Bafeng Pass on the border of Daxia, as the second heaven and earth fortress built with the power of the whole country after the Yulong Pass of the endless mountain, it can be called an epoch-making great work.

Most of the defensive facilities in the pass have been transformed from manpower to mechanical power, and there are even quick charging positions for the Weiyang army puppets. It can be said that both strategic offensive and defensive and logistical support have reached the current level. The highest stage that Daxia can reach.

Countless cross-age magical artifacts of profound and mysterious war are hidden in this pass that resembles a phoenix spreading their wings, hibernating quietly, waiting for the day when the king will come to the world.

At Bafeng Pass, on the vast battlefield between the two gates, the huge crescent treasure ship was slowly approaching the center of the battlefield where the Anjiang Secretary and the others were, under the lifting of the terrestrial pattern and turtle.

Then the blonde and the official robes danced, and the solemn face of the old Jin took a few steps forward, raised his one arm, and extended his palm to stop, with a little hoarse roar coming out directly:

"The secretary of the Anjiang Division routinely monitors, stops the ship, and all the people on the ship gather on the deck for inquiries. If they are hidden, they will be killed."

Lao Jin's roar was full of evil intentions. This time the Crescent Moon Treasure Ship carried a large number of Central Plains monks. It can be said that Daxia returned to the Taixuan Land Beihai and established the Bafeng Pass. The most monks entered.

Zhao Yu has the attitude and will to open the border, but this is based on the situation that the Anjiangsi and the Wild Army can fully control the situation. Therefore, Lao Jin and others who attacked for the first time were more solemn than ever before. serious.

Lao Jin's roar and roar kept echoing, and the Crescent Moon Boat stopped in response, and then Crescent Moon, standing on the bow of the deck, had red lips lightly opened, and a soft response came out:

"Crescent Caravan, cooperate with all Anjiang Division inspections, please!"

"Thank you to the shopkeeper Yue. When you return to the vast land of China after the new year, you will definitely go to the shopkeeper's restaurant to try something new."

A smile appeared on Lao Jin's face with many scars, then he raised his hand and waved, and Zhang Zhu, who was as strong as a bear beside him, let out a long scream:

"All of them, spread out, array? Heaven and earth barriers!"

Does the roar fall? The figure of the secretary of Anjiang behind Lao Jin and Zhang Zhu was blurred, and directly turned into black shadows and rushed towards the crescent ship that exuded the light of gems.

At the same time? A reckless sergeant riding a savage forest beast spread out? It took only a short breath for the treasure ship to set up a large array of barriers? The roar resounded across the sky:

"Vertical shield, four barriers!"

After an instant? The wild guard's heavy shield was in the air? The golden barrier enchantment surrounded by runes rose to the sky, surrounding the crescent treasure ship, and the bright and heavy aura gathered inward.

Such a magnificent battle caused a large number of northward monks who gathered on the deck of the Crescent Moon Treasure Ship? Their complexion changed? A few more began to mobilize the vitality and energy flowing in the body, but they were pressed by the principals next to them. Hold your shoulders and shake your head to stop.


A slightly restrained voice came from the little Taoist priest on the deck listening to Kawaguchi? Then Taoist Guanyun raised his hand and patted the former on the shoulder, and a relieved voice came out:

"This is just Daxia's routine border inspection? Don't worry."

The voice fell, and a figure wearing a black Anjiangsi robe jumped from the ground? Appeared in front of the two.

The visitor was an extremely young man with dark skin? Heroic sword eyebrows soaring to the sky? A mouthful of snow-white teeth were shining and very conspicuous.

This is a typical Leizhou young man? Hearty and heroic. After he came to the deck and stood still, he put away the ferocious aura he radiated outwards. First, he respectfully saluted Jiang Yue, and a voice full of breath came out:

"The Secretary of Anjiang is a lieutenant in the frontier of the Wild Army. I have seen Master Tianhui Army, Daxia is glorious!"

The young captain's roar was filled with uncontrollable excitement. For every lieutenant in Daxia, the taboos of the Radiant Army and the Night Dire Division were lifelong pursuits and goals.

This is the undoubted ceiling of the Great Xia Army System!

After the young Captain Leizhou's roar fell, Jiang Yue also made a fist with his right hand, and responded with a standard military salute, meticulously, at the same time the voice came out:

"Daxia Glory, you don't care about me, just check and register as usual."


Lieutenant An Jiangsi responded, and brought several people from the back to step forward, and came to Taoist Guanyun. He stretched out his right hand and opened it forward, only to see a ball waving small wings flying out of his palm. , Floating above the void, making a gentle dribble sound outward.

At the next breath, a faint light spit out from above the sphere, extending outwards, like a picture scroll, unfolding above the void, and then the young captain’s questioning sound directly sounded:

"Name, origin, what happened to Daxia?"

The three questions that the young captain asked in a row were straightforward and unobtrusive, and then the middle-aged Taoist priest responded smoothly:

"Guanyun, come from Dayan City, Central Plains, the land of the Supreme Profound Land, and come to your country."

At this point, Taoist Guanyun paused, and then continued to speak:

"I come to your country to heal."

The voice fell, and a line of text automatically appeared on the scroll that unfolded in the void, on which the words of the middle-aged Taoist priest were written impressively.

With such a mysterious sight, the eyes of the Taoist Tingchuan who I saw for the first time suddenly lit up, and a slightly surprised voice followed:

"My name is Tingchuan, and I also come from Dayan City, Central Plains. I came to the north to accompany Taoist Guanyun."

As the words fell, a line of small characters quickly appeared on the open picture scroll in front of the middle-aged captain, which was exactly the same as what Tingchuan had said, quite strange.

"This is just the most basic information collection. If you want to officially enter our territory, there are still extremely cumbersome procedures."

After the calm voice sounded from the young captain of An Jiangsi, he turned his gaze to the girl who had been standing silently behind Jiang Yue, nodded, and the voice of inquiry came out:

"It's your turn, girl."

As soon as the question came out, a girl with golden red hair, burning like a flame, shook her body subconsciously, and then raised her head, her golden red eyes were somewhat restrained, her red lips lightly opened, and her voice was low. Outgoing:

"Chang Yuliu, Yushu Fire Mansion, the land of the East Pole, came to the north for the purpose of finding people."

As soon as the four words Yushu Huofu came out, a line of small characters on the scroll of the void quickly formed, but in the next instant, the scroll that was originally filled with silver light suddenly became extremely scarlet, and a huge font instantly appeared on the scroll.


At the same time, the expressions of the Anjiang officials in front of the few people suddenly changed. The chief officer directly grasped the hilt of the big sword at his waist, stepped forward, and opened his mouth with a murderous roar:

"The Yushu Fire Mansion is the enemy of my great summer, the sharp blade is out of the sheath, kill!"

The murderous intent, rushing forward, like a roar of anger, completely detonated the entire Moonfang Treasure Ship's deck, which was originally peaceful.

One [Anonymous Novel] is about to start!

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