The undulating Yuanchuan water mist rose into the sky one after another, and then rushed to the south, covering the entire city in the sky, making Linyuan City, not too big or small, completely a foggy city.

Within the foggy city, countless figures flickered, and the monks and aboriginal people rushed to the north one after another, and Linyuan City was not spacious, and the water blocked by the slightly dilapidated North City gate was blocked.

"I heard that the crescent ship is coming to Linyuan. I have collected a lot of cents at the moment. If I save it, I can make a lot of money when the treasure ship comes next time."

Excited and excited voice came from a local native of Linyuan City, and then the middle-aged monk with a flashing bright light above his head, together with several burly figures beside him, vigorously pushed aside the crowded crowd around him, and continued to move forward. The north gate of the city squeezed.

At this time, the north gate of Linyuan City was almost completely squeezed, and then the middle-aged native’s ears heard a panting response:

"Mr. Zhong, I think your head was squeezed by the door. This Crescent Ship was just sailing south from our Linyuan City a few days ago. You only got on the ship, and now you are going to trade. What do you think, this Crescent Caravan? The rules have long been announced, and the transaction time should not be less than one month."

"That's right, in case there are exceptions, otherwise, what do you see these people around squeezing their heads to drill north?"

The middle-aged man's words fell, and he raised his hand to point at the dense crowd in front of him, and continued to speak:

"Most of the people here didn't go to Broken Yecheng. The place was too evil, and the people who lived there were vicious desperadoes. To put it bluntly, everyone wanted to see if the treasure ship would stop outside the city. , After all, this is a cornucopia."

"I guess the treasure ship will not stop. There was news that the Crescent Caravan will return to Broken Leaf City in the near future. After noon, the bridge over Yuanchuan is about to float out of the river. I missed this time. , It will take a few days to continue northward.

"The purpose of the treasure ship is already very clear. It won't stop the ship. You don't have to be so anxious, just take it easy? Take it easy."

Although the figure beside the middle-aged man said so? But the body was extremely honest and squeezed forward harder, and at the same time shouted loudly in his ear one after another:

"Let one give way? All give up!"

"Why are you squeezing? I haven't seen so many people in front of me.

Along with the crowds in the city, rushing to the north gate like a tsunami? The monks who were squeezed in front directly began to yell at them? Then several grumpy monks not far from the gate directly mobilized the vitality of the world and made their fists, facing the book in front The extremely broken city gate blasted out with a punch.


After a loud noise, the entire north gate of Linyuan City, together with the entire city wall, began to collapse under the eyes of the monks.

"It collapsed, it collapsed. These cultivators who went to the north did not speak martial arts? They even demolished the gates of Linyuan City. You know that this gate has a long history? I didn't expect to be crushed by force today!"

The loud exclamation sounded from the crowd, but was completely interrupted by a more intense roar:


Then a large number of monks who rushed out of the city along the collapsed city gate? looked around suspiciously, searching for the source of this roar? A muttering doubt came out:

"Strange? This city gate has been stepped on? Why is there such a loud noise, is there a violent vibration in the city?"

After an instant, just as everyone looked around in doubt, the entire land of Linyuan City suddenly shook severely, and at the same time violently shook the water mist that filled the void and the heartstrings of all the monks.

At the same time, a loud roar that has never been heard before, runs through the entire world:

"Boom, boom, boom!"

"This voice comes from the south, it's a treasure ship, and anyone who can cause such a shock is definitely not a crescent ship!"

At the next breath, a well-informed person opened his mouth and shouted. As soon as the voice fell, the vast water mist outside Linyuan City seemed to have encountered a huge ancient behemoth, which was pushed away to both sides.

Within the mist, a huge shadow spanning the entire world began to emerge, and then more and more vibrations rang through the world, and the shadow became clearer.

Then a strong and incomparable sense of oppression, along with the water mist that was washed away, blasted the foreheads of countless monks who had gathered on the ground.


A sip of water mist poured into their mouths. The monks who were caught off guard, coughing, hurriedly raised their hands to cover their faces, and then ray of dazzling psychedelic light shone out from the mist in front of them. Shining on everyone's body.

It is not the first time that many people in Linyuan City have seen the Moonfang Treasure Ship, but after the Symphony Fans shined through the world, they still asked very suspiciously:

"The illusion of jewels is no doubt the crescent ship, but why is this treasure ship fighting so huge this time, as earth-shattering as a **** is going on an expedition?"

The sound of the inquiry fell, and on the treasure ship within the mist, a strong voice came out directly, resounding across the fields in a blink of an eye, lingering in everyone's ears:

"Crescent Moon Treasure Ship went directly northward to Broken Leaves, not staying in Linyuan City, and this ship does not accept half-way ships, everyone dispersed!"

When this word fell, the roar of the mountains and the tsunami came from the depths of the void. At the next breath, all the mist floating on the sky spread out to both sides, just like a pair of hands of heaven and earth stretched out from the dense fog, with incomparable Weili, all the water vapor in the north outside Linyuan City will be scattered.

After an instant, the sight of everyone outside the city became extremely clear, and a scene of heaven and earth fortune appeared directly in front of them.

At the end of Linyuan City’s northward line of sight, the Central Plains Continent stretched out a huge platform to the north. This cliff platform is like a lover's hand stretched out to each other when they parted, and it is also like the unwillingness of the wronged person before death. His head up to the sky, accompanied by an ancient and vast aura, swept outwards, bringing an unimaginable impact in the invisible.

This station is called Dengchuan!

At the same time, outside the Dengchuantai platform, a large river that can hardly be seen at the end of the opposite bank is billowing. Numerous rivers in Sichuan are boiling and flowing, forming a billowing steam covering the void. From a distance, this river seems to come from chaos, in the world After flowing for a circle, he returned to the chaos.

"Yuanchuan, this is the legendary Yuanchuan. Because this river is filled with mist all day long, even the people of Linyuan City have rarely seen its appearance. It is very lucky to be able to see it at this time. what!"

With a cry of exclamation, it sounded from outside Linyuan City, and then in everyone’s sight, a huge treasure ship with eight turtles and gleaming light suddenly rushed out of the clouds and then passed the entire Linyuan City. , Headed towards Dengchuantai in a mighty manner.

The speed of the Crescent Moon Treasure Ship was so fast that it took only a few dozen breaths to directly cross a large distance and directly to the end of the Dengchuan Platform. At the same time, a shocking voice came from behind:

"This treasure ship has to do so much. Is it because it wants to jump directly into the deep river and fail. Is it crazy?"

This astonishment has not yet fallen, and all the people who are watching the front open their mouths in the next moment and let out a strange cry:

"This Crescent Ship is really crazy, it's flying!"

The strange cry just fell, so the eight terrestrial tortoises under the focus of people's eyes, all carried the crescent treasure ship and jumped into the void of Yuanchuan!

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