The Hardest Opening System in History

Chapter 1549: Boat half way

The New Year's Eve, a festival of extraordinary significance to every citizen of China's vast land and summer, will come as time goes on.

In fact, Jin Yuanbao, the young master of the Jin Jin sect, has already experienced the grand occasion of the Great Summer New Year Pass, so he became so excited when he heard that Lu'erkou Middle Year Pass was approaching these four words.

"Young Master Ben can't wait to try the authentic hot pot at Shenjingcheng Yueya Restaurant and the noodle soup at Qiongjiang Restaurant on Qinglong Street. Only after tasting these delicacies did I know that Young Master Ben has been chewing wax since he was a child. "

The round-shaped young master Jin naturally has an extraordinary pursuit of food. So when it comes to the delicious food of this capital city, he starts to talk endlessly, but he almost leaves a splash of saliva on the spot, and then the playful Luer once again Rolling his eyes, the voice came out:

"Look at what you said. This year's pass is the first year of our Great Xia's leapfrog development in the Taixuan Land. Therefore, your Majesty has made a will to celebrate the whole country. The scale of the celebration will be much larger than before. Then you can Keep your eyes open and take a good look."

"It's so good!"

Jin Yuanbao slapped his extremely excited hands, and after the hands full of Taoist rings collided with each other, they made a crisp ding-dong sound. If this sound was heard by ordinary monks in the land of profound profoundness, they would definitely fall into drunkenness, because it represents infinite wealth. The sound.

However, Lu'er, who is Crescent Moon's personal maid, has seen countless wealth in this life, so the little girl continued to yawn, and muttered and turned and left:

"It's late in the night after this moment. I'm going to squint quickly. The lady slept lightly, so she should wake up again soon."

Before Xiao Lu'er's voice fell, he listened to the void of the entire Crescent Treasure Ship, and suddenly there was a harsh whistling sound.

This sound was extremely harsh, like a dagger, the sharp sound made after cutting the glass abruptly? In the next moment? On the crescent ship, a cold and stern voice rang through the night sky:

"Who dares to offend the treasure ship?"

The voice fell? The roar of countless soldiers at the same time filled the world, and the entire treasure ship heading north suddenly sank.

"A powerful enemy is coming."

Inside the room? Jin Yuanbao's round face suddenly became extremely solemn, and then he took the teleporting scroll on the table into his arms? Ran all the way to the door? At the same time, the voice came out:

"Lv'er, go to the shopkeeper Yue and stay there, the butler and I will go out and have a look."

When the voice fell, Jin Yuanbao pushed open the door, and walked out the door three or two steps? Looking up at the sky? His pupils contracted.

I saw the night sky under the silver moon. At this time, there was a fiery red streamer, smashing down directly at the treasure ship where everyone was at an extremely violent speed. Behind the streamer was dragging a dazzling red light, like a sky outside Meteorites shook the world.

At the same time, the violent and scorching breath came first? It rushed down like a huge flame furnace? It directly included the entire huge crescent ship and burned it wantonly.

The silence under the starry sky in Changming County? Was completely broken at this moment? Extremely violent aura? Like an erupting volcano, sweeping across the earth.

After that, the eight statues moved forward with four-legged terrestrial turtles, and at the same time they roared upward, and the runes on the turtle's back rose to the sky. After the power of the rolling earth was absorbed, it turned into an earth-yellow barrier and flashed out. Cover the entire crescent ship.

Thick soil enchantment.

The hot burning breath was isolated by the barrier, and then the whole face on the deck was illuminated by a bright red gold ingot. He continued to raise his head and said:

"Who is this guy?"

"Young master, with such a violent law of flames, there are not many great forces that can be mastered in the entire Supreme Profound Land."

Behind Jin Yuanbao, I don't know when the middle-aged butler of the Golden Sect, who is at the peak of the birth and death stage of the palm edge, appeared. Then he thought for a few breaths, and the response continued:

"There are two places that are most likely, one is deep underground, and the other is in the East Pole."

"Yan Jue Upper Kingdom or Yushu Fire Palace?"

After the gold ingot's voice fell, the butler behind him nodded and said again:

"Exactly, young master, but this country of Yan Jue is fighting against Qingzhi country, it should not be possible to send such a powerful monk to the north, and the road of fire practiced by the two parties is fundamentally different. Yan Jueguo cultivates the underground demon flame. Insidious and weird, and Yushuhuo Mansion is the real flame of the sun.

"The scorching hot air from above contains the vastness of heaven. This person should undoubtedly come from Yushu Fire Palace."

Because Jin Jinzong's intelligence ability is not low, the middle-aged butler's analysis is extremely incisive, and after a breath, an old voice is directly transmitted from the flames and meteors:

"The old true monarch of Dongji Yushuhuo Mansion Sanmai, can you get on the boat and go north together!"

As the voice fell, the blazing meteor exploded outwards, directly revealing the figure of the two people falling down.

Afterwards, Jin Yuanbao looked at the emptiness of visions above, raised his hand and touched his extremely round chin, muttered:

"This Jade Shuhuhuo mansion is so domineering."

"Isn't it, Master, this Yushuhuo Mansion is located in the East Pole, which is the closest to Da Ri. It resembles the imitation of immortal court ruling countless Da Ri creatures. It has always been aloof and prides itself on being superior."

The response came from the mouth of the butler behind Jin Yuanbao, and then he raised his hand to hold the sword on his waist, and said respectfully:

"The law of the big sun flames has always been known for its hegemony, so the fire mansion will cause violent conflicts in all likelihood when coming to the Central Plains. Over time, they seldom travel to the Central Plains.

"But this time, because of the Nantian King Xiliu, there must be a confrontation between Daxia and Huofu. Master, please stand back, otherwise, if there is a real fight, I may not be able to protect you."

"We have also stayed in Daxia for a period of time. Naturally, we know that the new overlord of the Northern Territory, from the Emperor Fuyao to the ordinary people below, although he treats others gently on weekdays, there is no compromise when it comes to principles. "

Following the advice of the housekeeper, the gold ingot, who stepped back a few steps, had a color of serious thought on his fat face. Then he took off a Dao ring and pinched it in his hand, and his voice continued to make his debut:

"You respect me one foot, I respect you one zhang, if you are disrespectful, then I will kill you to respect. This is Daxia's style. The so-called true monarch of Samadhi in the Yushu Fire Mansion used the wrong one at the beginning The means, confused!"

With a low sigh from the gold ingot, on the deck of the Crescent Treasure Ship, a tall figure wearing a celestial army robe slowly walked out of the darkness.

Then Jiang Yue bent his knees slightly, raised his head and watched the golden red streamer falling from above, his right hand stretched into the void, directly holding a big sword, and then the words that were enough to make the void freeze to roll out:

"There are many evils and charms in the boats on the way, the Crescent Treasure Ship's rules are not to accept the boats on the way, retreat!"

With this retreat, the Qi machine completely burst and exploded, and Tianhui Jun Jiangyue directly drew his sword into the sky.

In an instant, the iron and blood aura of the endless battlefield turned into an arc that split the world and rose into the sky.

With cold words, blast the most tyrannical slash!

Commander of the Radiant Legion, born for war.

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