The Hardest Opening System in History

Chapter 1556: Man in the dark

"Boom boom boom!"

A loud and deafening noise came from a forest in the plain of Changming County, resounding throughout the sky.

The earth trembles continuously with loud noises, and the trees, rocks and all living creatures on the ground are up and down like bombed cotton.

Every loud noise indicates that the terrestrial pattern and the tortoise stepped on all fours on the ground, followed by a huge shadow, covering the forest under the stars.

Then, in the shadow of the forest, the trembling long tiger raised its head and stared at the behemoth that occupies the entire sky above its head. There was a color of extreme horror in the tiger's eyes.

The violent aura pouring down from the top of the head made the Changming Tiger, who has been practicing for a long time, completely unable to raise any thoughts of resistance, but fortunately, the treasure ship above his head rushed forward so fast that it only took In a short period of thirty breaths, it completely whizzed past.


A low whimper sounded from the mouth of the Changming Tiger, and then the Changming Tiger sighed, stood upright, shook his head, grinned, and stared at the treasure ship flying above his head, and recovered. The face is domineering and majestic.

Except for some unexpected circumstances, it is still the well-deserved king of this jungle.

Thinking of this, this ever-bright tiger raised his head very proudly, the king character on his forehead was shining brightly, and the ever-bright lamp that belonged to the creatures of Changming County flashed and flickered, watching everything.

The next breath, Changming Tiger’s wise and wise head suddenly had a different idea, because the eight-headed terrestrial tortoise and the crescent ship pouring down are extremely violent, so the weak prey in this forest Will be stunned directly.

In other words, if it rushes into this forest again at this time, there will be a lot of prey at hand, and then the more excited Changming Tiger? The dark golden eyes are directly lit up? Directly looking up to the sky and let out a sigh of breath A full roar.


The tiger roars into the mountain forest, and then the limbs of the Changming tiger forcefully jumped directly into the jungle intertwined with shadows and darkness.

Then in his eyes? A prey lying weakly lying on the ground has begun to reflect, and the feeling of loss has made Changminghu's mouth show a grim smile? The power of running under his feet is even more powerful, and the whole body is like an arrow from the string Normally shoot forward.

"I'm the king!"

At this moment? The thinking of this jungle tiger is becoming more and more active? It still doesn't know that the growth of this kind of wisdom is an important sign of the transition of the living class.

This may be the most important moment in the life of this tiger, but as the gold ingot said before, "Life of a life" is unpredictable, life and death are impermanent, almost at the same time, above the head of the Changming tiger, who rushed down at the prey, The void broke open without warning.

After an instant? A crimson enchantment mask full of cracks descended directly from the void outside the domain? It hit the Changming Tiger's forehead without fancy.


A howl with infinite pain came from Chang Minghu's mouth. The former's head exploded directly out of countless blood foams, scattered all over, and then the red big sun barrier was completely broken? Two figures rolled out from it.

It was the girl from the Fire Mansion of Yushu and the Wild Bird of the North Sea who had escaped from the eighth-level Buddhist formation.

I have to say that a red-haired girl and the North Sea wild bird have great luck? That huge force blasted from the void outside of the domain? It is directly absorbed by the flesh pad of the long bright tiger under her body, otherwise if it is directly hit on the ground It must be dead or injured.

However, even so, it still looks dangerous to the girl. Fortunately, as the leader of the young generation of Dongji Yushuhuofu, although his mind and experience are still extremely immature, his cultivation is certainly not bad.

Then the girl between the tumblings, while clutching the North Sea Wild Bird, which was still in a coma in the North Sea, stretched out her hands and spread her five fingers, directly facing the ground below, throwing out five long flame whips.

The long whip composed of golden flames regarded the solid ground beneath him as nothing, deeply pierced into it, and at the same time nailed the red-haired girl's figure in place.

After an instant, the girl didn't have time to have any thoughts, she looked around anxiously, because she wanted to confirm the location of the Crescent Moon Ship.

Under the elaborate hunting by Buddhism, she wanted to survive, and her only chance of life was to board that crescent ship!

At the next breath, the girl turned her gaze directly behind her, and saw the dim light and shadow under the starry sky behind, and there was no sky full of glow when the treasure ship came.

Then a feeling of fear rose from the bottom of the girl's heart, and the soul within the sea of ​​consciousness began to violently tremble, and then turned around again and turned around, and then she saw the scene that made her mind sink infinitely.

At the end of the line of sight ahead, a soaring glow occupies the entire half of the sky. Below the glow, the figure of the crescent treasure ship carried by the eight earth-patterned turtles is getting smaller and smaller in sight.

"Late, one step late."

The muttering voice came from the girl's mouth, and then after fleeing for her life, the girl from Yushu Huo Mansion, who was completely exhausted, could no longer stand, fell directly to the ground, and the intermittent voice continued:

"Master, I am useless, I have not caught up, and there is no way to send a warning to the East Pole."

After the voice fell, the pale and numb girl had not completely given up. She supported the ground with her right hand, struggling to stand up, and then chased the Crescent Moon Treasure Ship that was moving further and further in sight.

But in his petite body, no power can be squeezed out, and even the hair that originally seemed to be flowing with great sun syrup has become dull and dull.

After struggling for several times, the girl fell to the ground again, and this time, she had exhausted the strength to turn herself over, and she was completely unable to move.

Then the girl lay on the ground feebly, staring at the headless long-bright tiger lying in the dark, the focus of her pupils suddenly converged.

The girl's appearance at this time was actually very embarrassed, and even her entire face was splashed with blood because of the explosion of the Changming Tiger's head, not to mention the robe on her body, which was almost directly between the flesh and blood.

At this time, for some reason, the fear in the girl who had been in the Yushu Fire Mansion had begun to fade, and instead began to show infinite grievances.

At the next breath, tears after another appeared in the girl's eyes, and in a blink of an eye, the whole eye socket was filled, and it fell down unconvincingly.

The more the girl thought about it, the more aggrieved, the tears in her eyes increased, and finally she almost blurred her vision, tears flooding.


A low whimper sounded from the girl's mouth, but at the next breath, the girl's vague sight, suddenly a figure walking from far and near appeared.

There is no sound between the figure walking, just like a ghost illusion.

But then, under the silent night, a young voice with a little disdain directly sounded:

"You Dongji Yushuhuo Mansion, what you usually teach is the ability to cry?"

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