The Hardest Opening System in History

Chapter 1555: The Way of Gold

In the Taixuan land north of the Central Plains, the night is dim, and the stars are full of Changming County. On the land of Changming County, light and shadow are intertwined. Pieces of lush forest trees sway from side to side under the violent wind, and make noises like low howling. .

Changming County has a flat terrain, a very typical plain, with few mountains, many forests, fertile land, and small villages.

At about an hour before dawn, it is the time when the night is the most intense, and it is also the last revelry of those born in the night.

Under the shadow of the canine teeth, a long-ming tiger that converged the bright light above his head, lowered his burly body, stepped on the ground without making any sound, and approached the unknown prey step by step.

The lines of this long-ming tiger are extremely smooth, especially the wide and strong limbs, which contain extremely powerful explosive power. At the same time, the eyes of the long-ming tiger are full of confidence, because it is well-deserved in this forest. The king.

In the next breath, the Changming Tiger, who was already completely close to its own culling range, suddenly began to violently violently, with its long fangs spreading out, roaring and stabling the neck of the prey in front, and then sucking that sweet blood.

However, after an instant, a trace of astonishment flashed through Chang Minghu's eyes, because the prey, which was in the bag, seemed to have known it in advance, so he ran straight away, and disappeared in an instant.

An angry mood rushed towards Changming Tiger’s head, and immediately after he was about to open his mouth and let out an angry roar, the ground under his feet suddenly began to tremble violently, and at the same time an unstoppable violent momentum rushed in, causing the former to suddenly be all over his body trembling.

Then the Changming Tiger turned his head and looked to the rear, subconsciously let out a whimper? Because behind this forest? A huge lost light ship, just like riding the wind and waves? It rushed in mighty.

Before the treasure ship arrives? The squally wind rushes first, and the screaming and cracking wind directly hit the forest, making the trees in the dark? As if they are experiencing a hurricane? At the same time, in the wind, a young voice of inquiry sounded:

"Master Jiang, you can't sleep, so you are going for a ride on the deck?"

The voice fell? A corner of the crescent boat? A gold ingot wearing a loose robe, slowly walked to the side of a young man on the edge of the deck, and the voice continued:

"For some reason, I always feel a little upset at night, and I feel that something is happening on the sidelines."

After the voice of Jin Yuanbao came out? Jiang Yue, who looked down at the scene outside the ship, turned his head? Turning his eyes to the golden ring in the hands of the former, the voice came out:

"It is said that sometimes? Money is also a kind of cultivation base. This is true? Every Dao ring in your hand has the effect of amplifying the power of perception. When superimposed on each other, you can indeed find that many ordinary people are difficult to find Things."

After Jiang Yue finished speaking, Jin Yuanbao's round face showed a hint of surprise, and he murmured:

"There really is something big happening around our treasure ship. Could it be that Jade Hub Fire Mansion?"

"It has something to do with that Yushuhuo Mansion."

After he finished speaking, Jiang Yue continued to look forward, his eyes filled with iron and blood, and his voice continued to be heard:

"It's nothing more than a dog biting a dog, but my Daxia is also involved in this, which makes me very unhappy."

"So Master Jiang, do you want to make a move?"

The sound of the gold ingot immediately rang out, and suddenly it was eager to try. If you ask him about the most novel things in Daxia this year or so, except for the palm-sized teleportation scroll in his arms. Besides, it is the young taboos of the Radiant Army and the Dire Division.

These young taboos have unparalleled violent power in every body, and the laws that these young people master have never even appeared in the realm of the profound.

Although the Jin Jinzong where the gold ingot is located, is sitting on almost unlimited wealth of celestial coins, but this young man, like anyone in the Taixuan Land, also hopes that he has strong strength.

Everyone in the world worships the strong, and gold ingots are not listed!

Then, under Jin Yuanbao's gaze with Qiyi, Jiang Yue beside him did not directly respond, but said a question:

"Golden Ingot, do you say that there is a so-called kind-hearted race in the Supreme Profound Land below the world?

"Should we again adopt a tolerant attitude to contact these forces that do not distinguish between good and evil? We must know that among these people, there must be people with bad intentions?"

After these two questions came out from Jiang Yue's mouth, Jin Yuanbao's fat face was slightly taken aback, and then he couldn't speak for a long time. After a while, he said quietly:

"The world is so big that there should be races that are kind to the outside world. It is said that in the more ancient ancient times, the ancestors living on the earth were simple and good, but just like the principle of yin and yang, good and evil are always in harmony. Then, over time, frictions began to appear between the major forces, and they attacked each other. Finally, life and death faced each other, and a war broke out."

After speaking, Jin Yuanbao raised his hands and rubbed his chubby cheeks. After a light breath, he continued to speak:

"Master Jiang, the course of history tells us that it is impossible for the major forces to be at peace forever. The competition for resources is the normal state. However, if the hegemony and dominance are to be pursued, this method is feasible, but it consumes too much power. Big."

After saying this, Jin Yuanbao smiled embarrassedly and continued to speak:

"When my old lady of the gold-rolling sect was still there, I often heard him say that the gold-rolling sect has money and we also make money, but we don’t make money alone. If I cooperate with others, other people can also make money, even better than We can accept the more we earn. The most important point is that we have to become more and more rich.

"The old lady said that the whole world is fickle. Perhaps the next day, the forces that used to make money with you will be swept into the dust of history. Therefore, if you can't kill with one stick, aiming at each other and calculating is a bad idea. The first thing to do is let To become richer and stronger, this is the golden way of our sect!"

When these words fell, the corner of the entire Crescent Treasure Ship fell into deep silence, and the wind blowing from the surroundings blew on the enchantment around the Treasure Ship, forming waves after another.

After dozens of breaths of time went forward, Jiang Yuecai's eyes moved slowly, and he sighed:

"How long have you inherited the Jinzong?"

"Since the beginning of the Ancient Immortal Palace, it has been passed down. By now, it has surpassed ninety-nine percent of the forces in the Taixuan Land, even if the last sentence is the same as the heaven and earth!

There is full pride in the voice of the gold ingot, and the inheritance of the Jinzong is indeed very long. Then, in his ears, the sigh from Jiang Yue continued to linger:

"The reason why your golden sect is able to pass on is inseparable from this golden way. You will be taught!"

As the voice fell, the smile on Jin Yuanbao's face became stronger, and he responded loudly:

"Master Jiang praised!"

When the sound came out, Jin Yuanbao turned around, only to find that Jiang Yue was already missing.

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