understand that today the entire Wuxian City and all the descendants of the Wuxian Mountain under Ao Jia have truly come to a fork that determines their fate.

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