"The Battle of the Broken Sky in the Northern Territory, even after tens of thousands of years, still keeps the memory of all the ancient creatures in the Supreme Profound Land still fresh.

"The sky is shattered, the avenue is destroyed, all the creatures in the entire northern region are almost extinct, and there is no grass for countless years, and it has completely become a land of Taoism."

Inside the porcelain building of the Crescent Treasure Ship, the voice belonging to Master Guanyun continued to sound amidst the raging tornadoes of the Scarlet War. Then the middle-aged Taoist priest with solemn and solemn face raised his right hand and opened his five fingers to the front. A voice continued:

"The violent battles of the past year and a half have caused the heavenly secrets of the Central Plains to begin to show signs of breaking the ground. If left unchecked, Central Plains will most likely become the next Northern Territory. Therefore, the old monsters of the ancient sects, I couldn't sit still anymore and tried to find a way to stop fighting."

"So here is the so-called Taixuan Daohui?"

"It is precisely that the sect forces headed by the Five Hidden Sects have released the news that a Taixuan Daohui will gather most of the forces in the entire Taixuan Land to resolve disputes with each other and avoid the Central Plains. Follow the mistakes of the Beihai."

After finishing the words, Master Guanyun paused, and after some thoughts, he spoke again:

"Although this news has not been fully disclosed to the entire Taixuan Land, it is already ten or ninety-nine. Therefore, many forces have begun to act in advance, forming gangs and strengthening the power in the Taoist society."

"Unexpectedly, Daxia in the North has been so low-key this year and a half, but there are still many monks sending people to come. It seems that the dispute in the Central Plains is really chaotic."

In the sound of Crescent Moon's opening, the color of interest grew stronger, and then she leaned forward with her plump body, and her voice slowly debuted again:

"Your Central Plains forces opened the Taixuan Conference, why, are you still thinking about inviting my Northern Realm Daxia to participate?"

"The great treasurer doesn't know. Now the entire Central Plains folks, including the Shenji Pavilion, have expanded the four Shangguo to five? And this new Shangguo is your country's Daxia.

"And there is news that this Taixuan Dao Society's invitation to your country? It was ordered by the Taiqing Sect's Sect Master himself. As the head of the Five Hidden Sects, Taiqing Sect? In this Taoist society, there is a very high The right to speak? It is estimated that the monk invited from the north is already on the way."

After the voice fell, Master Guanyun stopped speaking, picked up the steaming teacup in his hand, and gestured to the crescent moon in front of him? Everything was silent.

The current situation of the entire Taixuan Land? In this brief conversation, the Taoist Taoist Guanyun has described it very clearly, and as Crescent Moon said, he is not a person who likes to bend, so the middle-aged Taoist is quiet Ming? Waiting for Crescent Moon to concentrate on thinking.

"Master, do you think this beautiful treasurer will let us enter the northern border?"

Just as Crescent Moon leaned back and collapsed and sorted out his thoughts? The little Taoist listened to the voice of Chuan, and quietly passed into the ears of Taoist Guanyun? Then the latter shook his head slightly? The response sound spread out:

"The master doesn't even know it? Because the big treasurer in front of me can't see through, she said that she is a beautiful vase that can be broken at the touch of a touch, do you believe it?"

As soon as this rhetorical question came out, the expression of the little Taoist priest in Sichuan was taken aback. He was able to put the life rope directly on the necks of all the citizens of Changming County in just a year without a single soldier. People are naturally not so-called vases.

Not only is it not a vase, it is also a shuddering peerless soldier!

The plump body languidly leaned against the soft crescent moon, and it took a long time to think about it. Then he recovered, raised the green onions and softly, and lightly snapped his fingers, accompanied by a crisp sound, a whole body The figure shrouded in black robe appeared like a ghost in the porcelain building.

"Report this matter. If there is new news, send it as soon as possible."

After the voice fell, Yue Ya'er turned her gaze to the Taoist Taoist Guanyun who looked indifferently as usual. After looking at it, her casual voice continued to sound:

"You have been seriously injured, which means that your Dao Sect's situation in the Western Regions is not so good?"

The plain words of Yue Ya'er, to the two Taoist priests in Guanyun, were tantamount to a thunderbolt in the sky, especially the little Taoist priest from Tingchuan, whose complexion changed drastically, no longer caring about other things, and directly blurted out:

"Master, are you injured?"

The face of the little Taoist was truly anxious, because this time the dispute between Buddhism and Taoism has proceeded so far, both sides understand that the key to overwhelming victory is the number of high-ranking monks on both sides.

Every major repair is very important, because it can directly affect the balance of strength between the two sides. Once the Master Guanyun is injured too seriously, it means that Dayan Pass is directly missing a pillar of the sky.

Then the little Taoist listened to Chuan's complexion becoming more and more ugly, because he finally figured out why Guanyun took him to the north this time.

"Master, it turns out that you left Dayan Pass and took me north, not only because you have the highest speed in the world, but also because Guanli wants you to have time to heal your injuries. That's how it is!"

"This is an old injury from more than a year ago. It doesn't matter, don't worry."

Master Guanyun responded with relief, and then the former with his usual face, raised his hand and gently patted the very solemn little Taoist priest beside him, then looked at Crescent Moon in front of him, and the voice continued:

"The shopkeeper is really good insight. A year and a half ago, he knew in advance that the Western Region Buddhism wanted to enter the Central Plains, so he went to investigate, but was unexpectedly noticed. Under the chase of the entire Buddhism, he suffered some injuries. "

"I smelled the smell of Fudo Ming Wang Yan. The burning of this flame will cause intense pain. The shopkeeper respects you as a man."

Yue Ya'er's next words made Guan Yun's face completely clear, and then his eyes lit up, and his voice came out:

"Some people in the next are beginning to admire the big shopkeeper. This Fudo Ming Wang Yan is one of the four great flames of Buddhism. Most people have no chance to see it, let alone smell it."

"How difficult is this? I have seen Wang Yan a lot of times."

Crescent Moon's voice was still so lazy and beautiful, and then he waved his hand, a smile appeared on the beautiful face, and the slow voice once again lingered in this porcelain building:

"This Fudo Ming Wang Yan is not exclusive to Buddhism. My Daxia has used it for major repairs. Not only this kind of fire, but Da Ri Feng Yan and even Nine Nether Demon Flames. If you want to extract the flames from your body, you should It's not a problem."

At this point, Yue Ya'er's words turned, staring straight at the two Taoists Guanyun and Tingchuan who had no longer indifferently before, and the sweet voice continued to sound in her ears:

"But Master Dao, you should understand that this shopkeeper is a businessman, but does business, so what can you give me Crescent Caravan?"

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