The Hardest Opening System in History

Chapter 1525: Late face saint

"Ao Bai has seen Master and the two elders. It turns out that Master arrived here early."

Ao Bai and Ao Fu, wearing the white robes of disciples of the Five Immortals Sect, on the periphery of the center of the Great Forest Array by the North Sea, respectfully saluted the three figures standing under the giant tree in front.

Then Lan, who was dressed in an extraordinarily formal manner and even had his silver hair curled up, turned around with a cane, staring at the two most outstanding young disciples of the Five Immortals in the rear, and slowly said:

"The teacher and the two elders have been here for a while, and they are waiting to be summoned. As for the two of you, I also asked Wei Guogong, Master Xu, with a little affection, so that you can follow together."

As soon as these words came out, Ao Bai's expressions instantly became extremely solemn, and then they saluted the front again and said:

"Thank Master for cultivation!"

"In fact, in the past few months, the old woman, I, and the entire Presbyterian Church have been thinking about a question that is extremely important to the descendants of Wuxianshan."

After turning around, the old lady Lan, on the extremely old face, criss-crossing lines, representing the traces of time and years, but the old man's eyes are still bright, and the voice continues to be heard:

"The old man actually didn't think about the way out for my descendants of Wuxianshan, nor did he think about the way forward.

"The teacher is thinking of a particularly simple question, that is, what can we do in Shen Xiancheng, or Wuxiancheng?"

When the silver-haired old woman Lan said this, the atmosphere in the originally extremely quiet surroundings suddenly became particularly heavy. All the people in the Five Immortals City felt that their shoulders were suddenly weighed down by a thousand burdens, and even their breathing became Be solemn.

"We are not three-year-old children who are ignorant of world affairs. We naturally understand that in the land of the profound mystery, we still pay attention to our own strength in the end. Then you guys, what do we descendants of Wuxianshan have?"

The silver-haired old woman Lan asked again, causing several people around to fall into deep silence. Then the old woman sighed slightly, and the old voice came out again:

"I have been thinking a lot these days. The so-called four items of Dharma, wealth and human land in the Taixuan Land are not occupied by the descendants of Wuxian Mountain. The once glorious magical powers and classics of Beihai have long been lost. Calling the sea bell with only a bell.

"As for the so-called cultivators and treasures, it is needless to say, they are barren and pitiful, so to sum up, we have and only have the love of that map for the Daxia court at this time."

After the voice fell, the old silver-haired woman Lan turned and looked forward. In the dense, especially deep jungle, her voice continued to be heard:

"Bai'er, Fu'er, the cultivation aptitudes of the two of you are among the descendants of Wuxianshan. They have been rare for tens of thousands of years. So the old man asked you to come together this time. I also want to see if there is a noble person from Daxia. , You can see the talents of both of you."

At this time, every word of the Sect Master Lan of the Five Immortals was not concealed, but at her age, she had already understood the superficial tactics, in the eyes of people of Zhao Yu's level, it would be very ridiculous, but frank. Honesty is more precious.

Then with a little sad and uneasy thoughts, faintly lingering in the corner of this woods, time passed by about half a pillar of incense, a sound of footsteps coming from far and near, broke the tranquility of this place, and also made the silver-haired old woman and the others. They returned to their senses and looked up to the front.

The visitor was a burly young man with a bright bald head. His body was even as tall as the trees beside him, but his footsteps were light, and he exuded a sense of heavy warmth.

At the same time, Liang Po's magnetic voice came from his mouth:

"Everyone, my name is Liang Po. Your Majesty has a request, please come with me."

As soon as this remark came out, the old silver-haired woman Lan, together with a few people around him, saluted forward at the same time and responded:

"Master Lao Liang leads the way."

In fact, after the word Liang Po came out, although Ao Bai's expression remained flat, infinite waves had already been surging in his heart.

Over the past few months, Ao Bai, who has been active in the forefront of the northern border, naturally has a certain understanding of Daxia, and the former who is already a martial artist is particularly interested in Daxia's younger generation.

Therefore, he often asked the craftsmen and sergeants around him, but Ao Bai got surprisingly consistent answers.

Except for your majesty, there is one person invincible in the vast land of China. He is called Liang Po.

"Liang Po, he is the invincible Liang Po in the world, and he is less than twenty years old!"

With roars and shouts, Yu Ao Bai kept roaring in his heart, and at the same time, his body under his white clothes began to tremble slightly with excitement, and then Ao Fu, the girl who was about to step by his side, felt the abnormality of the former. , Cast a puzzled look from his side.

Then he tried his best to suppress Ao Bai, who was tumbling and throbbing in his heart, took a deep breath, made a gesture that I will talk about later, and hurriedly followed.

Since the place where the old silver-haired woman and the others were, the distance to the high pavilion in the center of the forest is not far, so after a few people turned a few forks, their eyes suddenly became wide open in an instant, and then the area was pregnant with the nature of the North Sea. The clearing of the seed directly came into the eyes of Ao Bai and others.

"Your Majesty is above the high pavilion, please follow me upstairs, don't be too restrained."

Liang Po's reminding voice still had a mellowness that was completely inconsistent with his figure, but for some reason, even the peaceful Aofu subconsciously produced an extremely nervous mood.

Afterwards, the group of people holding their breath, walked up the rotating steps of Gaoting, and just approaching the edge of the pavilion, they heard the drizzle, and a young and heroic singing voice sounded:

"The clever man works, the wise man is worried, and the incompetent has nothing to ask for."

Although the timbre of this singing voice is extremely heroic, but I don’t know why, but it feels extremely contradictory with the helplessness of seeing through the vicissitudes of the world. But before the singing voice fell, a plain and majestic voice continued to be heard:

"Sima Annan, you are groaning without illness, making my little girl go to bed."

As soon as this statement came out, the singing stopped abruptly, followed by a bitterly suppressed cough, and then Sima Annan's retreat in Gaoting continued to sound:

"Your Majesty, the minister goes to the open space below to look at the seedling."

After Mo Yue two breaths, Sima Annan's white-clothed fluttering figure walked out from the Gaoting, raised his hand to draw out a folding fan, swiped it and opened it, and nodded to the silver-haired old woman who was walking from the bottom up, and smiled. Going away.

"Your Majesty is inside, please come in."

Liang Po stretched his hand to open the curtain hanging outside Gaoting, raised his hand to signal, then the Sect Master of Five Immortals thanked him and took the lead to enter Gaoting.

Inside the huge pavilion, the desks were placed in an orderly manner, and most of the desks were empty, only the mellow aroma of Green Ant Wine remained.

On the other side of Gaoting, a young figure sitting upright, looking at the dangling rain outside the pavilion, the figure sitting quietly, has become the center of the entire northern world!

The breeze blows in from the outside, blowing the black emperor's casual clothes on the figure, and the minds of the silver-haired old woman and others begin to fluctuate violently, because a clear thought suddenly appeared in the sea of ​​knowledge.

The master of this back figure has only been in Beihai, the land of Supreme Profound, for more than a few months.

But the entire Northern Territory has already been given priority to it!

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