The Hardest Opening System in History

Chapter 1529: Re-establish two states

"The clever one works, the wise one is worried, and the incompetent does not ask for anything, but the cleverness is mistaken by the cleverness. It turns out that the son has long reminded the old that he is old and dull, and failed to comprehend it in time. Xiancheng will not let go."

On the shores of the North Sea with thunder and lightning, the thunder was louder than once, and the voice from the old woman Lan came out under the heavy rain.

Then the two young people behind the old lady, above the faces with their heads down, showed a sudden realization, followed by a deep shock.

It turns out that the words and deeds are all mysterious, but they haven't noticed it.


Another louder thunder resounded through the sky, and the vast heaven and earth vitality generated by this thunderous thunder directly turned into a billowing tide surging down, and even the entire sky dome on the banks of the North Sea became aquamarine green.

At the same time, the entire void on the shore of the North Sea, the heaven and earth vitality became more full with a very intuitive induction, which indicates that the recovery and rebirth of the entire North Sea has entered a rapidly changing explosive phase.

After the side door, Sima Annan, who was swinging the folding fan, retracted the folding fan in his hand and slowly said:

"Actually, it's no wonder you, old lady. You must know that this Taixuan land has been following the rule of the sect of the sect for so many years. Even in the age of the fairy palace, the immortal palace above the world does not bother to subdue the mundane to manage the mundane. Zongmen is your deep-rooted concept."

After Sima Annan finished speaking, he paused, and the young voice continued:

"But Sect Master Lan, you should also know that all the governance methods of My Daxia and the Taixuan Land are different. Just as your Majesty told you, the entire country needs only one voice and one will, and that is your Majesty. Will!

"The imperial court allows the existence of the sect, but it must be within the framework of the Daxia Law. This is a red line that is not allowed to cross. Whoever crosses it will die.

"And Mrs. Lan, maybe you don't know that in the so-called presbytery of your descendants of Wuxianshan, some people extended their paws to the original northern creatures outside the northern border, wanting to exchange some information with each other."

As soon as Sima Annan's words came out, the three people including the silver-haired old woman suddenly raised their heads, their faces were full of horror, and then Ao Bai blurted out in disbelief:

"How is this possible?"

"You should be very clear about the power of Daxia. All the troubles can't be hidden from our eyes. In fact, the little tricks of those people are, in our opinion, playful things."

After the voice fell, Sima Annan raised the white robe and sleeves in his hand, and said loudly again:

"The soldiers stationed in the south recently captured and killed the original North Sea race that had been close to Wan who wanted to cross the border. You should be able to guess what's so tricky about this."

Although Sima Annan's words were still plain, they were louder than any thunder above their heads to the three of them, and they even took a few steps back, making it difficult to speak for a while.

"Your Majesty is kind and mindful of old feelings, so he made a special order to this young man. If you want to understand, then take your orders."

The voice of Sima Annan continued to speak fell, and the old lady Lan hurriedly suppressed the inner shock, knelt down under the heavy rain, and listened to Sima Annan's holy order from Zhao Yu.

"Your Majesty’s order is to establish two additional states in addition to the 36 prefectures of Daiyu Mountain in Daxia. Among them, the three prefectures of Liusha, Fengxian and Hanyan will be directly combined into one state, named Jiaozhou, and at the same time on the banks of the North Sea. Together with the area where Shen Xiancheng is located, it is designated as a state called Haizhou."

A solemn expression of Sima Annan finished speaking, a bright and hot flame began to burn in his eyes, and he continued to speak, and the voice rolled out:

"In a few years, Daxiahui will recover the entire northern territory, and build cities in these two states. The people in these cities are mainly descendants of Wuxianshan. Therefore, Mrs. Lan, these descendants of Wuxianshan You can rest assured with livelihood issues."

"Your Majesty is kind!"

The silver-haired old woman sighed in her heart, slammed her head to the front, and uttered a loud shout, then Sima Annan pursed her lips, and the voice continued:

"All the descendants of Wuxianshan will be disrupted and reorganized, and will be distributed in major cities. According to the Daxia Law, every Daxia citizen has an identity jade disc that is exclusive to him. People in the two states will not be listed either.

"But the jade plate of the subsidiary state will be different. If you want to enter the Daiyuxian Island, you need to report for review, and you should not stay for long. This should be understandable, but after ten years, there will be corresponding promotion channels. By then, all rights and interests will be the same as those of the local people."

After he finished speaking, Sima Annan lowered his head slightly, staring at the three people who fell down on the ground and did not want to get up, and said again:

"You still have questions?"

After the question lingered in her ears, the silver-haired old woman Lan stood up slightly and looked at Sima Annan, who was indifferent in front of her. Her lips moved. After hesitating for a long time, she finally uttered a question:

"Master Sima, although he may offend the holy face, the old man still wants to multiply for the northern races who were originally living in Shenxian City and forced to go south to ask, do they have any hope of returning to their hometown?"

This question fell, and above the sky was another thunder that shattered the sky, and this thunder was louder than ever, just like the anger of the sky, making Ao Bai tremble subconsciously.


The originally gloomy world suddenly became extraordinarily bright because of the lightning that ran through the entire world, clearly reflecting the extremely pale faces of the three people in front of Sima Anan.

Then Sima Annan's black eyes moved slightly, and Yinglang's voice came out again:

"Your Majesty is always kind, so these original Shenxiancheng creatures can return to their former hometowns, but they have the conditions, that is, they must be separated from all the organizations they were originally in, such as the Tianyun Temple, etc., and they need to pass the review of the Sitian Supervisor. .

"But the old lady, you have to endorse these people. If something goes wrong, you will be jointly and severally liable. I hope you will consider this point carefully."

"Of course, the old man understands."

After the silver-haired old woman fell with a voice of infinite gratitude, she bowed to the front again, and a passionate voice came out:

"Lan, descendant of Wuxian Mountain, once again thank the Great Emperor Longen of the Northern Realm Fuyao, and he will do his best for Daxia, and he will never die!"

"Get up, old lady, the new era has begun. Everyone will have a completely different life, including you and me."

Sima Annan stretched out his hand and gestured to a few people to get up. Then, as if thinking of something, he took out a token from his arms, waved and flew down, and the voice continued:

"By the way, your Majesty said that there were disciples in the original Five Immortal Sect who had good talents, and they could directly enter the Shenjing City for further study. This is a disc card. The old lady of the specific personnel should be arranged by yourself. Hold the disc card and go to the Shenxian City Transmission Department. Someone will arrange it. ."

After finishing the words, these seven or eight signs were directly suspended in front of the three of them, and at the same time four shining characters were written on them.

Great Summer Palace!

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