The Hardest Opening System in History

Chapter 1577: Yuanchuan North Bank

"Damn, damn, what is the origin of the big ship behind?"

The north bank of Yuanchuan belongs to the gathering area for the remnants of the northern border. In that small city, after two consecutive shouts of urgent reports, the extremely crowded street in the city became silent again, leaving the face alone. The ugly city lord roared up to the sky.

A billowing roar resounded throughout the city, and then the city lord who gradually recovered his calm, with red eyes and low breath, the voice of inquiry continued:

"This city lord asks again, who knows, where is the treasure ship behind?"

As soon as this questioning sounded, the people around immediately looked at each other. In addition to panic, there was confusion in these people's eyes. After a few breaths, a shrewd middle-aged monk in the crowd raised his hand high and drilled. Out of the crowd, the voice came out:

"My Lord City Lord, when talking about this treasure ship with glowing rays of light, I remembered one thing. It is said that more than a year ago, there was such a treasure ship carried by eight **** turtles traveling from north to south. It was not a small sensation, and it happened to be along the road, and I was lucky enough to see it.

After speaking, the figure of this person slid in front of everyone, his head drooping, and the voice continued:

"It is said that this ship belongs to a caravan named Crescent, and the owner behind it is in the north!"

Speaking of this, the man stretched out his finger and pointed to the north. Although he didn't say it clearly, the meaning he wanted to express was self-evident, and the deep meaning behind this made the city lord's man suddenly shake.

If the snow lotus sect's wandering and casual repairs attacked the city, the city owner was only terrified, and the word "Northern" came out, causing the former to fall into deep panic directly.

Only the ants trembling at the feet of the Nine Heavens God Phoenix? Can they better appreciate the vastness and stalwart brought by the huge creature beside them.

This year? All the forces that dared to provoke the new overlord of the Northern Territory have not survived one night? Because when the light of dawn rose the next day, the provocateurs were already in a different place, and none was spared.

Only blood and death can directly reach people's hearts? This is an eternal truth in the land of the Supreme Profound Realm!

"My Lord City Lord? My Lord City Lord."

Just when this great man of the city master fell into a trance because of his inner turmoil? The monk who emerged from the crowd opened his mouth and called out softly, and then waited for the former to come back to his senses, he spoke again:

"My Lord City Lord does not have to worry too much about the rear, because this Crescent Treasure Ship is said to be exclusively for sale? As long as it is not provoked, it will not cause damage to the city along the road."

As soon as he said this, the burly and ugly city lord sighed slightly, waved his hand, and opened his mouth:

"Gather all the monks who can fight in the city to Lao Tzu, go to the gate of the city and guard it first? After this rare treasure ship has passed, go directly to the northern city of Luoyue? Stabbed those wandering casual repairs!"

The roar of the great man of the city owner just fell, before the monks in front of him reacted? The whole city ground suddenly began to tremble violently, the houses shook? The debris on the ground was shaken in the air? So strange? As if there is a giant of heaven and earth, coming in mighty steps.


Under the violent tremor of the earth, the remnants of the northern border who were originally scared birds screamed and suddenly became noisier. The next breath was a rich colorful glow; it rose directly from the southern end of the city. Under the sunlight, there is a huge treasure ship coming from a huge Mercedes-Benz.

The height of this ship is far higher than the city walls where these people are located, and from the inside of the city, you can directly see the countless fascinating gems inlaid on the Crescent Treasure Ship, as well as the fairy coins that represent countless wealth.

In a sense, the remnants of the northern border in this gathering area, when the treasure ship passes through the border, are like small people in the giant kingdom, small and humble, with infinite longing and envy.

"The sky is on top, if I have such a treasure ship, I would be willing to live less than half my life."

"You must be stunned. With all of us in this life, the next life, the next life, or even the tenth life together, we can't change such a treasure ship."

After a slightly ironic voice came out from the side, the person who opened his mouth fixed his eyes on the indistinct figure on the treasure ship, and the murmur continued:

"If it weren't for the descendants of Wuxianshan, our northern survivors and the overlord Daxia had forged a beam. Now the relationship between the two parties will not be so close. Maybe we can return to our homeland, but now it's too late. .

"If one day the northern phoenix is ​​ready to go south, then whether we live or die depends on the will of heaven."

"Actually, I still wish this Daxia hurry south."

Among the people in the city, the survivors of the North, who had long been discouraged, continued to speak, and then their eyes followed the rapidly roaring treasure ship to the north, and continued to sigh:

"You also know what life we ​​are living now. We are not going to be able to keep the night away, and we can't eat enough. If Daxia in the North is going south, we will be left with two roads. Either we will be killed, the whole clan will be slaughtered, or we will be captured. Awaiting disposal.

"If this great summer does not wait for the entire clan to be slaughtered, then there will always be a way to survive. No matter how bad the way to survive, it will not be worse than the current situation. It is better than being slaughtered by some wandering scattered repairs. Those people are now completely crazy."

This person's sigh fell, and deep anxiety and anxiety began to envelope the people in the city. In fact, it was not only the people of this city, but the situation of all the northern survivors in the gathering area on the north bank of Yuanchuan.

"I feel that the remnants of the northern border in the surrounding city, looking at us, are much more anxious and hesitating than before."

At the front of the Crescent Ship, Jiang Yue, who was as tall as a pine, looked down at the large and small cities that flashed quickly on both sides of the ship, and his voice came out again:

"It seems that for more than a year, even though we haven't made a move, these people are still scared. I can feel the anxiety and even despair surrounding me."

"For these people during this period, life is really not easy."

On the deck, Crescent Moon's response sounded slowly, and then she leaned forward slightly, squinted her eyes, and continued to make a bewitching sound:

"Not to mention the Snow Lotus Sect, who is ready to attack the city, before we go south to Broken Leaf City, the affairs of our Daxia border will be in charge of Sima from the Military Aircraft Department.

Speaking of this, Crescent Moon’s painting style changed, and she smiled again:

"But this Lord Sima did a big deal a year and a half ago. He mobilized the Black Dragon Guard and directly bombarded the elders who had fled south from Shen Xiancheng with the descendants of Wuxian Mountain into fleshy meat.

"It is said that this group of people have already arrived outside the city, but before they had time to be happy, the Black Dragon Guard directly threw a boulder from the sky.

"Then the splattered meat and blood clot smashed the entire wall. That scene caused these people to shatter their livers and gallbladders, and it is estimated that they still have a shadow that they dare not remember.

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