The Hardest Opening System in History

Chapter 1543: Central Plains Chaos

More than a decade ago, when Zhao Yu, who was still a child, met the girl Crescent Moon, the young emperor asked the question that was lingering in the ears of the person on Guanyun in his immature but mature voice.

"What is not broken or broken?"

In the depths of the Crescent Treasure Ship, the door of that exquisite porcelain building slowly opened, and wisps of refreshing fragrance spread out, spreading to the entire courtyard garden, and then after a few breaths of thought, Master Guanyun looked at the interior of the small building in front of him. , The response came out:

"What the shopkeeper said, but porcelain?"

As the voice fell, Master Guanyun smiled slightly, leading the young Taoist to listen to Sichuan, and stepping into the porcelain building with the young Taoist, his voice continued to spread:

"Although porcelain does not decay for a long time, everything in the world has two sides. Porcelain is too fragile and will break with the touch."

After he finished speaking, Master Guanyun, who stepped into the porcelain building, raised his head slightly, and saw a very simple room with a very simple layout, several desks, one soft, several potted flowers, and a cup of tea.

On the soft collapse behind the desk, leaning against a very beautiful woman reading a book.

The woman has a perfect figure that even gods and demons can marvel at, as well as a face of evil that humiliates Hundred Flowers. She has her black hair wrapped around her head casually with a wooden hairpin. The pale green Huashang Lingluo gives people a kind of A lazy but noble sense of nobility.

Charming but not demon, gorgeous but not vulgar!

"It is said that the two came from Dayan City in the west of the Taixuan land. This shopkeeper is very curious. The Western Region covered by thousands of miles of yellow sand also produces porcelain?"

After the soft and pleasant voice came from Crescent Moon's mouth, this woman who is at the most attractive stage in her life? Put the book in her hand on the desk? Stand up slightly, and raise her hand to signal the two people at the door. Seated.

"Dayan Guan Guanyun Taoist Temple? Guanyun? I have seen the big treasurer of the Crescent Chamber of Commerce, but I didn't expect that the big treasurer won't let the shackles? Such young and beautiful, really unexpected."

Among the misty eyes of Master Guanyun? With a deep look of wonder? Then he took the little Taoist priest to give a salute, and sat down at the desk in front of Crescent Moon, the voice continued to spread. :

"The Dayan Pass, which borders the Western Regions, does not produce porcelain. Actually, this object? There are very few in the Taixuan Land? Because although it is exquisite, it is too fragile. Runes, only those in power of the big powers will collect them."

"Beautiful but useless, like a chicken rib, right?"

The voice of Master Guanyun hasn't fallen yet? The response from Yue Ya'er in front of him sounded immediately, and then Yue Ya'er, who frowned slightly, sighed slightly, and the voice came out:

"Every vase? There should be a dream of wanting to become stronger? Perhaps the Taoist does not know anything? I am just a vase."

As soon as Crescent Moon's words came out, Guanyun's face suddenly stagnated, and immediately recovered as usual, smiled slightly, and responded:

"The shopkeeper is obviously joking. If you are still a flashy vase, there is no real gold in this world."

"The vase standing on the shoulders of giants is also a vase."

After Crescent Moon’s faint words came out, her complexion returned to solemnity, and then looking at the two people in front of her, she also began to feel an indescribable sense of oppression. At the same time, her red lips lightly opened and she spoke directly:

"This shopkeeper is not a person who likes to circumspect, you want to go to Daxia in the North?"

"It is, and the situation is urgent. I hope I can go as soon as possible."

"So you are like those of the other forces, wanting Wu Daxia to stand on the side of your Dayan Pass above the so-called Supreme Profound Dao Society?"

After Yue Ya'er finished speaking, she patted her hands lightly, and then these young lady Lv'er, who was much older, walked in slowly with a pot of tea.

"The treasurer's ability to collect information is really extraordinary. The news of the Supreme Profound Dao Society has not yet been fully disclosed, and it is only a preliminary plan."

After Master Guanyun finished speaking, he nodded softly to thank Luer who poured the tea, and then the voice continued:

"Since the dramatic changes in the North Sea, the entire Central Plains of the Great Profound Land has been lit up as a fuse. There have been countless life-and-death battles among the major forces. Every minute and every second, countless lives have fallen. Grass mustard.

"A war of this magnitude has not appeared in the Taixuan Land for countless years. In the Western Regions of the Taixuan Land, there are countless monks every day, violently impacting the walls of Xiongguan, leaving countless souls."

"I have long heard of wars everywhere in the Central Plains. At this time, I heard Dao Master Guanyun's words that this **** battle is even worse than the rumors outside."

"It is no longer a tragic description. The Buddhism of the Western Regions marched eastward and fought **** battles with our Taoists. The two kingdoms of Qingzhi and Yanjue in the east were fighting around the Tianchi volcano, and the most critical core area of ​​the Central Plains, the Holy Court and the Central Kingdom The real fire has been completely hit, and all kinds of means have been used to destroy the world."

The words spoken from the people on Guanyun did not have too strong emotions, but between the lines, there was a scarlet-rich iron-blooded air rushing toward the face, making the inside of the porcelain building surrounded by fragrance. Suddenly a gust of wind blew.

At the next breath, Master Guanyun focused his eyes slightly, raised his right hand and swept his sleeves in front of him, suddenly a white cloud floated in the void in front of Crescent Moon.

Then the white clouds spread out, directly forming a scarlet picture scroll and slowly opening, and this represents the phantom picture scroll of the Central Plains of the Great Profound Land. There is a **** dragon connecting the whole world in the west, east and middle. Volume, violent skyrocketing.

Inside the scarlet tornado, ghosts cry and noisy, covering the sky and obscuring the sun, countless auras of destruction pour out from the tornado, and continuously cause changes in the aura of the entire Central Plains world.

"Every tornado represents a huge cloud of war."

After the Taoist Guanyun fell with a solemn voice, he raised his jade-like right hand that was crystal clear and pointed to the blood-colored tornado in front of him, his voice continued to spread:

"What's more important is that behind every big power, there are countless small forces attached to it, and it is the so-called pull that affects the whole body. Therefore, once these behemoths occupying the upper level of the entire Taixuan land are personally killed, this The scale of the war will expand outward at an unprecedented rate."

After the words fell, several people turned their eyes to the periphery of the three huge tornadoes, and saw countless smaller war tornado storms, densely appearing on the ground of the Taixuan Land, spreading and raging.

"The situation in the Taixuan Land reminds people of the Beihai once. At that time, the two forces first bombed, and finally most of the entire Taixuan Land was involved, causing unpredictable consequences."

As soon as the middle-aged Taoist Guan Yunde's words fell, Crescent Moon, who was holding a cup of tea in front of him, showed a look of interest in his eyes, and said softly:

"Could it be that the Central Plains of the Great Profound Land will also experience a **** battle in the Northern Realm?

"Hedong for thirty years and Hexi for thirty years, that would be interesting."

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