"Let's give in, give in all, the latest news, something big has happened!"

On a crowded, chaotic street, a very harsh shout suddenly came out. At the next breath, people suddenly turned on their backs at the entrance of the street. With the charge of coming people, the noise on the whole street was even worse.

Then among the crowded people, a reminder, a burly, rude-faced man turned his head and looked at the street junction that had suddenly become more turbulent, and shouted loudly:

"What the **** is it, bluffing all day long, disturbing my uncle's Yaxing!"

This person's complexion was extremely unkind, and even his messy hair stood up straight out of anger, and his not-weak momentum rose sharply.

With such a wild posture, the several charming women beside the big man suddenly turned pale, and hurriedly said in a low voice and comforted:

"My Lord City Lord, don't worry, the world is not peaceful these days, our citizens in the city are a little bit panicked and can understand."

The woman's voice fell, and the anger on the big man's face dissipated a lot, and he hugged the former, and just about to open his mouth to praise, the second high shout continued directly from the street:

"The big thing is not good. After a year of dormant in the outer city, the snow lotus casual cultivator army suddenly descended south to launch a fierce attack on the gathering city.

"And what is even more weird is that these casual cultivators who were originally weak in Xiaoyao City's cultivation base, for some reason, their cultivation bases have skyrocketed, and they went down to four cities for a while, no one can stop them. , I want to see the city lord!"

As soon as this statement came out? The crowd that was originally bustling on the whole street? It was as if the throat was choked at the same time, it was difficult to make any sound.

Silence? Deathly silence!

After three full breaths? Deafening shouts soared into the sky. Unprecedented riots flooded this busy street? And there is a tendency to spread outward.

"Everyone on the street listens, spread out to Lao Tzu!"

A roar that rose to the sky suddenly came from the mouth of the ugly man at the end of the street? Then he pushed away the surrounding Yingyingyanyan? With a solemn face, he strode forward.

"Santo, Santo!"

Along the way, a sound of panic was heard from among the crowds scattered on both sides. After a while, the middle-aged man who came to deliver the letter from the street corner appeared quickly in front of the big man, his knees bent, Yu There was a long sliding rail above the ground, and the sound continued to sound:

"My Lord, the descendants of Luoyue City in front are coming to ask for help? The Snow Lotus Church is leading the crowd to attack it. Luoyue City has already mobilized the power of the whole city to defend it? But the strength of this teaching is advancing by leaps and bounds. Although there are countless deaths and injuries? For a long time, come here to ask for help? I hope the city lord will quickly make a decision!"

As soon as this statement came out? The face of the city lord's man changed wildly? With his fists clenched, he took a step forward suddenly, and the voice of gritted teeth came from his mouth:

"What are you talking about, Luoyue City can't stand it anymore, it's only a few days?"

The Luoyue City in the Big Hankou, in this city group composed of the original northern immigrant race, the strength is not low, the population, ethnic strength and number of monks are very different from the outermost small city , Can even be ranked among the top five of all cities here.

Now even this Luoyue City is crumbling, which means that the series of cities in the rear have begun to become precarious, which is enough to show the fear in the heart of the city master at this time.

"My Lord City Lord, the people in Luoyue City didn't pay attention to these casual cultivators at the beginning, but who knows that this Snow Lotus Sect is coming so fiercely, and after only one face to face, under the light of the miracle of the so-called saint, it collapses Yuecheng's external defense line entered the street fighting.

"Once you enter the street fighting, these casual cultivators, who are already superior in number and fearless of death, have exerted their greatest advantage, making Luoyue City directly miserable and directly at a disadvantage!"

There was an obvious tremor in the voice of the people who came to speak. After all, anyone in the city would find this incident extremely unbelievable, and then the city lord directly opened his mouth and uttered an angry curse:

"Fools, the people in this Luoyue City are all idiots who underestimate the enemy so much, especially mother, what exactly is this Snow Lotus Sage, how is it so evil?

"It stands to reason that these wandering and scattered repairs are not as timid as a mouse, when did they become so brave?"

"It is said that this snow lotus religion has an ancient heritage. Its saint is the descendant of the Xiaoyaosan who once was famous. It also said that there are many things left by the Xiaoyaosan people, which makes this saint frequently perform miracles in the casual cultivation. The faith of a large group of casual repairs."

Speaking of this, the monk who hurriedly came from the front for help swallowed, and then continued to speak with an urgent voice:

"The miracle performed by the saint of the Snow Lotus Sect also carries the terrifying power of recovering her injuries. This has caused a large group of mad believers to appear among the wandering and casual cultivators. They attacked the city even more fiercely without fear of death. The meaning is frightening.

"And what is even more terrifying is that as long as these mad believers do not die, they will appear on the battlefield again after a while, even if they are a monk at a higher level, they will have a very headache when they encounter them, or they will be Siege to death.

"Luoyue City's many major repairs were directly involved in the first wave of contact battles. They were killed on the spot and lost the outer city defense line!"

The middle-aged monk’s response fell, and the whole street fell into deathly silence once again. After a few breaths, the ugly-faced City Lord of Seoul raised his head, staring at the middle-aged monk in front of him, and said every word. Debut again:

"Tell this city lord, how many cities are there between our cities behind Luoyue City?"

As soon as this question came out, the monk spoke directly without thinking:

"Back to the city lord, there are only five cities, the depth of the north and south is less than two hundred miles, and the strength of these five cities is far from that of Luoyue City.

"This means that once Lunar City is destroyed, the Snow Lotus Sect will digest the city's resources, and the city behind, including us, is the fish to be slaughtered!"

As soon as the word fish meat came out, the eyes of the big man of the city owner fluctuated violently, and he muttered:

"That means we really have to send troops this time, **** it, this is too evil!"

"My Lord City Lord, not just our city, but in the entire nearby city gathering area where almost all the remnants of the Northern Territory are located. I am afraid that some city leaders will have other thoughts in their hearts."

"It's all this time, any thoughts, don't die!"

A violent roar came from the big man of the city lord, and the next breath, he just wanted to speak and continue to curse, but he heard another shout from the street:

"Something has happened, Santo, please see Santo!"

"Fuck, the enemy has hit the door, what else is there?"

The great man of the city lord roared with extreme anger. After an instant, the trembling response shouted directly from the front:

"In the rear, Lord City Lord, a big treasure ship came from the rear, the rays of light, and the eight turtles are bigger than our entire city!"

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