The longer you practice, the more you sometimes understand that the life of a living being is actually made up of choices, and every choice is actually a fork.

Some people turned to the left, some turned to the right, some were not even qualified to choose, and they were taken away in a daze. For the two young people of the Five Immortals who fell silent in the forest by the North Sea at this time , Faced with an uncertain future, it is inevitable to fall into a trance and hesitation.

After a while, outside of this lush forest, Ao Fu, who was squatting on the ground, continued to hear the crisp voice of the pink jade carving girl:

"Sister, did you also come to see the green plant that just sprouted, then follow me, I know where it is."

Although the little girl's voice is still milky and milky, she looks like a little adult with her head up and chest up.

After speaking, the girl slowly turned around, with her hands behind her back, and strode forward, her rather naive appearance made people unable to help but smile again.

Perhaps even Ao Fu, a cold **** weekdays, had never noticed that the smile on her mouth had not disappeared since she saw the little girl. Then Ao Fu got up and followed the girl, and the voice of inquiry came out:

"Little girl, what's your name?"

"My name is Weiyang, Weiyang in August."

After the milky voice in front of him fell, Xiao Weiyang turned his head slightly, beckoning the people behind to follow, and then the small figure stepped into the dense forest.

"Brother Shunzi, this girl named Weiyang should be rich or expensive, right?"

Shunzi's ears, the rear followed Ao Bai's voice into his ears, the former nodded calmly, and responded:

"That's natural. How can people be ordinary people who can appear in this forest, but the people in my Great Summer Palace, including your majesty, are well known to be kind, you don't have to be cautious."

When Shunzi said the word "Imperial Palace", Ao Bai's eyebrows jumped, and then the former subconsciously clenched his right fist, and said inwardly:

"The existence of the entire Beihai directly turning the sky upside down at every turn is really difficult to relate to the word kindness."

Then, just as Ao Bai's heart was ups and downs, among the dense jungle ahead, the voice of Ao Fu's question continued to be heard:

"Xiao Weiyang, there is something my sister is extremely puzzled about, can you please help?"

As soon as this question came out, Xiao Weiyang, who had been striding forward, suddenly became energetic, and his steps paused slightly, and a voice pretending to be calm came out:

"Of course, Niangqin Chang and Wei Young said to be willing to help others, please ask, Wei Young, I know everything."

"That's right. My sister just heard that the first green plant on the shore of the North Sea has sprouted, so everyone including you, Wei Young, came over to take a look."

Speaking of this, Aofu raised his hand, patted a big tree next to him, and continued to speak with a soft inquiry:

"But you can see that there is a whole forest around, why is it said that the first green plant sprouted? Every tree in this forest should be a green plant in people's mouth?"

As soon as Aofu’s question fell, Wei Yang, a small figure in front of him, shook his head like a rattle, and a crisp response came out:

"The two are completely different."

After he finished speaking, Wei Young turned around, frowning slightly on her pink face, with a serious look, and then her voice continued to be heard:

"Now the forests around us are all transplanted, because there has never been a single plant on the shores of the North Sea, so this land is naturally extremely lacking in nutrients, so if you want to make the soil here fertile, then We should learn from this set of controlling yellow sand deserts.

"That is to use the ability of the trees and plants to gather nutrients, so that the soil on the shore of the North Sea can be restored to life, so as to achieve the effect of curing the symptoms and curing the root cause. This is what my uncle told me."

After Xiao Weiyang finished speaking, she stretched her brows and revealed a smile. His pink jade appearance, coupled with the facial features very similar to Zhao Yu, and even Shunzi, who was watching from the rear, faced the young Emperor Daxia. a feeling of.

After that, Wei Young, dressed in a light blue jacket, raised his right hand and lightly grasped the void in front of him, and the childish voice continued:

"So sister, the forest around us does not grow directly from the shore of the North Sea, but depends on this."

After speaking, Xiao Weiyang, who grabbed something from the void, spread out his hand, only to see a small branch appearing on his palm.

This branch is unremarkable, but its whole body is orange-yellow. It is tied by two branches and an ordinary cloth strip, and there is a solid luster flowing on it.

"This is called the iron-branched trunk. It has iron-like solid quality and can also bring good luck to the holder. It is sold in our Daxia official houses."

When the voice fell, Xiao Weiyang smiled and tapped the iron branch tree trunk on the palm with his other hand, directly squeaking like a fine iron, and the explanation continued:

"But this iron-branched trunk has another very interesting effect, that is, it can plant a happy little tree.

"The size and time limit of the planted tree has something to do with the amount of vitality injected, so the trees around us are actually planted from this iron-branched trunk.

"As for how to plant it, it's very simple. Just infuse the iron-branched trunk with vitality and then insert it on the ground."

When the voice fell, Wei Young raised his little head, raised his little hand, and suddenly pressed hard with the palm of the iron branch.

At the next breath, Wei Yang's eyebrows flickered, Feng Ling directly shined brightly, and at the same time, a vast and strong coercion pouring out directly from the small body, like a volcanic eruption, starting to shock the whole surroundings. Void.

"This, how is this possible, why is there such a strong vitality in such a small grade!"

A strange cry came from Ao Bai's mouth, and even Ao Fu suddenly changed his face, and subconsciously withdrew a step back, and then the iron-branch tree trunk in Wei Young's hand began to shoot outwards to the degree that the naked eye could see. The golden light appears to burst and open in the next instant.

"Plant a tree!"

A silver bell-like laughter sounded from within this dazzling flame of golden light, but at the next breath, an extremely thin figure suddenly appeared within the golden light.

Afterwards, the figure was wrapped in a moment of blueness, stretched out his right hand and opened it, gently grasping Xiao Weiyang's small hand holding the iron branch tree trunk, the next moment, the golden light in the sky completely dissipated, as if it had never appeared before.

At the same time, a petting voice came from the shadow:

"The mischievous Xiao Weiyang, I didn’t pay attention to it for a while, and you came out to make trouble. If you plant this iron-branched tree trunk, it will pierce the large array formed by the household officials after hard work. Punishment, grandpa uncle won't help you speak."

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