The Hardest Opening System in History

Chapter 1574: The heart of Yeoncheon

"Girl Yuliu, why do you know that the city above Yuanchuan is called Broken Leaf?"

On the deck of the Crescent Ship heading north, the question from Jin Yinbao sounded. Then he reached out and held down the railing in front of him, still chewing on a fresh melon fruit Jin Dashao, looking straight ahead with a round face. Shang converged on the rest of his expressions, and became extraordinarily solemn.

"Perhaps because the shape of this city is like a leaf magnified countless times, or perhaps it is the fabled leaf-broken family that dominates this city?"

After the girl from the Fire Mansion of Yushu fell down with a little uncertain response, Jin Yuanbao nodded first, then paused for a few breaths, then shook his head and said:

"What you said may be one of the reasons, but there may be an explanation for this broken word."

After Jin Ingot finished speaking, he raised his shiny right hand and pointed to the front. The voice continued:

"It's been a long time since our Crescent Moon Boat came out of the platform and entered the bridge. It is estimated that this will soon be able to approach Broken Leaf City. Once you see that city, the girl may be able to know the origin of this broken word."

Jin Dashao's voice just fell, and suddenly, a loud whistle sounded directly from inside the Crescent Treasure Ship, and it rang through everyone's ears in a blink of an eye:


As soon as the whistle sounded, the originally peaceful Crescent Ship became extremely lively. A large number of monks walked out of the room and came to the deck to look out. The voice came out:

"The treasure ship honked its whistle. It seems that Broken Ye City is coming soon. I don't know if this treasure ship will stay in Broken Leaf City during this trip, or go directly north to the north."

As soon as the words came out, someone around shook their heads and retorted:

"Friends of Daoist are confused. The rules of Broken Leaf City are before entering the city, but you must hand in offerings to obtain Broken Leaf. If this treasure ship doesn't stay, how can we people give offerings?"

The word of this offering came out from the monk's mouth, making the face of the person who heard it showed a little thoughtful color, and then someone directly asked:

"Daoists in Xiaguan are very familiar with this Broken Leaf City, so I dare to ask what is the worship of Broken Leaf City?"

As soon as the question was heard, the eyes of the people around them lit up? Broken Leaf City was abandoned for a long time? The information collected before coming was also half-knowledge, so the specific situation of this city? These people are still a little confused.

Then the monk who took the lead to speak with a slight smile on his face? He took out a fruit containing vitality from his arms, and talked freely:

"I'm actually the same as you guys? It's the first time I went north, but my father had been to Broken Leaf City decades ago? So before I came here, I gave a special explanation.

"There is a big horror in this broken leaf city? If you are obediently offering worship, once there is a situation that the worship is not timely, the city under this foot will directly become nothingness, and the next second? The body will be affected by the abyss under the city. Chuan completely swallowed? There is no way to survive!"

"There is such a dangerous place?"

"Yes, so no matter what era, except for those desperadoes, the monks under the world are not willing to stay in this city for a long time. They usually give up their offerings? Pass through quickly."

Speaking of this, the monk raised his hand and weighed the little fruit that was not too precious in his hand? The voice continued to sound:

"As for this so-called worship, according to my father? In this broken leaf city, every one month? There will be a Laoye Temple rising from below the Yuanchuan? Then the creatures in the city are dedicated to the temple? All things that contain the vitality of heaven and earth. All are available for serving, and at the same time get the time to stay in the city, for example, in the hands of this fruit, you can get half a day.

"Our goal is to go to the north, so there is no need to sacrifice too many items. This level of fruit is enough."

The monk's account was quite detailed and easy to understand, so the monks who gathered on the deck all nodded their heads and thanked them very much.

After a quarter of an hour, everyone on the Moonya Treasure Ship suddenly felt that the roaring Yuanchuan flowing around them suddenly became louder, and the water mist tumbling around the Treasure Ship began to roll more violently.

At the same time, on the front deck of the Crescent Treasure Ship, a voice containing the ultimate charm directly rang out from the ears of the gold ingot treasure and the girl in the Fire Mansion of Yushu:

"Broken Yecheng, just ahead."

The voice fell, and two figures in black radiant army robes walked slowly through the mist.

"The kid has seen the treasurer of Yue, Master Jiang, two adults come to taste some sweet fruit?"

Watching the two of the Tianhui Army walking slowly, a big smile appeared on the billowing faces of the gold ingot. After the voice fell, he came to the crescent moon on the edge of the deck and stretched out his right hand like a mutton jade. After passing the fruit handed over by a gold ingot, he opened his mouth and said:

"Gold Ingot, your fruit comes from the farm that Jiaozhou and Haizhou just opened some time ago?"

"The treasurer of Huiyue, it is precisely that now we have a lot of vitality in the world on the shore of the North Sea, and the fruits produced contain not low vitality, so I took it to Broken Leaf City and tried it. Unexpectedly, it was very popular and almost big. Part of the cultivators of Broken Leaf City buy fruits for sacrifice. This is also one of my stepping stones to open this Broken Leaf City."

Jin Ingot's response sounded with confidence. Compared with his talent for practice, which is purely stacked on countless cents, Jin Dashao's business talent is inherently excellent.

Especially this year, under the influence of Yueyaer's side, various commercial methods have advanced by leaps and bounds, and they can even find business opportunities in the hands of desperadoes like Broken Leaf City.

This year, gold ingots have made a lot of money by virtue of their low-cost fruits.

"You kid, very good."

Crescent Moon’s response was full of sincere praise, and then Jin Ingot scratched his head, and a frowning voice came out:

"The treasurer of the month is good for you to teach me. You give me this broken Yecheng, these things must be done, otherwise I have no face to return to your majesty!"

As soon as Young Master Jin’s proud words fell, the water mist in front of the Crescent Treasure Ship was completely torn apart in an instant. At the next breath, a huge shadow seemed to jump directly from below Yuanchuan, across the entire Yuanchuan River in front of the treasure ship.

The treasure ship continued to move north, and the shadow became clearer and clearer, and then a continuous blue light rose into the sky.

Just like the Yuanchuan Crossing Bridge under your feet, this magnificent Broken Leaf City that occupies the center of Yuanchuan is also made of blue unknown substances, and at the same time an extremely ancient and vast aura suddenly rushes toward you.

After that, the solemn expression of the gold ingot recovered, and he continued to lift his right finger to the front, and a solemn voice came out:

"Girl Yuliu, look carefully at the shape of the big city in front of you. It is not so much like a leaf, but in my opinion, it is more like another thing."

"Is it the heart?"

"Yes, it is more like a heart, the heart of Yuanchuan!"

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