The Hardest Opening System in History

Chapter 1524: Qianlong Zaiyuan

"Broken Ye City, the largest Xiongguan fortress in the Central Plains in the North, is dominated by the Broken Ye clan. Since the age of the Immortal Palace, it has guarded this city for generations.

"Because of this, after tens of thousands of years, this city hasn't declined too much, and it still remains strong."

On the banks of the North Sea, within the Gaoting in the center of the dense forest, the voice from Li Chunfeng continued to sound, and then he waved his hand again to directly zoom in on the map surrounding Broken Leaf City, only to see that outside this Xiongguan, there are densely built large and small. City.

"After the **** battle in the North Sea, the people of the North who were struggling in the North, because of the extremely harsh environment, went south to seek a way out. However, the existence of Broken Leaf City made it impossible for them to truly enter the Central Plains. Therefore, these races, Outside Broken Leaf City, large and small cities have been established and officially settled down."

Li Chunfeng's old voice continued to ring in everyone's ears, and then after thinking about it, Sima Annan raised his head and asked:

"On the side of the so-called couch, how can you allow others to snore, this Broken Leaf City actually allows these northern races to build a city outside of itself?"

"This point still has to do with the system of Broken Leaf City. Strictly speaking, Broken Leaf City is not a force above the tradition. Its role is to guard the entrance to the north. As for how these once northern races As long as they don’t go south, they don’t care, and even allow these northern creatures to enter Broken Leaf City to trade."

Speaking of this, Li Chunfeng paused, then after a flash of thought in his black eyes, he continued to point to the map light curtain in front of him and said:

"Although the conditions in the northern part of Broken Leaf City are still bad, it is still much better than Beihai, which has completely become a land of abandonment. And after so many years of reproduction, this urban community formed by the Beihai race has become more and more important. The more it is, it is now fully saturated.

"You guys, please look at the number of cities outside of Broken Leaf City. It can be described as overwhelmed. Behind this explosive growth is intensified resource competition and disputes."

"In the land of Supreme Profound Realm, fighting and strife are really everywhere!"

Sima Annan's eyes were fixed on the map ahead, and he opened his mouth and let out a sigh.

Since the birth of the vast land of Shenzhou and Beihai, all Daxia officials and people have heard about war and fighting, so they feel that peace is so hard-won.

"Yeah, there are too many creatures in the Great Profound Land, so they all vie for their heads to **** this little chance. According to the spies of Sitianjian, the northern races outside of Broken Leaf City, recently But the undercurrent is surging."

After speaking, Li Chunfeng showed a smile. After selling a small pass, he simply got up and came to the side of the map in three or two steps. He pointed his finger at the outermost city with a large area, and continued to speak:

"The place occupied by the Snow Lotus Sect is here. This place was once occupied by a rather powerful race in the northern border. Therefore, these wandering and casual practitioners who have just entered the battlefield, even if they have an extremely large number of advantages, have also attacked more than two. The month was only won. Among them, Sun Sicheng and other people in Daxia have done a good job and have to say something else."

"This Wandering Sanxiu was originally a frightened bird, but now he finally has the courage to go south, and for a while, I really can't expect them to do more.

After Sima Annan finished speaking, he seemed to have thought of something, and then asked:

"Dare to ask Master Li, what is the attitude of the original northern race outside of Broken Leaf City towards the arrival of these wandering and casual repairs?"

"Naturally disdain. After all, this wandering and casual cultivator is the most despised bottom of the Taixuan Land. Even if it moves southward, it makes people dismissive. But this time, I won a city to settle down. People felt a sense of crisis, and a few of them met and discussed, saying that they wanted to retake the city."

Li Chunfeng's response was still old and strong, then he raised his hand and gently drew a circle around the city occupied by the Snow Lotus Sect, and continued to speak:

"Everyone knows that it is easy to attack a city, but difficult to defend. Therefore, in order to ensure that it is not easy to take down the city and not be taken away, Sun Sicheng asked our Secretary of the Tianjian to rule the Northern Territory. The news that all the forces had died was released, and as a result, these cities were immediately messed up."

After finishing the words, everyone in Gaoting showed their contemplation, and then Xuebancheng, who had been listening silently in the corner, raised his head and slowly said:

"This riot came from the original northern races who sank into Xiancheng and fled to the south?"

"It is precisely that these northern creatures who fled south due to the great sect forces entering Shenxiancheng, their belief in the north is undoubtedly extremely strong. After all, their home has always been Shenxiancheng. Now that the northern border is safe, it is natural to think come back."

After finishing speaking, Li Chunfeng with a smile continued to stroke his white beard, and said loudly:

"On the other hand, the city masters who have finally gotten a vital force to replenish the city are naturally unwilling to let these people leave so easily, so the two parties began to stalemate, and what is more interesting is that the so-called snow lotus saints performed After a few miracles, some races in these cities have begun to believe in Snow Lotus.

"In this way, this small chaotic place has become more intricate and complicated, and it is undoubtedly a mess."

"It's no wonder that I always hear from Wang Jing, who is stationed on the front line, that many racial creatures from the south are being detained these days. There is such a reason behind it."

After Zhao Yu's calm and majestic emperor's voice sounded, the officials in the whole hall straightened up, and then the voice of the young emperor continued to sound in his ears:

"I have a hunch that Broken Yecheng will become my enemy in the North. There are many things that need to be prepared early."

Zhao Yu's words, although not light or heavy, are shocking to the rest of the people!

Although the young emperor had not yet revealed his ambition to go south to the Central Plains, although as Sima Annan said before, the Northland, which had just reborn at this time, needed time and development most.

But everyone understands an extremely obvious truth. In the land of the profound mystery, the tree wants to be quiet, but the wind does not stop.

And there is no other way but to fight to stop the war!

Thinking of this, all the officials, including Sima Annan, looked at each other one after another. From the eyes of each other, they saw a little dignity and a raging warfare intent.

The young talents of Daxia's generation are all born for the purpose of strategizing the world. The hidden dragon is in the abyss, and every day's dormancy will make this young country born in Beihai stronger!

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