"The Buddhism of the Western Regions, it is not enough for you to enter the Central Plains and the Daoism to provoke Wuyu Shuhuo Mansion. It is so bold!"

Within the eight-level buddha formation, the bright eight-story stupa that occupies the entire sky, with an unstoppable force, suppressed the entire void, and wherever it passed, countless samādhi fires were extinguished under unwilling screams.

Then because of the destruction of his supernatural powers, the old woman of the Yushu Fire Mansion, who was completely backlashed, continued to frantically mobilize the last Samadhi power in his body to keep the big sun phantom behind him indestructible.

The twinkling golden brilliance continued to spread out from behind the old woman, but compared with the original, the brilliance of the great day had weakened too much.

For the creatures of the Yushu Fire Palace, the strength of the shining light can directly reflect their own strength. At this time, the real Lord Samadhi, under the careful ambush of the Buddhist monks, the whole body's internal and external coordinative circulation of energy is extremely The power of Buddhism shattered directly and rushed outward.

At the next breath, the four-faced Buddha inside the eight-level stupa opened the eight eyes that were originally tightly closed, and the four mouths simultaneously made the sound of rolling Buddha:

"Blessed by the Lord, our monks will return to the Central Plains that once saved all sentient beings!"

The sound of the Buddha fell, the four-sided Buddha statue stretched out his arms, spread his ten fingers, and directly photographed the red-haired old woman above the void in front of him. The thunderous voice continued to resound across the sky:

"My Buddha is compassionate, the great day creatures of the East Pole, I grant you to enter the kingdom of Buddha after death, and I teach!"

"Fuck your mother's shit."

True Lord Samadhi's response was merciless, and his temperament was tyrannical, so he continued to curse:

"You old bald donkeys with no hair, you are full of nonsense, and you also grant the old to enter the Buddha country. The true monarch would rather sink into the **** of the nine secluded hells than to be company with you bald **** monks. This makes the true monarch. feel sick and vomit."

The old and stern voice came continuously from the mouth of True Monarch Samadhi, and then the four-faced Buddha, who occupied the whole world, remained unmoved, his hands continued to overturn towards the old woman whose breath was greatly reduced below? At the same time, the remaining six hands? He began to gather and pinch the seals on the top of his head, thinking that it would be a kind of Buddhist supernatural power.

Compared with the Buddha's palms that cover the sky and the sun? The old woman's body is so small? At the same time, the billowing torrent of breath that came in advance directly swept away the light of the sun behind the former.

But the next breath? The two Buddha palms photographed directly stopped in the air, motionless.

Because the emptiness behind the true Lord Samadhi? The North Sea wild bird and the girl who were flying in the sky? I don’t know when they have been completely lost. At the same time, above the enchantment composed of countless swastikas, it broke without awareness? A big hole was opened.

Then in the Eight-Chi Pagoda formation? That four-faced Buddha occupies the entire body between the heaven and the earth, and a will began to boil violently, and there is violent anger in the will.

"How can it be so easy to want to use my Jade Shuhuhuo Mansion as a gunman? I have been silent for too long in the East Pole Land for so long, so that you will not put us in your eyes at all."

An icy roar of anger? It came from the mouth of the old woman in the Yushu Fire Mansion, and then he tore off the black robe that enveloped his body? It was a little squiggly, but once again burned the body of the samaya? The roar inside continued to roll out:

"Yushu Fire Palace? The most upright? The old can die here, but you will definitely regret it, because after today, your Buddhism will have one more powerful enemy that will never die.

"The Da Ri creatures of my Fire Mansion will come out from the nest, chop off the heads of you monks, and never die!"

After finishing the words, expended immense strength, sending the girl and the North Sea wild bird out of the eighth-level Buddha Samadhi True Monarch, the only remaining flames in the whole body exploded outward, revealing his own body directly.

A raging fire spirit that has the origin of the true fire of Samadhi!

At the same time, in the void, from the mouth of the four-faced Buddha who opened his eyes slightly, the unanimous shouts directly spread out:


When the Buddha's order came down, the Buddha represented the angry face and eyebrows. A monk wearing a golden robes stepped directly out, and then, without saying anything, tore open the void in front of him, and his body disappeared.

After an instant, there was another earth-shattering loud noise, resounding throughout the entire array, and at the same time the great sun blasted by the death of the Samadhi True Monarch continued to rise!

"Uncle Wild Bird, Uncle Wild Bird, wake up quickly!"

In the chaotic and perilous outer void of Changming County, the extremely anxious shouts from the girl kept ringing.

I saw that it was extremely sharp, and inside the outer void that the Void Storm raged and cut, there was a crimson mask, like a flat boat in the flood, drifting around helplessly.

Inside the crimson mask, the poor middle-aged North Sea Wild Bird was completely stunned again, and then on his back, a girl from the Jade Shuhuhuo Mansion was constantly patting the former, trying to wake him up.

"Uncle Wild Bird wake up, otherwise you will be lost in the void outside this domain forever, wake up!"

The girl’s voice became more and more anxious. At the next breath, a more turbulent wave of the void from outside the territories rushed directly, blasting the entire Great Sun barrier mask directly, and at the same time, a series of harsh cutting sounds sounded at the girl. Ear.

After the violent vibration, the girl who had finally stabilized her figure turned her head, and saw that the crimson enchantment around her body had already been cut by the void outside the domain, and there appeared a series of chilling huge openings, and these openings were coming. The denser.

"Stay steady, be calm!"

The cheering sound of the appraisal came from the girl’s mouth, and then she took a deep breath to calm her boiling blood and blood, and then looked around, countless thoughts in the sea of ​​knowledge began to boil violently, saying to The voice I heard continued to be heard:

"The Great Sun barrier can't last long, so I don't have much time left. Although our original flight direction is not true north, we are still generally towards the north, so the general direction is no problem."

After she finished speaking, the girl jumped directly off the back of the unconscious North Sea Wild Bird, reached out her hand to grasp the latter's paw, and the voice continued:

"As we all know, the void outside the territory can pass through the shackles of space. Our original orientation is due north to east, so we should go out from here."

When the voice fell, the girl turned directly to the west, without taking any action, yet again the sound of fragmentation was so dense that it rang in her ears.

At the next breath, the girl from Yushu Fire Palace no longer hesitated, directly raised her left hand, and suddenly patted the Great Sun barrier in front of her.

After an instant, this great sun barrier that was torn apart under the void storm outside the domain directly erupted with its final power, suddenly tore the void on the west side, sending the girl and the North Sea wild bird out.

And at this moment, in the mind of the girl who was spinning around the world, the words that came into her mind when the old woman of the fire mansion just before Yushu was sent into the void outside the domain began to surround her:

"The Western Regions Buddhism came prepared, maybe they have been eyeing us long ago, girl, remember, the only vitality is that crescent ship.

"Climb to live, if you fail to board, you will die. If you survive by chance, you must tell this matter to the palace lord. How can everyone deceive my jade at the Fire Palace?"

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