As the so-called stole a floating life for half a day, the North Sea drifting under heavy rain, a small half-day time passed by.

Zhao Yu did not spend too much time to meet the Wuxianzong people. As he said, what the young emperor needs is to completely rebuild the entire northern territory, rather than spend too much energy to unify the will of the descendants of Wuxianshan. , This is undoubtedly putting the cart before the horse.

One poor and two whites also have the benefit of one poor and two whites. This means that before Daxia's aggressive construction, the North had a very high fault tolerance rate. Although population is a vital resource, for today’s Daxia, it has the confidence to completely eliminate it. Those who are double minded.

The torrential rain in the north, after being cut and filtered by this seaside life array, turned into soft raindrops, drifting down, and then sprinkled on this field of North Sea seeds, silently moisturizing the land .

Then under the curtain of rain, a gentle voice sounded:

"Wei Young, Hao'er, the depth dug out of this soil is enough to put the seeds down."

The sound fell, and the two little guys on the ground who were squatting on the ground, holding small shovels to dig the soil suddenly lifted their heads, and there was a strong color of excitement in the **** eyes, and then they all spoke together:

"Finally you can plant it."

Before the words were over, the two small figures had cheered and ran to the side, took the seeds from several household secretaries, and ran back all the way.

Afterwards, the two emperors of Daxia, under Rouge's eyes with a gentle smile, ignoring the drops of water dripping from the rain on their faces, continued to squat down, carefully burying the seeds in the place just dug. Within the pothole.

"Mother, how long will it take for the seed Wei Young to germinate and grow up?"

Xiao Weiyang, with a lively nature, hadn't waited to bury all the soil in front of him, and a crisp question came out directly, and then Zhao Hao, who was burying himself in the soil with a stern face like a little adult, frowned. Replied:

"Sister, the soil by the sea in the Northland is still very poor. It took more than a month for the first seedlings to germinate. You and I planted it, I guess it's not that fast."

"That's not necessarily true. Isn't there a mother queen? The mother queen is the lord of the flowers."

After Xiao Weiyang finished speaking, she got up and hugged Rouge's leg in a few steps. Then Rouge squatted down with an umbrella in one hand, touched the head of her daughter in her arms, and said with a smile:

"Every winter seed has a dream of spring. Although Niangqin is the lord of the flowers, she can't let a seed germinate forcibly, because this is the growth of the seedlings.

"This kind of seed is the basis for a plant to thrive, and it needs to stay in the soil to absorb enough nutrients, but if you two little guys want the seeds you planted to be unearthed quickly, there is a way for your mother."

As soon as Rouge said this, Wei Yang, who was initially showing a little disappointment, his eyes lit up again, and he said directly:

"Please tell Wei Young as soon as possible, the queen mother."

Then the rouge with a happy smile on his face stretched out his hand to wipe off the raindrops on Wei Yang's face, and then raised his finger to the Tiankan not far away. Zhao Yuna was walking slowly and upright, and the voice came out:

"Go to your father and ask for some life-purifying water, and then sprinkle it on the soil where the seed is located. My mother promises that within three days, the seedling will appear."

As soon as he said this, Xiao Weiyang's black eyes became brighter and brighter, then he rolled his eyes and said:

"Then I will go to the emperor father, presumably this small request, emperor father should not refuse Wei Young."

After he finished speaking, the feather mark on Wei Young's eyebrows suddenly brightened, and his body suddenly turned into a stream of light and flickered in the void. Then Rouge retracted his gaze and turned his gaze to the little boy who was still earnestly buried in the earth. After a moment of concentration, he spoke. Encouragement:

"Hao'er, go too, and enlarge your courage."

Rouge's soft voice fell, and he carefully buried the soil under him, together with the soil that Wei Yang had planted. After burying it, Zhao Hao stood up and respectfully saluted Rouge in front of him, very seriously. 'S opening said:

"Yes, mother queen."

After he finished speaking, Zhao Hao, a small figure, carefully patted the raindrops on his robe, and then bowed to the rouge in front of him, before he walked step by step to the place where Zhao Yu was not far away. Ground.

"This kid."

Rouge got up, looked at the two sons and daughters with completely different personalities, and murmured slightly, but in a blink of an eye, the mother of the Great Xia in the world, looking at the dancing children around Zhao Yu in front, with big eyes bent At the beginning, a smile from the heart was revealed.

This happy scene in front of him is not common in the emperor's house, and at the same time, the heart of this gentle woman will melt.

Then a faint breath of the law of life diffused from inside Rouge's body, and accompanied by the breeze blowing around him, swept across the entire universe.

In the next breath, the raindrops falling from the sky began to undergo extremely mysterious changes. Within a few breaths, it became the rain and dew that truly contained the law of life, sprinkled on the large open area and gradually merged into it.

At the same time, a sweet fragrance appeared directly in the void, and then under the gaze of a pair of marvelous gazes, the soil above the large array was divided into pieces, and small bulges began to appear together. Then the bulge got bigger and bigger and broke open to both sides.

After a breath, the first green burrowed out of the soil, followed by the second plant, the third plant, and every seed buried in the soil began to burst out of the soil at a speed visible to the naked eye. , Grow upward.

Rain and dew, moisten things silently!

In just a few breaths, the wasteland directly changed its appearance, full of greenery and full of vitality.

By the side of Tiankan, Xiao Weiyang surrounded Zhao Yu, watching the seedlings bursting out of the ground in front of him, clapping and shouting with excitement, and a clear voice came out:

"The soil is broken, the soil is broken, look at the father, the seeds that were planted before have sprouted!"

Under the expression of the little girl's excitement, everyone smiled, and even the straight-faced emperor Zhao Hao's mouth raised a long-lost arc.

Then Zhao Yu, who stood with his hands under the drizzle, watched with steady gaze at the ground breaking out from the front, symbolizing the new buds, bending over and picking up the two children at his feet, carrying A smiling voice came out:

"Green sprouts, new sprouts, joyful, Chang Anning, this northern land is alive!"

The emperor's voice fell, and a deafening thunder suddenly sounded above the sky by the North Sea.


After the ear-shaking thunder, there are dazzling electric snakes dancing back and forth, intertwined with each other.

The entire northern territory is cheering for the new life of the land!

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