At the bow of the big ship, two rows of glamorous and young maids, with flying clothes and light footsteps, exuded bursts of fragrance in their delicate bodies, they pierced directly into the noses of the others.

Then Yingying and Yanyan surrounded Dong Yuan in Fengxian County, with a mysterious smile on her face like a 14-five-year-old child, watching a citizen of Changming City with red eyes under the big ship, opening her mouth, Hong Liang 'S voice resounded directly in all directions:

"It's noon, Crescent Chamber of Commerce, open!"

As soon as the sound came out, the cheers from the sky became louder, and then on the huge crescent ship, a full twelve rays of sunlight shot out, and then stretched out like a spider's legs.

After a few breaths, the rays of sunlight directly solidified into a winding staircase, slowly falling on the ground, and at the same time, a more enthusiastic shout came out from the mouths of countless people in Changming City, as if a tsunami was about to burst. The roar before.

"The market is open, it's open, go for it!"

With a roar among the crowds, the torrent of people began to charge forward directly, as if a group of ants came out of their nests, and began to follow the steps extending out of the treasure ship into the crescent ship.

The area of ​​the Moonfang Treasure Ship is beyond ordinary people's imagination. It is like a giant beast of heaven and earth with a huge mouth open, ruthlessly devouring the people of Changming City who swarmed up.

"Ting Chuan, let's go down to this treasure ship. If the old man in the Shenji Pavilion is right, then when I go to the north, I must deal with the people behind this caravan."

On the white cloud above Changming City, Master Guanyun’s words fell, and his eyes gradually returned to plainness. Then Guanyun raised his right hand and gently pressed it down, controlling the white cloud under him, towards the treasure ship below. Falling at extreme speed, at the same time a voice came out:

"This treasure ship contains a strong and indomitable atmosphere, and even the master cannot figure out where this person is."

When the voice fell, Master Guanyun, together with the little Taoist Tingchuan beside him, landed directly on the dense deck of the treasure ship, and the extremely noisy voice immediately rang through his ears:

"Madam, this Crescent Caravan's bill? Have you brought it?"

As soon as this question came out? Beside the man who spoke, a woman-like Changming clan? Just stretched out his hand and fumbled in his pocket? After a while, under the anxious gaze of the man beside him? Cautiously Take out a note wrapped in three layers inside and three layers outside, and replied with relief:

"Here? Here."

"Give it to me quickly? Fortunately, I didn't lose it. If I don't have this bill, I won't be able to redeem the cents. Then I won't have any place to cry!

After finishing talking? The middle-aged man beside him originally had an anxious expression? He gradually turned into fanatical excitement. He grabbed the bill in the woman's hand, and after looking at it carefully, he kept muttering:

"Get rich, madam? Let's get rich!"

Hearing the word "Fa Cai", on the woman's unbeautiful face? She also showed an excited smile, and then her face showed a little hesitation? After thinking for a while, she asked:

"The owner? After redeeming the money this time? I want to keep a part of it for my own use? In the past year, we have earned enough. I want to buy a little spiritual treasure for the child. That kid has a good talent. , Will definitely be able to break through the current realm."

As soon as he said this, the man who held the bill tightly in his hand fell into hesitation. The uncertain expression foretells that this ordinary man from Changming City is actually not at peace.

After repeated hesitations, the middle-aged man stomped his foot fiercely, gritted his teeth and said:

"We will wait a few months for the purchase of spirit treasures for the children. If we store them in this Crescent Caravan for a few months, we can buy higher-level treasures. If we work hard for a while, the days will be Live better!"

The words of the middle-aged man directly represented that he had decided to deposit all the cents redeemed from the Chamber of Commerce this time. Then the woman behind him moved her lips, wanting to say something, and finally bit Clenched his teeth and nodded heavily.

Scenes like the exchange between husband and wife are being staged almost everywhere on the crowded treasure ship, but in the end, the desire for cents in their hearts once again overcomes their worries and fears, and these people have made the same thing as the former. decision.

"Master, these people have completely stepped into the abyss of greed, sinking deeper and deeper."

"Most of the creatures in the Great Profound Land have a heart of conformity. When everyone around you does this, there are very few people who can hold their own heart. Tingchuan, you might as well think about it. If it were you, In this situation, can you be different from others?"

As soon as Guanyun Taoist said this, the young Taoist beside him gradually frowned, and was also plunged into deep thought, and the little Taoist's heart was also violently rolling.

At the next breath, a wave of people rushed from the outside, and among the crowded forward, there happened to be a person directly hitting the body of the distracted Taoist Tingchuan, and then there was a little bit of pain. The sound rang:


As soon as the voice came out, the little Taoist came back to his senses, and stretched out his hand to pull the figure that was about to fall on his side, but his complexion changed slightly, because the next breath, this figure in turn grabbed the little Taoist's arm. , Increased a lot of volume, and the sound came out directly:

"You thief, steal my bill, my bill is gone, come, come and catch the thief!"

In this suddenly wailing voice, there was horror and frailty, as helpless as a little daughter-in-law who had been bullied, and such anomalies also attracted the attention of people around.

"This girl, you deny that the wrong person is wrong, and you haven't seen the so-called bill below."

Before the little Taoist listened to Chuan’s explanation, the delicate woman next to him had already begun to scream, her voice shrill:

"It's you, it's you, you deliberately ran into me and then stole my bill."

At the same time, as the woman was yelling, a burly man came from all directions and gathered around the crowd, and then directly surrounded the little Taoist priest and Guanyun, with a fierce look in his eyes and a big inconvenience. Hands-on momentum.

"You really admitted the wrong person, and this girl just wanted to fall, but she just kindly pulled her."

"You don't need to tell me that there are some or not. Now that you have so many eyes looking at it, you still want to play tricks?"

After speaking, an exceptionally burly man of the Changming clan among the crowd, with even more fierce light in his eyes, took a violent step towards the little Taoist priest in front of Tingchuan, and his cold voice rolled out:

"A bold thief, how dare you steal the bill, return it, or just use the celestial coin to offset it, otherwise you will cut your arm!"

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