As the saying goes, in front of absolute power, all skills are clouds.

Jiang Yue, commander of the Radiant Army Corps, used his overbearing battlefield Shura to kill, directly forming a torrent of rolling warfare, like a violent ocean of fury that overturned, blasting out the great sun of the jade hub fire palace sanmai The flame was completely extinguished.

The transformation between glare and darkness is in an instant!

Then the extreme contrast caused the monks on the Crescent Treasure Ship to be in a trance, and were shocked into dizziness. After a full breath, when the charging and howling of the heroic warriors in the ear disappeared, they slowly recovered.

And the first thing these people came back to was that they hurriedly looked up at the sky, then opened their mouths and let out an exclamation:

"This true prince of Jade Shuhuhuo Mansion, is he leaving now?"

When this word fell, the few other monks who were still in a horrified look beside them shook their heads and then spoke:

"The cultivation base of the cultivator on the Crescent Treasure Ship is really strong. With every move, he is violent and unparalleled, and he is able to forcibly exterminate the flame of the sun. That is the flame of the sun in the Jade Hub Fire Palace."

"This time, the true Lord Samadhi has suffered a dumb loss. This Jade Hub Fire Mansion is used to being arrogant and domineering. This time he lost such a big face, and he will make any retaliation in the future."

The price of accommodation on the Crescent Moon Boat is not low. People who can live on it are either rich or noble. They are all well-known figures throughout Changming County. Therefore, they naturally understand the style of Yushu Fire House.

After the sound of this sigh came out, some monks showed good smiles on their faces, and the voice continued to spread:

"I don’t know if this Jade Scroll Fire Mansion can force out the forces behind the Crescent Treasure Ship. You and I know that the sky of Changming County has already been suspended with a sharp sword. Lin Xiaozong can’t do it. The rest of the county The sect is even worse!"

Although the population did not say who the forces behind this were, the people who heard it subconsciously looked up to the north, their hearts were complicated and difficult to understand, and a voice kept reminding:

"Broken Leaf City can't stop the new northern hegemon that has risen, this Changming County, maybe it will be changed soon!"

Just as the thoughts of the monks were flying on the deck of the Crescent Treasure Ship, in the depths of the night sky of Changming County, which was once again shrouded in darkness, the commander of the Tianhui Army, Jiang Yue, who stood in the sky, raised his hand to hide the big sword in his hand and turned his head. Watching the direction the old woman is leaving? Speaking softly:

"Really boring!"

The voice fell? Jiang Yue cooled the boiling warfare in his body, and regained his indistinct appearance? Then the black robe grinning body dissipated in place, and fell back to the deck of the crescent ship.

As soon as Jiang Yue fell from the deck, a lazy and soft voice rang in the former ear:

"Not fun?"

"You haven't tried your best yet? This so-called samādhi true monarch retreats with a single blow, really boring."

A jealous young response came from Jiang Yue’s mouth? Then he slowly turned around? Watching the plump figure appearing under the bright moonlight, he continued to speak:

"Does the treasurer Yue know in advance about the people from the Jade Axis Fire Mansion going north?"

"This samadhi true monarch is not low-key, based on the intelligence network of the Crescent Caravan in Changming County? Of course I know."

Crescent Moon’s response fell? She raised her head and stared at the sky with a waning moon, her red lips lightly opened, and her words continued to sound:

"It's not just the so-called Jade Shuhuhuo Mansion, but Changming County is lively now. They are all heading to the north? Want to get in touch with us in Daxia."

"These people from the Central Plains in the Great Profound Land, are all unpredictable? As I said, just wipe their necks with a sword? Simply neat."

The words that came out of Jiang Yue's mouth contained a strong boiling killing intent? Then Crescent Moon shook his head? The black and green eyes moved? The voice came out:

"There are many things in this world that can't be solved with just one word, unless Daxia wants to be isolated from the North forever.

"The seclusion of the country is only an expedient move, and an open and inclusive attitude is the way to continue rapid development. The court knows this very well, and your Majesty also understands this."

After speaking, Yue Ya'er turned around and looked at the looming land of Changming County under the stars, and continued to speak quietly:

"Behind the wind is the wind, and the sky is still above the sky. The end of the road is endless. Changes are always there. You cannot blindly adopt a strategy. This is an extremely simple truth."

After the voice fell, Crescent Moon took a step forward, her plump body was hidden in the shadow and darkness, leaving only a voice around the place:

"Your Majesty and the Manchu civil and military have planned to relax the entry permits for foreigners in Jiaozhou and Haizhou, and gradually began to strengthen exchanges with the major forces. Therefore, if these monks going north are not too much, they should be able to obtain entry permits.

"By the way, in the early days of the recent reign, another major event occurred. The Holy Master set up another department under the Sixth Department and the Division Tianjian to supervise the entry of foreign nationals. It is called the Anjiang Division. The specific circumstances of it are waiting for us. It will be clear after returning to Beijing for the New Year."

After the word "Jing" faintly lingered on the deck this time, the face of Jiang Yue, who was originally cold and stern, gradually became softer, and an imperceptible voice came out:

"After such a long time has passed, can my unfamiliar friend be well at this time?"

No matter how firm Jiang Yue's will to hold the sword is like iron, but deep in his heart, there is always a soft place, living the story of the city of Shenjing!

The crooked moon began to sink toward the ground. On the flat ground of Changming County, the eight tortoises continued to step on the ground, as if tirelessly, they continued their mighty march toward the north.

Wherever he passed, the earth trembled and roared, and smoke billowed.

After the previous episode, the huge crescent ship returned to calm, and all the monks returned to their rooms. However, under the sky glowing from the gems on the ship, too many people tossed and turned, making it hard to sleep.

In a certain room of the Crescent Boat, the middle-aged Taoist Guanyun and the young Taoist Tingchuan sat opposite each other on the ground, both frowned, and thoughts flowed in their eyes.

Then Master Guanyun raised his hand and gently tapped on the desk in front of him, and his voice came out:

"Just now, there was a conflict with the Crescent Caravan in the Yushu Fire Mansion. When the chaos of Qi was boiling, the Master took the risk of using the Baiyun Secret Array to sweep most of the people on the treasure ship, and did not find the Buddhist monks of the Western Regions. It is certain that they did not board the ship."

"Master, if you hadn't boarded the boat at this time, would these monks have already gone to Broken Leaf City further north?"

After the little Taoist listened to Chuan's slightly uncertain voice, Master Guanyun nodded first, and said from his mouth:

"This is also a possibility."

As soon as the voice fell, the middle-aged Taoist priest suddenly raised his head, the pupils in his eyes shrank sharply, and he raised his voice directly:

"No, even you and I know that if you want to approach Daxia in the North, you can only go through the Crescent Boat.

"These Western Region monks arrived here earlier than us. It's impossible to know, so they won't be too far away from the Crescent Moon Ship. They should be waiting around.

"They are unwilling to return to the Western Regions, so they must do something!"

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