The Hardest Opening System in History

Chapter 1565: Near township

Outside the Dengchuan platform, the river was flooded with water, and the thick water mist that had originally rolled was also overturned by the violent power of the Crescent Treasure Ship, and was pressed hardly on Yuanchuan.

Then, under the focus of countless eyes, the crescent treasure ship carried by eight terrestrial tortoises, like a big bird flying with outstretched wings, rushed towards the sky above Yuanchuan.

"Yuanchuan cannot be crossed, and you will die if you cross it. Could this crescent ship challenge the supreme law of Yuanchuan?"

An incredible murmur came from the monks outside Linyuan City, and then the rest of the people on the side contemplated, shaking their heads and saying:

"Crescent Caravan means to reach the sky. It is not a fool. Naturally, it will not challenge Yuanchuan's authority. There should be mystery. You will wait and see!"

As soon as this person's voice fell, among the crowd, an old man who was guarded by the stars raised his head and fixed his eyes on the crescent ship that began to fall above the void. The old voice came out:

"The Bridge of Yueyuan is about to emerge. The principal of this treasure ship is extremely confident!"

After the words were finished, there was another violent loud noise between the whole world and the earth, and then the tumbling Yuanchuan River water began to emit countless bubbles like boiling, and there was a burst of gurgling, dense noises.

In the next breath, the violently ups and downs of the Yuanchuan River, starting from Dengchuantai, suddenly split outwards, just like a sword of heaven and earth, directly cutting off the big river in front of you, which is invisible to the naked eye.

After an instant, within the broken river, a huge bridge that could not be done by humans slowly emerged? And getting higher and higher? Ascended into the air with great strength.

"This, this is a bridge? This is simply a huge blood vessel!"

The exclamation of incomparable horror? Sounds from the mouth of all the monks who have witnessed it for the first time? At this time, the bridge of Yueyuan that occupied everyone's sight has been completely revealed in the world.

Just as these monks said? This bridge, from a distance, is not what a bridge looks like in the true sense? It is a huge, winding blood vessel!

This bridge-like blood vessel? The whole body is icy blue, as if it is completely frozen by countless pieces of ice, it is daunting, but the strange thing is that there is no cold temperature above the blood vessel bridge? There seems to be an invisible layer. Coating? Wrapped on this bridge, while isolating all the breath.

However, although this bridge of the abyss did not have any strong power to sweep outward, Guangguang’s huge body that spans the entire world and the void, and the water curtain on both sides of the bridge pouring down like torrential rain, still showed this. All people? Unimaginable mind shock.

At the next breath, the crescent treasure ship that jumped into the void and landed on this bridge along with the eight earth-patterned tortoises under him, and then continued to tear apart the water mist flying around. Riding the wind and waves, galloping north.

"Are you gone? This Crescent Boat is going to cross Yuanchuan to Broken Leaf City? It's so good to enjoy the cool after the big tree? Follow up!"

Seeing the glorious crescent ship drifting away in sight, the monks who responded immediately opened their mouths and shouted, and then some of the northern monks hiding in the crowded people no longer hesitated, directly mobilized their vitality and jumped up. .

Suddenly, a large number of people followed, and after cutting through the void, they jumped onto the Yuanchuan Bridge, used various methods, and turned into a black light and headed north.

After a year, the border between the Central Plains and the North, which had fallen into a little silence, once again became very lively.

"After traveling for more than a year, I can finally go home. I originally thought that I was not a lover of home, but I really left the country to go south. Only then did I realize that I was uncomfortable when I was away, and I didn't even breathe smoothly."

At the bow of the Crescent Ship's deck, two silhouettes stood with their hands behind their hands. Then Jiang Yue watched the thick water mist rolling forward and the icy blue Duyuan Bridge, his voice continued:

"One year, I don't know how far the ever-changing Great Xia is now. Whether or not new farmland has been reclaimed on Jiaozhou and Haizhou's resurgent lands. The so-called close to hometown is even more timid. ."

Jiang Yue's voice just fell, with a plump figure on the side, reaching out to hold down the railing in front of Crescent Moon and slightly raised her head, staring straight ahead, and the response sound came out:

"Although it is said that as people grow older, they will become more and more sentimental, but these words came from Jiang Yue you, it feels a bit surprising."

After finishing her words, Crescent Moon turned around, leaned her body on the fence of the treasure ship, opened her red lips and continued to speak:

"For more than a year, Daxia, which has not participated in the disputes of the Taixuan Land and has developed with all its strength, has reached an unprecedented level of prosperity. Although I have never returned, the lines in the letters from the rear have already revealed a new era. The sight."

Speaking of this, a fascinating light flashed in Crescent Moon's eyes, which was enough to amaze the beauty of an era, revealing a shallow smile.

The lives of Crescent Moon and Jiang Yue were very different, which can be described as two extremes.

But whether you live in the meritorious Bei'an Palace, or fall into the family home, you have to be disfigured to survive, when the torrent of the times is flowing at this time, everyone has a common home.

That is the great summer of the new era!

Although the word “home” is simple, it is the strongest backing for all travelers outside, because it is a haven for shelter from the wind.

The River Crossing Bridge over Yuanchuan is not as strong as imagined, but has soft elasticity. Therefore, after the four legs of the Eight Divine Tortoises stepped on it, they did not make extremely violent noises, but flowed on both sides. The rivers of the river made a deafening roar.

Then on the front deck of the treasure ship, the voice from Crescent Moon continued to sound:

"Jiang Yue, I heard that you picked up a **** the boat halfway. When I first heard the news, I didn't believe it at all. If I hadn't seen it with my own eyes, no one would have thought of the most aloof and indifferent commander of the Radiant Army. It is so incredible that Guan Jiangyue would take a **** board."

After Crescent Moon’s smiling jokes came out, Jiang Yue, who was originally indifferent, suddenly trembled his eyebrows and moved his lips. He wanted to explain, but in the end he couldn’t utter a word. Deep silent response.

"This is not a shameful thing. If you want to take her back to Daxia, it is not impossible. At that time, I and An Jiangsi's people ward will speak."

The joke color in Yue Ya'er's eyes became more and more intense. After the voice came out, Jiang Yue shook his head. Just about to speak, he saw someone hurrying up from outside.

At the next breath, this person came to the two of them, and after bending over to respectfully, the voice came out:

"Two adults, the little girl from Yushu Fire Mansion, woke up."

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