The Hardest Opening System in History

Chapter 1528: Context of the times

"Boom boom boom!"

One after another thunder and loud noises, accompanied by dazzling lightning, interweaves the entire northern sky, and at the same time, the heavy rain falling on the sky is getting denser and pouring down.

If the great monk carefully sensed it at this time, he would find that within the torrential rain that fell at this time, some completely different changes had begun.

On the shore of the North Sea, outside of the dense forest formation built by the Daxiahubu, a group of people stepped out. It was the silver-haired old woman in Wuxiancheng who had just faced the sage.

The rain became denser, hitting the clothes of Ao Bai and others, making a crackling sound, but the dense and noisy sound of falling rain could not break the silence that surrounds these people in the slightest, and everyone said nothing. , Eyes flashing, looks different.

Suddenly, the old silver-haired woman walking in the front stepped out and stopped directly in place, and then Ao Bai behind him, with a puzzled face, asked:

"Master, what are you?"

When the question came out, the silver-haired old woman Lan did not directly answer Ao Bai's question, but slowly turned around and watched the two elderly elders who followed him behind her, without saying a word for a long time.

Under the extremely solemn atmosphere, even the sound of falling rain became more and more harsh, and then the voice of the silver-haired old woman directly sounded:

"The two elders, the old man knows that you two have a lot of criticism about the decision I made in your heart, including the entire presbytery. If it were not for me, there would be many different voices. Tens of thousands of years have passed, and under the armour is closed. Many people have forgotten the sufferings they have suffered in the past and the dangers from the outside world.

"Some of them feel that the glory of Wuxian Mountain cannot be disappeared, and they are unwilling to subdue to others. It is very simple. The old man will leave according to his majesty's orders, and wait and see, but time is limited to today, including Wuxian. Zong's disciple, it also applies!"

As soon as the silver-haired old woman said this, Ao Bai and Ao Fu's expressions changed wildly. They just wanted to speak, but they were stopped by the former raising their hands. Then the old lady Lan's voice continued to sound:

"After today, there will be no Five Immortal Sects in the world, and there will be no so-called Wuxianshan descendants elders' association. The old will disband all organizations, and at this time tomorrow, if there are still half-hearted people who have not left, then the old will personally cut down. His head."

The words of the old lady Lan, with an extremely firm and murderous intent, suddenly rose outwards, causing the two elders with slightly changed complexions to be shaken back directly.

Then the old lady took a deep look at the two elders, and uttered a word:

"Good for yourself!"

After speaking, the old woman stopped speaking, turned around and walked back quickly in the direction of the forest formation, at the same time Ao Bai and Ao Fu hurriedly followed behind.

The girl Aofu's face was full of solemn expression, and after thinking about it again and again, she asked:

"Master, are you turning back this time?"

"The teacher has not yet transformed from his inherent thinking, so he made a mistake."

There was a sigh in the old voice of the silver-haired old woman, and then he narrowed his eyes and watched the dense forest like a creeping giant beast under the thunder and lightning, and the voice continued:

"Hope your Majesty has not left yet."

After the voice fell, Aofu who was behind the old woman stretched out her right hand and opened it, letting the raindrop fall on her palm. After careful sensing, her eyes shrank and she subconsciously opened her mouth with an exclamation:

"Master, there is a big change in the falling rain. It is an extremely strong weather, thousands of times stronger than before!"

Accompanied by the cry of the girl Ao Fu, the dazzling thunder shining above the entire sky was even more intense, and the deafening rage and thunder resounded more intensively throughout the north, and every time this thunder sounded, it would produce endless vitality. The huge waves are pouring down.

"The law of reincarnation, thunderous and angry, came back, and Beihai, which once belonged to the holy land of cultivation, has finally returned!"

The old woman Lan inserted the crutch in her hand into the earth below her, and then opened her hands with all her strength, letting the rain, which contains a lot of heaven and earth vitality, fall on her body, and continued to open her mouth and let out a loud shout:

"The times are changing, everything is different from what it used to be, disciples, the most important lesson to teach you today as a teacher is to keep pace with the times!"

When the voice fell, the old lady Lan stopped speaking directly, turned around and charged quickly in the direction of the dense forest formation, even ignoring the crutches stuck on the ground.

After Mo Yue fifty breaths, the figure of the youngest and youngest appeared directly outside the external building constructed by the Dazhen, and in front of the three of them was the side door that Liang Po had brought in.

Under the heavy rain, the side door was closed tightly, just like the unpredictable road ahead of the descendants of Wuxian Mountain.

After that, the whole body was soaked in rain, completely no longer the look that was carefully modified before, but the very embarrassed old lady stood in front of the door, silent.

Drops of rain slid down along the criss-crossed face of the old lady, and then the old woman Lan took a deep breath, raised her right hand, and knocked on the side door in front of her.

This old lady, who doesn't know how long she has lived, is going to knock on the door of destiny again when this new era comes.

"Boom, boom, boom!"

The rhythmic knock on the door sounded under the heavy rain, and it also struck the hearts of Ao Bai and the others, shaking their hearts and shaking their bodies.

After the second breath, this small side door slowly opened, revealing a young figure.

This figure is dressed in white, with a folding fan swaying in his hand, and his face is handsome. It is not someone else, but Sima Annan who had a relationship with the three before.

Then Sima Annan adjusted his white sleeves, looked at the embarrassed old lady in front of him, and asked:

"Sect Master Lan went and turned back, but is there something else?"

As soon as this question came out, the old woman Lan was stern, and after taking a step back, she respectfully saluted in front of her and opened her mouth and said:

"Cao Min Lan, once again see the Great Emperor Fuyao in the North!"

The word "caomin" in the mouth of the silver-haired old woman was extremely heavy, and then Sima Annan, who was swaying the folding fan, was taken aback for a moment, revealed a smile, opened his mouth and said:

"Old lady, don't you be the Sect Master of the Five Immortals Sect?"

"Old and confused, since the Northern Territory has been unified, there is no need for these Five Immortal Sects to exist, and within the kingdom, there is no reason to establish a sect without canonization!"

After finishing speaking, the old woman saluted the front again, and the voice continued:

"From now on, the old man will disband all sects such as the Five Immortals Sect, and confess his ignorance to the Great Northern Emperor!"

After the old lady Lan's loud and loud words fell, Sima Annan in the side door nodded, and the voice came out again:

"Do you remember the song my son sang when you came?

"It's the so-called clever man's work, the wise man is worried, and the incompetent has nothing to ask for. Sometimes the more you can think about it, the less you can do everything. The most important thing is to grasp the context of the times.

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