On the shores of the North Sea, a large array of dense forests, accompanied by the sudden appearance of the green shirt, the original vast golden light suddenly disappeared, and then a pitiful voice directly sounded:

"Uncle, you are not young."

When the voice fell, I saw Wei Young, who was still smiling, and his small mouth was tilted. Shui Lingling's big eyes were full of grievances. This situation meant that Pear Blossoms would bring rain in the next second.

However, Wei Young’s move had no effect on the pine-like figure in the blue shirt. He saw Huang Ting with the big summer dragon bird pinned to his waist, raised his cocooned right hand, and touched the front. Wei Young's head responded:

"Uncle grandpa is not violent to you, but yeah, if your mischievous thing reaches your father's ears, it is not as simple as violating you."

"I'm not afraid. A mother is guarding me."

Faced with Huang Ting's verbal offensive, Xiao Weiyang was also not afraid.

After that, the two of them stared at each other with their eyes fixed on each other. No one was weak. They had become accustomed to such a confrontation. In the end, Shunzi coughed slightly and reminded in a low voice:

"Master Huang, it's time to go to the center of this big formation. Your Majesty is still waiting."

As soon as these words came out, Huang Ting, who was fluttering in a green shirt, squatted down and hugged Wei Young in his arms, but still murmured:

"Little naughty, when you grow up, I'm afraid this White Emperor Palace will be burned by you."

"The Baidi Palace is Weiyang's home, so Weiyang won't burn his own home. I'm smart."

Xiao Weiyang in Huang Ting's arms murmured, and then yawned, leaning on the former shoulder, squinting his eyes, a little baby like her was the most sleepy time, so after sneaking out to play for a while, The sleepiness struck, and fell asleep.

Then he hugged Weiyang's Huang Ting with his feet softly, as if thinking of something, turned his head slightly, and looked at the two Ao Bai who were facing backward.

At this moment, the latter seemed to be in an infinite sea of ​​knives, and at the same time, the ear-piercing crows of birds sounded like billions of knives at the same time, with infinite sharpness and severe tingling on the skin.

"Er and others are young disciples of the Five Immortals Sect? Good cultivation level."

After the faint words fell, Huang Ting took a step forward, and his whole figure turned into a wisp of blue smoke and disappeared in place. After a while, the two disciples of the Five Immortals Sect looked at each other. At a glance, they all uttered:

"What a sharp knife!"

"This is one of the bodyguards of His Majesty at the time, and of course it is infinitely sharp."

After Shunzi's young response fell, he raised his hand and patted Ao Bai's shoulder, and the voice continued:

"Let's go quickly. At this time, the people in this center should be there, but by then you only need to watch and don't need to speak."

As soon as Shunzi’s words fell, there was a circular open space in the center of the life formation by the sea. The open space was staggered and ranks with small spaces, and every space In the soil, there is a seed that has been carefully improved and cultivated to adapt to the North Sea land.

The drifting heavy rain above the sky, after being isolated by a large array, turned into a drizzle and sprinkled down. Under the soft north wind, it formed a rain curtain that was constantly cut and chaotic.

Such a scene with a little bit of softness and resentment seems to be directly in Chuzhou of Daxia, rather than Beihai, the land of the Supreme Profound that has just reborn from the ruin.

Under the curtain of lingering rain, a rather huge pavilion stood quietly on the outside of the open space. The pavilion was several meters above the ground, so that the people in the pavilion could clearly see the germination of the seeds in the open space below.

It’s worth mentioning that at this moment, on the clearing that was divided into areas, there was a small plant popping out of the soil. Although it was still only sharp corners, it was green. , But it represents the beginning of life.


"It is said that the spring rain is as expensive as oil, and it can moisturize things silently. At this time, the rain in the north has a slight smell of spring rain."

Under the swaying rain, in Gaoting, the voice from Sima Annan came out with a slightly exaggerated voice as always, and then Sima Annan, who was still dressed in white, stretched out his right hand and was cooking on a small fire near the desk in front of him. A small hip flask from, try the temperature, Yinglang's voice continued:

"Everyone, the green ant wine is ready, please."

I saw that in this large pavilion, there were six or seven desks in Moyue, and a figure was sitting at each end of the desk. At the same time, the very mellow fragrance of green ant wine diffused outward, filling the whole Pavilion space.

Compared with the two top-quality wines recognized in summer, the fragrance of the ordinary Green Ant Wine is extremely crude and simple.

Although this wine is neither as arrogant and domineering as Xuantian, nor as mellow and long as peach blossom wine, if you ask which wine is best for the mood of the drizzle at this time, it is the boiled green ant.

As the green ant wine boiled slightly, the aroma of the whole pavilion became more and more intense. Then Sima Annan picked up the small flask in front of him and poured a green syrup into the glass on the counter table, with the luster in his eyes. Getting brighter.

However, this glass of wine was not full yet, and a wild voice sounded directly on the side:

"It's delicious. It's the green ant's appetite for the deity. It doesn't lose its stamina in the fierceness. The wine, as its name suggests, is like countless green ants crawling back and forth in the deity's belly. Comfortable, comfortable!"

As soon as the voice fell, the burly figure boasted of the lava that stood out among the crowds in the high pavilion, and directly poured the hot pot of green ant wine in front of him into the big mouth, and at the same time the gurgling sound came out.

After the second breath, Lava drank all the green ants in the pot with two or two boastings, and even looked around the surrounding figures with malicious eyes.

Seeing the lava boasting such a cow chewing the peony, Sima Annan's brows jumped fiercely, and he hurriedly raised his hand to pour a lot of wine into the glass in front of him, so as not to be snatched by the former's whole pot. Outgoing:

"Your Majesty is so concerned about the growth of the plants on the shore of the North Sea. Is it because he wants to use the forest to directly plant the shore of the sea?"

"This plan on the shore of the North Sea is a task that I arranged for the Qings a few months ago. Sima Annan, you servant, why did you ask me instead?"

After Sima Annan's voice fell, a young emperor's voice came from the front. At the very front of this Gaoting, Zhao Yuduan wearing a black casual clothes was sitting, looking down at a memorial and continuing to speak. :

"I've seen the folds handed over by many people these days, but Sima Annan, yours, is not among them. Is it because you are lazy?"

Zhao Yu's two faint retort questions made Sima Annan Junlang's face suddenly show a trace of sadness, and he murmured in response:

"Your Majesty, the content of our military aircraft department is responsible for military aircraft. As for this internal affairs planning, the corresponding department is responsible for it, and the ministers still have less participation and less participation."

After speaking, Sima Annan hurriedly waved his hand, and at the same time picked up the green ant wine in front of him, and drank his head up.

Then Zhao Yu's voice continued from the front:

"Your kid has also learned to avoid suspicion, which surprised me a bit."

After finishing speaking, Zhao Yujiang raised his head and stared at the young man in white clothes behind the plan table. He frowned and thought for a few breaths, and then he spoke word by word:

"Since this territorial planning matter is not related to your military aircraft, but the layout of the northern frontline is closely related to the war, let me talk about the descendants of the Five Immortals Mountain, what should I do?"

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