The Hardest Opening System in History

Chapter 1526: Painting the north

Under the world, there are people who are born to be emperors.

Zhao Yu didn't know if he was such a person, but in the eyes of the others, the young emperor sat high on the star of Ziwei Emperor, and he was a well-deserved born emperor.

The rain curtain was flying, the breeze was swaying, and the young emperor's back was sitting, giving the five immortal sect lord Lan and others unimaginable coercion.

Then the old silver-haired woman knelt on her knees, put her crutches on the ground, kowtowed her head heavily, and said respectfully:

"Sect Master Lan of the Five Immortals, I have seen Emperor Fuyao in the North!"

The old lady's behavior directly caused several people around her to change their faces. Immediately after these people hesitated for a while, they were like silver-haired old women, kneeling down and bowing their heads, and asked:

"I've seen the Great Emperor Fuyao in the North!"

The five immortal sect lord Lan, or this group of people, directly bowed down and bowed their heads, which undoubtedly clearly showed their will to surrender, and then this huge pavilion continued to fall into deep silence.

Everyone was holding their breath and concentrating, waiting for the reply from the back in front of them, and the next breath, the steady young emperor's voice, came from the front:

"I know that in the past few months, whether it is our Daxia court or the descendants of Wuxianshan in Shenxiancheng, you have been waiting for my decision. In fact, correspondingly, I am also giving you time to understand. ."

After this majestic emperor's voice fell, Zhao Yu calmed down for a few breaths, and the voice continued:

"Under the heaven and the earth, the human heart is the most complicated. Every individual has their own [笔趣阁] ideas. Therefore, I know that sometimes I want to unify the will of all people. not easy.

"Therefore, those of you descendants of Wuxianshan who have just seen the sky from under Ao Jia, it is not surprising that some people have different ideas."

The voice of the young emperor inside Gaoting, although not heavy emperor prestige, but the word Zhuji, like the thunder of nine days, directly bombarded the heart of the five immortals in the rear, causing the other who accompanied the old lady Lan to come. The two elders frantically changed their brows at the same time.

It is true that, as Zhao Yu just said, regarding the issue of his own future development and belonging, the presbytery composed of descendants of Wuxianshan has huge disagreements, and even two completely different wills have appeared, and they have been constantly in the past few months. Game with each other and frequent conflicts.

Then, the voice of Zhao Yu, in the ears of the people of Wuxianshan who was anxious in their hearts, once again blasted:

"Although I can understand that everyone has their own ideas, it does not mean that I can accept them, because there is one and only one voice in my Great Xia Kingdom and the entire northern realm, and that is my will!"


As soon as this statement fell, like a mountain whistling a tsunami, the emperor's mighty prestige poured down from the top of his head, directly scouring the bodies of the Wuxianzong and others, and his robes agitated.

At the next breath, the Five Immortal Sect Master Lan, who knelt to the ground, lowered his head and spoke respectfully:

"Your Majesty, please believe the old man, the will of the descendants of Wuxianshan has been unified, and will unswervingly follow behind your Majesty, obey His Majesty's holy orders, and die!"

"Sect Master Lan, your Five Immortal Sect has been a great help in the process of my Daxia's birth on the North Sea."

A slightly gentle voice came down from Zhao Yu's mouth, and then the young emperor with his back to Wuxianshan, slowly turned around, looking down at the old man Lan, who was throwing his head on the ground, his lips lightened, and the emperor's voice continued to sound:

"All the people of Daxia know that I have always rewarded and punished clearly. I will not interfere excessively with the internal affairs of your descendants of the Five Immortals, but I have given you three months.

"The time of March is not short, so I will make drastic changes to the entire northern border. I hope you will be prepared for this."

"Your Majesty is the lord of the northern realm. It is already a great gift to our descendants of the Five Immortals for several months. Lao Yulan dare not ask for more."

The silver-haired old woman's more respectful voice came, and then he slowly raised his head and stared at the young figure in front of him. His pupils suddenly rose and shrank, because at this time the young emperor was lying quietly in his arms. Petite, sleeping baby girl.

Perhaps it was because she was dreaming of something extremely happy, Xiao Weiyang suddenly smiled on the face of Xiao Weiyang's pink jade carving, and then murmured out:

"Peel, peel, delicious."

"You little guy, you don't know what delicious food you dreamed of. You are really a greedy cat."

The petting voice came from Zhao Yu's mouth, and then the young emperor stretched out his hand and shaved Weiyang's small nose, and his face was petting.

This may be the time that a father felt the most heartwarming, and after this scene caught the eyes of the five immortal sect master Lan, for some reason, the latter's originally trembling state of mind slowly became calm.

Then the white-haired old woman straightened her body, and continued to speak in her voice every word:

"Your Majesty, Shenxian City and Wuxian City, where the descendants of my Five Immortal Sect are located, are willing to be attached to the wings of Daxia and become the first batch of citizens of this new northern realm!"

After the solemn voice of the white-haired old woman fell, Zhao Yu gently raised his hand and pressed it, and responded:

"The so-called twisted melon is not sweet, so you can go back and tell the descendants of Wuxianshan, I give them the opportunity to choose their own destiny, within three days, they can leave Shenxiancheng and leave the north, and I will let the soldiers in the south. Open the border and let them go safely."

As soon as this statement was made, the eyes of an elder behind the silver-haired old woman suddenly moved imperceptibly, and then immediately underneath his head, converging his fleeting expression, and then the Sect Master Lan of the Five Immortals directly sounded with an eager voice. :

"Your Majesty, the will of the descendants of my Five Immortals is already unified!"

"You don't need to say much, my heart is determined."

At the next breath, Zhao Yu directly interrupted the old silver-haired woman's words to continue speaking, and then beckoned to Liang Po, who stepped forward and gently took Xiao Weiyang, who was too asleep, smiling, using a soft blanket Wrapped up carefully, walked out of Gaoting slowly.

"The Northern Territory, which has just been reborn, is a clean sheet of white paper, and whether the descendants of the Wuxian Mountain survive or not is not important to me at this time.

Zhao Yu continued to sound in his ears, making the silver-haired old woman's heart heavier and heavier, as if he wanted to talk but stopped.

Then the young emperor stretched out his hand to hold down the desk in front of him, leaned forward, and passed down the emperor's voice every word:

"The Northern Territory is waiting to be revived. It is almost blank. In other words, it can be allowed to become more blank, so some of you can go.

"But once I start to paint on this white paper, then you should also know that if anyone dares to use any crooked brains, then I will screw off his head without hesitation!"

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