The Hardest Opening System in History

Chapter 1550: One force break

On the deck of the Crescent Treasure Ship, Jiang Yue, commander of the Radiant Army Corps, slashed the sky with a sword.

Open the sky with a sword shocking the sky, the **** battle against the ghosts roar!

The moment Jiang Yue swung his sword out, the earth-yellow lustrous thick soil barrier was released outwards, and the eight ground-patterned tortoises that continued to move forward, because of the powerful recoil force, the huge body was once again down. Shen.

At the same time, the dense cracks spread out like a spider web on the ground under the entire Crescent Ship, and there was a groan that was overwhelmed.

The terribly affected land is still like this, and the sky where Jiang Yue has cut out a sword with all his strength is even worse.


The roars of heroic spirits from countless battlefields, accompanied by the earth-shattering howling, made the entire Changming County directly and completely placed in the ancient battlefield under the starry sky, and then the vast and endless iron and blood killing intent made everyone in the battlefield, They all felt falling into the boundless sea of ​​blood, trembling all over.

"So strong!"

On the Crescent Treasure Ship, unanimous exclamations came from the mouths of every monk who went north, and then the Master Guanyun who walked out of the room with the little Taoist Tingchuan, the expression on his face became extremely solemn for an instant, and he continued to speak. In one word:

"With such a vast sea of ​​iron-blooded fighting spirit, the Great Xia Xia Hui army on board has almost reached the realm of Ashura, a true battlefield killer!"

"Master, what is Ashura?"

The handsome face of the little Taoist Taoist Tingchuan frowned, watching the instant gunpowder smoke, and the roaring sky above the sky, asking questions, and then the middle-aged Taoist Taoist Guan Yun next to him also closely watched the void, and the response came out. Road:

"Killing one is a crime, slaughtering ten million is a male, slaughtering nine million is a male Zhongxiong, if the blood in his hands is too much, he can become the so-called Asura realm, with iron and blood as its source, charging into battle, invincible! "

The voice of Taoist Guanyun just fell, the opening blow that tore the sky, and [悠悠读] appeared in front of the three old women in Yushu Fire Palace, and at this time the one above the sky was threatened. The falling North Sea Wild Bird? Has been stunned by the boiling and violent Qi? Zhen Zhen fainted.

The poor North Sea wild bird was pulling his head feebly, if it wasn't for a red mask to protect him? Has he been directly bombarded with minced meat? Instead, it was the red-haired girl in the basket with golden red hair? Burning blazing gold. The flame of the big sun, while protecting the whole body? The voice came out:

"Master? This sword is so fierce!"

"The person who can slash this sword shouldn't be of the Sumen and Ordinary in the land of Supreme Profound. Why has the deity never heard of it?"

The extremely solemn voice came from the mouth of the Samadhi Zhenjun? Then the eyes under the hood of the old woman? Like two rounds of scorching sun directly rising, it began to emit a burning golden light.

At the same time, the black robe outside the old woman's body, wisps of golden streamer appeared, and then began to spread and circulate? Forming a series of mysterious runes, the aura of the sun that shook the world? Soaring upward at an unprecedented speed.

In the feelings of everyone, the void above the boiling change of the entire Qi machine? A round of the sun directly rose on the battlefield full of iron and blood, and the magnificent sun streamed down? Majestic and majestic.

"The sky is overwhelming!"

An old and magnificent voice suddenly rang into the void? True Monarch Samadhi directly raised his right hand? Pressed down violently, and the Fire Mansion runes on the robe instantly formed an array.

After a breath, a golden crow's claw that covered the sky and the sun stretched out among the sky full of flames, and grabbed it suddenly. The void was completely shattered at this moment, and the red-golden big claws burst out from the cracks. Daily flow.

Then, under the gaze of stark gaze, the claws of the Golden Crow descended, and directly slammed the sword of Heaven Slashing from Jiang Yue.


After an instant, everyone's ears were completely filled with the roar of the soldiers and the roar of the sun, and their eyes, also filled with scarlet iron and blood and golden brilliance, were completely unable to see at this instant.

"Master, how is this battle going?"

The little Taoist Tingchuan, who felt completely compressed in his body, subconsciously issued an urgent inquiry, and then the middle-aged Taoist priest next to him watched the clouds. Two white clouds appeared in his eyes, and he responded with no seriousness or seriousness:

"It's hard to tell the same thing, and it depends on subsequent changes."

Before he finished his words, Jiang Yue, holding a sword in his right hand, with a look of jealous face, the intent of rolling warfare soared in his body, he directly raised up to the sky and let out a roar that penetrated the whole world:

"Come to fight!"

Just as he said, the Radiant Army was born for war and feeds on war!

As the roar fell, Jiang Yue stepped forward and continued to slash the second sword against the golden crow's claw that was holding the boundless sea of ​​fire above. The big sword in his hand was from top to bottom, and it smashed the solid void in front of him.

At the same time, behind Jiang Yue, the stalwart figure of the legion commander with waving flags directly solidified. Not only that, a shadow of the ancient battlefield hero also appeared behind Jiang Yue, standing proudly in the world with his sword, guarding the absolute leader of this battlefield ahead. .

Ancient taboo magical powers. Overwhelming advantage!

After an instant, all the heroic spirits of the ancient battlefield hurled their sharp blades directly to the sky above the sky, and then a more shocking and violent roar surrounded the sky. This sound was so loud, even if there was a thick soil barrier on the crescent ship. The protection still caused a large number of monks to cover their ears.

But the roar of the battlefield sounded directly from the depths of the sea of ​​consciousness, so the monks subconsciously withdrew a few steps back, and then when they raised their heads to look up at the sky again, the color of astonishment in their eyes became thicker.

Because above the void, the forbidden supernatural powers blasted by Jiang Yue directly turned into endless arrows of evil spirits, shrouded in the place where the old woman of the Yushu Fire Palace was located above.

In every arrow, there is an indescribable battlefield evil spirit, directly seeing the blazing golden flames of the sun in nothing, one by one pierced into the claws of the golden crow, and at the same time burst outward, forming Roll forward and charge a torrent of soldiers, using the void as the ground, rushing forward violently and violently.

At the next breath, Jiang Yue's figure on the deck directly disappeared in place, and when he appeared again, he was already at the forefront of the heroic warrior's charge, and took the lead and rushed into the sea of ​​flames.

Then Jiang Yue's big sword suddenly began to show a layer of **** light, both hands gripped the hilt of the sword at the same time, jumped up, and directly slashed down at the flowing sun.

Ancient taboo magical powers. Strong attack.

Ancient taboo magical powers. The moment of courage!

Two consecutive magical powers were added at the same time, making the commander of the legion Jiang Yue completely become a **** on this battlefield!

At the same time, because the power of this slash was too vast, the big sword in his hand almost became a vague streamer in an instant, directly splitting the claw of the golden crow completely from beginning to end, splitting it in two.

After an instant, the legion commander Jiang Yue used unparalleled strength and evil spirits to directly extinguish the flames of the sun entrenched in the sky.

The sky above Changming County was once again completely covered by darkness, and the night came to the world again.

Break through all laws with one effort, but not work!

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