The Hardest Opening System in History

Chapter 1584: The voice of thousands of people


Ling Ling's violent murderous intent, like the most violent volcano, exploded outwards, and instantly swept across the huge deck of the Crescent Treasure Ship, causing the monk who was being questioned on the deck to tremble and hurriedly looked up.

At the next breath, a murderous roar from below the Crescent Ship rose into the sky:

"It's so daring to dare to be presumptuous under my Daxia Anjiangsi's nose!"

As the roar fell, Zhang Zhu's already burly body swelled again for a few minutes. With his right hand, he directly drew out the big sword, bent his knees slightly, and leaped up against the crescent ship deck in front of him.

In the sense of everyone around, what jumped up at this time was a wild and bloodthirsty monster!

After a breath, Zhang Zhu's body like a cannonball, together with a big sword, ripped through the void, and the ear-piercing roar sounded through everyone's ears. Then the former body appeared in the air like a teleportation.

"Get me off!"

There was a burst of shouts, and then the right hand of Zhang Zhu holding the sword bulged out like a rock, and even almost opened the wild armor under Anjiangsi's robe, and his right hand exerted force and faced him. The void was violently cut down.


Above the void, a more piercing screaming sound rolled out, Zhang Zhu's sword with incomparable power cut away the air in front of him completely without fancy.

At the same time, a vague shadow happened to appear under Zhang Zhu’s sword. Faced with the inevitable violent slash, the figure let out a weird scream and lifted both hands outwards, and two Road billowing thick smoke, covering the whole body.

Supernatural powers. Haze.

Countless thick mists of smoke below swirled inward, forming a spiral storm rushing upward, and then the corners of the opened mouth rose slightly, and the violent aura once again soared several times, even on the surface of the body, burning a substantial scarlet flame.

After an instant, the flames of war spread down the former's right hand, covering the entire sword, and then slashed mightily above the smoke storm.

"Supernatural powers. Power cut all directions!"

The more and more violent bloodthirsty glow blazed from Zhang Zhu’s black eyes, and the sword in his hand changed from one to eight in an instant, and the thick smoke below was smashed down, and the thick smoke was cut down on the beard. Between Mi? All evaporate.

"Under the brilliance of Daxia's glory? There is nothing to hide from the ghosts."

A word of cold words resounded across the sky? Zhang Zhuao's burly body standing above the void continued to disappear in place? When he appeared again, he had already come between the billowing smoke? The distance was vague. The figure is only one arm away.

After a breath, Zhang Zhu revolved the big sword in his hand and cut into a pat, before the figure reacted, he patted the latter directly.


A scream came out, and the blurry figure was completely shot out of the void? Like a meteor? It slammed on the deck of the crescent treasure ship below, shocking the surrounding people and exclaiming:

"This person hides in the ship secretly along the way, what a clever means of concealment."

The voice fell, and a big sword burning with iron blood and evil flames followed, piercing directly into the figure's body? It penetrated it completely, and nailed it to the deck? It was hard to move.

This series of violent fights seem to be thrilling, but in fact it has completely ended between the lightning and the stone fire? And until this time, most of the north cultivators on the deck have just breathed out? They completely recovered.

"What a fierce sword!"

Master Guanyun opened his mouth and exclaimed? At the same time? The Yushu Fire Palace girl who was enveloped by the billowing evil spirit in front took a step back subconsciously and hid her petite figure behind Jiang Yue.

At the next breath, Jiang Yue raised his hand and swayed forward, his voice came out:

"This girl from the Jade Shuhuhuo Mansion has a lot of connections, so I will take it with me, and at the same time use the name of the Tianhui Army as a guarantor, you write it down, I will explain it to Sun Sicheng when I look back."

As soon as he said this, the young captain An Jiangsi, who had already stretched out his hand in front of the sword hilt, slowly relaxed the aura that had been condensed to the limit, grinned and revealed a mouthful of white teeth, and the response came out:

"The orders of the Lord of the Radiant Army should be obeyed, but foreigners still need a special procedure to enter the customs. That is to leave their own breath on this entry file, and I hope you all follow."

When the voice fell, the young Captain An Jiangsi stood upright, and turned to a crimson color behind him sideways, turning into a scroll with a faint silver light, raising his hand to make a gesture of please.

Afterwards, the middle-aged Taoist priest who hesitated for a very short time Guanyun, took a few steps forward, raised his right hand, and pressed it on the scroll in front of him, and his voice came out:

"Since it is your country's entry rules, then I shall wait to comply with it."

After Master Guanyun left his breath on the scrolls, monks from the north followed suit. These people came to contact Daxia for many purposes, but in general they all conveyed the meaning of alliance.

Of course, this is also like the mysterious figure hidden before, but An Jiangsi has its own handling procedures.

Although Daxia now gradually lifted its mysterious veil outwards, it basically followed a set of intelligence sent from the Military Aircraft Department to carry out power classification management.

In general, all the forces that had participated in the North Sea War were not allowed to enter the country. This is also the reason why the Jade Shuttle Fire Mansion girl released the red light outside the scroll after she reported her home.

And if it weren’t for Jiang Yue to speak, the girl Yuliu at this time would have a high probability of being turned away. After such a long time of full development in Daxia, she has the confidence to use copper and iron walls to protect the safety of her countless people, even if The whole world is enemy!

The Daxia court has always been known for its iron-blood and high-efficiency, so the secretary of Anjiang moved very fast, and the entire deck monks with a large number of them took less than half an hour to complete the basic registration.

Except for some of the monks whose scrolls glowed with blood, they were invited to disembark, and everyone else was granted permission to enter the customs, which made the monks, including the little Taoist Tingchuan, breathe a sigh of relief, and their faces gradually surfaced. The color of anticipation.

After all, within a short period of time, in the mouths of the Central Plains monks in the entire Supreme Profound Land, the exact appearance of the new overlord of the northern realm has been equated with those mysterious and unpredictable secret realms.

No one has ever really witnessed the true face of this new northern country, and they will be the first to appreciate it!

Thinking of this, even the young girl Yu Liu who clenched her fists, the restlessness and hesitation in her golden eyes were gradually replaced by curiosity.

After the initial registration was completed, Zhang Zhu was found in the front of the secretary of Anjiang, and from the deck he mentioned the black robe monk who was spitting out blood and didn't know his life or death, and then faced Crescent Moon and Jiang Yue in front of him. Respectfully salute, speak:

"The two adults, King Ximan and our Sun Qian and Sun Sicheng have hosted a banquet in the pass and hope to attend."

After the voice fell, Zhang Zhu and the officials behind him leaped off the deck of the treasure ship. At the same time, Lao Jin, who had been standing still below, raised his left hand and raised his head with a long scream:

"Open Bafeng Pass, the inner city is closed!"

The ear-piercing roar spread from all directions, and at the end of the battlefield, one of the 18 gates of Bafeng Pass slowly pulled up.

"Boom boom boom!"

The violent city gate rang out loudly, and then the face was overwhelming, and the posture was even more perfectly described as Crescent Moon. Her eyes were fixed on the closed door opened in front, and she muttered:

"Lv'er, listen carefully. It won't be long before this will be the voice of thousands of people coming to the court!"

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