The Hardest Opening System in History

Chapter 1573: Ants gnawing elephants

In the northern part of the Central Plains of the Taixuan Land, the Yuanchuan is billowing and roaring like thunder. The water of this river seems to come from the sky, rushing endlessly, and will never return.

At the same time, in the center of Yuanchuan, inside the Broken Leaf City that winds into the bridge like a blood vessel, the edges are staggered and not peaceful, but it is worth noting that the original domineering and overwhelming butcher's momentum at this time A petite and slender figure was completely suppressed.

Master Duobao.

The scenes that are being performed in the land of the Supreme Profound Realm can be described as rapid changes. Sometimes it takes only a few breaths to fall from heaven to dust.

For Master Duobao, everything that has happened over the past year is still so incredible in retrospect.

She is no longer a treasure hunt and cultivator wandering among the various relics of the Great Profound Land. Instead, she transformed herself into a treasurer specially hired by the Great Xia Crescent Caravan. She also became a treasurer by virtue of her special talent for treasure It was one of the first foreigners to obtain the jade disc as a citizen of Daxia.

Although this jade disc is still a gray disc of the transitional stage, the Master Duobao at this time can tell everyone with great pride that she is not a lonely person wandering in the world, but has a home and a support!

The thoughts in the sea of ​​knowledge are fleeting, and then the master Duobao who came back to his senses, with a sweet smile on his pretty face, facing the tyrannical butcher, he has no fear and swayed countless treasures. After the emptiness above his head, the voice continued:

"Butcher, you said that the tailor and the old bustard sold this Broken Leaf City to my Crescent Chamber of Commerce. It is really funny. Where do you put the Broken Leaf Clan in this Broken Leaf City, or do you want to challenge its authority?"

"If you really want to do this, I want to admire you. It's easy to handle. Later, you will smash this old man's temple and accept this worship yourself? Then the people in the whole city will look forward to you!"

The voice of Master Duobao hasn't fallen yet? The butcher's expression in front of him changed wildly, and he hurriedly spoke out with a loud shout:

"Shut up? Master Duobao? If you talk nonsense, I will tear your mouth!"

"I'm afraid you will die before you tear my mouth."

After finishing speaking, Master Duobao tweeted a few times? A playful voice continued:

"I have gradually come to understand a truth over the years? In many cases, you don't need to do it yourself. You might as well take a look at these people in the square? Who do you command to move?

Although Master Duobao’s response was still dull? But there was a growing killing intent, and then he stretched out his slender and white fingers, and gently tapped the treasures floating above his head. , Red lips lightly opened, and said again:

"Listen to the people around the butcher? If anyone retreats back three feet away, today's worship to the Laoye Temple? My Crescent Chamber of Commerce will be rounded up!"

As soon as this statement was made, an extremely violent riot broke out in the entire square? After a bang, the face of a broken Yecheng cultivator suddenly showed a little movement? His eyes suddenly lit up.

What's more, the monks who belonged to the bustard and the tailor? Anything else? He withdrew three feet straight back, and then stared at the big men behind the butcher with a good look.

At the same time, the beautiful madam, opened her mouth and let out a harsh smile at the butcher:

"Butcher, look back and see how much of the people who originally followed you can stay. Those who can escape to Broken Leaf City, when they were in the Central Plains of the Supreme Profound Land, who was not holding a few lives in their hands? , It must be the big world, my life is the greatest!"

Although the Madam’s voice was harsh, she undoubtedly said the heartfelt wishes of all the monks in the square. Then the butcher suddenly turned his head, lifted the bone-breaking knife, and opened his mouth to the monks who were about to move behind him:

"Stop for Lao Tzu, who dares to move, who shall I hack to death first?"

Before the butcher's roar fell, the voice from Master Duobao came out of everyone's ears clearly:

"For those who take the first rank of Butcher today, My Crescent Caravan can help him provide Broken Leaf City for a hundred years!"

After an instant, it was these simple words, but like a roaring thunder, it sounded directly in everyone's minds, especially the word "Hundred Years", which made 90% of the desperadoes of Broken Leaf City directly red. eye.

For these extremely vicious and vicious people, the promise of a hundred years of worship among the population of Duobao at this time is a golden sign for the rest of his life.

Under the so-called great reward, there must be a brave man. However, the hearts of the cultivators on the Broken Leaf City Square are more than that. The next breath, the multitude master who splashed out thousands of treasures with his hand, there is no The fluctuating voice continued:

"Those who take the head of the butcher today can take the three magic weapons above the master."


As soon as the voice fell, there was a burst of gasps in the square, and then the eyes of the madam and the tailor in front of the crowd suddenly lit up, stepping out toward the front, murderous intent surged, and directly transmitted with infinite greedy voices. Out:

"Three magic soldiers, butcher, your life is really valuable."

"You all die for Lao Tzu!"

As soon as the tailor's greedy voice fell, the extremely tyrannical butcher had already cut out a dazzling knife light at the crowd on the side, and the knife light rushed forward, suddenly tearing up dozens of eager cultivators along the road, and suddenly **** mist filled the sky with wailing everywhere .

Afterwards, Master Duobao, who was still standing with his hand on the spot, stared at the butcher who became more violent in front of him with the gaze of a dead person, and he cleaved frantically around the butcher. His right index finger was raised, and the voice continued:

"The last one, for all those who participated in the siege of butchers today, the rate of return for storing cents in the Crescent Chamber of Commerce increased by 30%.

As soon as this statement came out, it completely became the last straw that crushed the camel. All the monks in the southern square of Broken Leaf City, no matter which power they belonged to, all roared to the sky and began to mobilize all the vitality power of the whole body. , Like a madman, rushed to the butcher who roared in the middle of the square.

At this moment, all the worries and fears were completely forgotten under the extreme greed. The sky of the entire square seemed to have turned into a scarlet color in a flash, showing a The extremely **** picture.

Colony of ants gnaw on elephants!

Countless monks with red eyes, like a colony of ants, marched forward and then pounced on the butcher in front, trying to do everything possible to eat a piece of meat on the latter.

At the same time, countless splashes of blood mist and minced meat coated the entire square with a disgusting crimson light.

"Under heaven and earth, how fragile this life is!"

A faint sigh came from Master Duobao's mouth, and then he slowly turned around, staring at the blue crossing bridge that extends from the south outside the city, and the muttering continued:

"Calculate the time, the Crescent Moon Treasure Ship should arrive at Broken Ye City. It is said that this treasure ship will go home."

As soon as the word for family came out, Master Duobao's expression was stunned, as if he was not used to the word, then he solemnly held a jade disc in his arms, and then smiled.

The north is now her home too!

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