The Hardest Opening System in History

Chapter 1575: Into the city

Broken Leaf City, the heart of Yuanchuan!

"It’s not so much the shape of a leaf, it’s better to say that it is a heart, and a broken heart. You see, this winding blue bridge completely cuts through the whole one. The heart of Yuanchuan."

On the Crescent Boat, after Crescent Moon’s faint words fell, the Broken Leaf City in front of the treasure ship, the water mist dissipated, and it became extremely clear in an instant, and just as the gold ingot and Crescent Moon said, everyone’s mind is in At this moment, I was completely attracted by this fragmented city.

Above Yuanchuan, a serpentine spear from south to north pierced through a broken heart directly.

"Broken leaves, broken hearts, if, as the legend says, this Yuanchuan is the heart of a fallen god, then this **** must have endured unimaginable sadness before he died."

For some reason, the closer the Crescent Moon Treasure Ship was to Broken Leaf City, the more everyone on board felt that there was an illusory will in the darkness, which contained melancholy sadness.

"Woo, woo, woo!"

Like weeping and complaining, the voice of resentment and admiration suddenly rang from my ears. It is unclear whether it is the whistling of the crescent ship tearing the water mist, or an ancient and distant voice in the depths of the void.

But in any case, with the passage of time, the Crescent Treasure Ship that went all the way north, still appeared in front of the big blue city of Broken Leaf City.

At this time, the South Gate Square of Broken Leaf City was filled with blood and minced meat. At the same time, the strong **** atmosphere filled everyone's body, which was disgusting.

And in the center of the square? The butcher who was so arrogant and unbelievable? At this time, lying on the ground like the same mess of meat, the countless wounds that were stabbed all over his body? Purplish black blood was bleeding outward.

Ants kill elephants!

The butcher's terrible situation now? It heralds how desperate his last battle in his lifetime is.

Then the desperadoes of Broken Leaf City who surrounded the butcher's corpses? With red eyes, suddenly raised their heads? Accompanied by the roar of the treasure ship approaching? They opened their mouths and let out a loud shout:

"The treasure ship is here, the treasure ship is here!"

The next breath, the old bustard, who also had a lot of blood flowing all over his body, raised his hand to wipe the blood on his face? He opened his mouth and let out a scream:

"Quick? Quick, open the city gate to welcome the arrival of the Crescent Moon Ship!"

The voice fell, and the cultivators of Broken Leaf City, who were already ready to move, swarmed up? Can't wait to open the gate of Broken Leaf City.

Accompanied by a deafening click, the gate of Broken Yecheng opened? Then the monks in the city fixed their eyes on the Baoguang ship that appeared at the end of the line of sight, and a deep envy flashed in his eyes.

It only took a year? This big ship approaching quickly, and the crescent caravan behind it? Has become the savior of all the evil generations in Broken Leaf City.

Anyone who dares to disobey the slightest? Doesn't even need the hands of the chamber of commerce? It will be like a butcher on the square behind him, being divided by five horses, and those who die can no longer die.

"All cultivators in Broken Leaf City, welcome the return of Crescent Moon Treasure Ship!"

After an instant, the welcoming sound of the mountain whistling and tsunami continued from the mouth of the monks in Broken Yecheng. In a blink of an eye, it resounded through the center of the entire Yuanchuan, and it was also very clear on the treasure ship, and at the same time, the monks on the ship went north. They all changed wildly and murmured:

"When did this Broken Yecheng become the world of Crescent Caravan?"

As soon as this question was heard, after trying to understand the deeper connection, the expressions of these people were once again, and once again blurted out:

"Behind the Crescent Chamber of Commerce is Daxia in the North, which means that between the Central Plains and the North, Daxia, the new overlord of the North, has taken the lead in controlling the throat and taking the initiative.

"One step is slow, and the step is slow. After all, the Central Plains is still underestimating the enemy. The strength and layout of this new hegemon in the north far exceeds everyone's imagination!"

When the voice fell, and everyone's mind was agitated, at the forefront of the Crescent Treasure Ship, a young and awkward voice suddenly rose into the sky, rolling out:

"Everyone, this ship will go directly north, and will not stay in Broken Leaf City. Therefore, the destination is the person of Broken Leaf. Prepare first, and will be moved out of the ship directly when entering the city.

"As for entering the city to worship, you don't have to worry, this caravan offers half-day worship for everyone for free!"

As soon as this statement came out, there was another violent commotion on the Crescent Treasure Ship. Jiang Yue's words contained a lot of information, especially the word shift, which shocked most cultivators.

However, the rapidly enlarging Shattered Leaf City gate made the monks on the treasure ship too late to think.

After three short breaths, the eight terrestrial turtles rushing forward hurriedly, all roared together, all four feet jumped up at the same time, carrying the radiant crescent treasure ship, directly rushed into the broken leaf city. Within the city gate.

The size of the Crescent Moon Treasure Ship is extremely large, but the Shattered Leaf City Gate, which occupies almost the entire center of Yuanchuan, is even more so. As soon as the treasure ship passed through, before a while, it completely entered the **** square.

At the same time, the Broken Yecheng monks headed by the middle-aged bustard and the tailor, all bowed their heads very respectfully, and louder shouts continued to surround the sky:

"Congratulations on the return of the Crescent Moon Ship!"


Jiang Yue's fierce voice blasted into his ears, and a vicious monk of Broken Yecheng, without saying a word, quickly spread to both sides, and directly gave way to the crescent ship.

At the same time, on the treasure ship, several cultivators whose destination was Broken Leaf City suddenly felt a violent fluctuation in the space around them, and then the world was spinning.

In the next breath, when these people regained their spiritual sense, a disgusting smell of blood poured directly into the nose and mouth, and then the former looked up, only to find that he was already on the Broken Leaf City Square.

"Look, this Crescent Moon Ship is gone!"

The exclamation in the ear suddenly sounded, and then the monks who had been moved down hurriedly turned and looked to the north. At the end of the square, the eight turtles with terrestrial patterns were already carrying the treasure ship away.

At the same time, a small leaf appeared directly in the palms of all monks who had just entered the city.

"This broken leaf?"

A soft voice of doubt came from the mouth of the girl Yuliu on the deck, and then the girl lowered her head and looked at the small leaf in her palm, and the root of this leaf lit up a little water blue.

"This is the worship leaf that will appear when you enter Broken Leaf City. The water-blue light on the leaf represents the time you can stay in this city."

Jin Yuanbao’s explanation sounded appropriately, and then Jin Dashao raised his chubby right hand and continued to speak:

"Because our caravan paid the offerings to all the monks on board, so the girl needn't worry.

When the words fell, a girl with fiery red hair shining brightly smiled, and then asked a question:

"Young Master Jin, will all the cultivators who enter the city be branded with this broken leaf mark?"


As soon as this question came out, Jin Yuanbao showed a slight hesitation on his face, and then he turned his gaze to the two black large robes flying in front of him standing on the deck, and fell silent.

On the front of the deck of the Crescent Treasure Ship, Crescent Moon and Jiang Yue were clearly standing upright, but in the feeling of the others, there was nothing!

Like the ghost of the day.

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