The Hardest Opening System in History

Chapter 1542: Porcelain house

At the corner of the Crescent Treasure Ship, a total of eight sturdy men of the Changming clan approached the two Taoist priests Guanyun and Tingchuan. At the same time, the fierce aura rolled into the front, and the atmosphere was tense.

The conflict was on the verge of breaking out, and then after listening to Taoist Guanyun next to Taoist Chuan, he smiled slightly, and came out from under his hood with a little weird voice:

"This world is so great, it's weird that someone hits our attention!"

After the voice fell, the fist under the black robe of the little Taoist priest in Listening Chuan was clenched, and within the not burly body, the vitality began to boil and flow, and then the voice came out one by one:

"The money stored in this Crescent Treasure Ship can't satisfy your appetite, and you still have to engage in some blackmailing activities. As expected, the greed of the human heart is endless!"

"Stop talking nonsense, the thirty two-color fairy coins can't be thrown away for nothing. If you count the rewards you have stored on the treasure ship over the past few months, at least one hundred two-color fairy coins can't be lost!"

An increasingly tyrannical voice came from the fierce man of the Changming clan, and the eternal light above his head suddenly began to flash with dazzling red light, and the thick evil spirit turned into a tyrannical beast, roaring at the front.

"I thought that the Buddhas and monks in the Western Regions are already the least reasonable people in the world, but I didn't expect that the world outside would be more chaotic, and the greed of the creatures would never end, and even hesitate to persecute innocent people."

Word by word, a cold voice came from the mouth of the Taoist Ting Chuan, and then his right foot stepped forward, his hands were lifted into a hug shape, and the Qi machine instantly rose to the extreme.

At the next breath, a young voice sounded directly from a short distance, and then it was very clearly transmitted to the ears of everyone present:

"Everyone, I think you may have forgotten that our Crescent Caravan has another rule? That is on this treasure ship? Do not use force. If anyone wants to break the rule? Then be prepared to fall to the ground. "

This immature voice was plain but with a power that could not be rejected? Then Dong Yuan, who was only half an adult, came with his hands on his back? The old **** was here.

After a few breaths, Dong Yuan, who came in front of the crowd, stared at the very burly phoenix immortal men in front of him. A very strange smile appeared at the corner of his mouth, and his voice continued to be heard:

"Do you want to die if you use your brains on the Crescent Boat?"

After the words were over, a murderous aura rushed forward? Accompanied by the strange cracking wind that rose out of thin air? The several big guys in front of him withdrew a few steps backwards, their faces full of shock.

In the next moment, a wind blade appeared out of thin air, and it turned directly around the neck of the man in front of him, blood splashing instantly? Several great heads flew directly down.

"Sweep this deck clean, and then drag the body out to show the public? Re-emphasize the rules of my crescent caravan."

A steady and indifferent voice continued to be heard from Dong Yuan, and then this person from the seaside of Fengxian County as a guide to board the Jinzong treasure ship? Dong Yuan, who took another year to become the steward of the Crescent Boat, turned and stared at Guanyun The two? After bending over for a bow? The voice came out:

"The two are coming from afar? Our big shopkeeper would like to ask, please come with me."

As the voice fell, Master Guanyun's eyes moved slightly, and he took the lead in stepping his legs to follow Dong Yuan's back, and the voice of inquiry came out:

"Since your big shopkeeper personally invited, does it mean that the Crescent Caravan already knows the origins of my waiting?"

"That's natural. In fact, throughout Changming County, we have more channels for getting news than you think."

After Dong Yuan's voice fell, his footsteps paused slightly, his speed slowed down a lot, and his voice continued:

"We know that the two are from Dayan City in the west, because there is a protracted battle between the Taoist temples of the Western Regions and Buddhism. Therefore, the treasurer wants to get some news from you. Of course, if you have any questions or requirements, you can also mention."

Dong Yuan did not hide it, but directly stated the intention behind this move, and such a frank attitude made the little Taoist behind him listen to Chuan secretly saying:

"It's a big picture."

What the little Taoist didn't notice was that his attitude towards the Crescent Caravan had already turned from dislike from the beginning to appreciation.

The area of ​​the Crescent Treasure Ship is extremely large, so after Dong Yuan took the two of them through many buildings, the noise around him gradually faded, and in the depths of the Treasure Ship, rows of plantings even appeared beside him, with lush trees and verdant vegetation. The path leads to the front, giving people a sense of tranquility as a winding path leads to a secluded place.

Then on the quiet road, the voice of inquiry from Master Guanyun sounded:

"This manager, I guess the person invited by your big shopkeeper is more than our family?"

"Our Chamber of Commerce spares no effort to obtain information, so we have all invited these key monks who came to Changming City."

Dong Yuan's voice in response is still neither humble nor overbearing. This year, under the influence of Yue Yaer's ears and eyes, he has achieved full growth. Then he and the two behind him appeared before a delicate attic, and the voice continued to spread:

"However, our big shopkeeper manages everything, naturally, not everyone will be interviewed. You two are the only people the big shopkeeper wants to see in person."

After finishing the sentence, Dong Yuan stopped his figure, raised his right hand, drew forward and said:

"The shopkeeper is in the building, please, please."

"Thank you, Director Dong, for leading the way."

Master Guanyun raised his hand and took off his hood. After thanking him, he walked directly to the attic not far away, while the little Taoist priest Tingchuan behind him also took off the hood on his head, revealing a very heroic and young man Appearance.

I saw that his age was much younger than his figure, and there was a childish color between his eyebrows and eyes. After speeding up his steps to follow the Master Guanyun in front of him, he glanced around and condensed slightly.

Because the closer you get to the small building, the more you find the difference. The material of this two-story building is neither ordinary trees nor piles of stones, but porcelain, which is a complete piece of porcelain. The charming luster radiates from this porcelain.

"Master, this small building turned out to be a huge piece of porcelain. Although it is simple and simple, it has extremely complicated craftsmanship. It is unique even in the land of the profound."

The little Taoist listened to Chuan with a voice of admiration, and formally came to Guanyun before the porcelain small building. After looking up and down the exquisite artwork in front of him, he nodded and said:

"The whole porcelain building is made into a single body, and it has extremely high control over the temperature and craftsmanship. Without the master of the birth and death realm in the palm of the hand, it is impossible to produce such a perfect appearance."

As soon as Guan Yunde's voice fell, the door of the small building in front of him slowly opened automatically, and then a pleasant inquiring sound floated from the building:

"Wood will rot, iron will rust, everything will be broken, but there is one thing in the world that won't break unless it is broken. What do you know?"

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