Two years ago, in the vast land of China, Chuzhou, Qiushuicheng, a young scholar named Li packed up his bags in the early morning after the New Year's Pass, and after leaving a letter, he left the huge Li Mansion alone.

The Li family used to be a thousand-year-old family in Qiushui City second only to the Qiao family, especially after the Qiao family suffered major changes, and became one of the few families in Qiushui City that can control a little bit of power.

However, the young man surnamed Li didn't hesitate when he left. The figure striding outwards under the dark of night heralded his determination.

Under the hazy night, the young man first went to the Great Summer Academy on the bank of Lingbo Lake in Qiushui City. After asking for a teleport scroll, he asked for a teleportation scroll and turned it into a blue-white teleportation. The scroll disappeared under the dawn.

Since then, there has been an ordinary young man in Shenjing City, his name is Li Xun.

As the heir carefully cultivated by a thousand-year-old family in Chuzhou, Li Xu's abilities needless to say, even if he does not know how to use swords and swords, and at the same time consciously stay away from the literary world, he still won favor in a very short time and entered the court. Ministry of errands.

Soon after, he married a gentle girl in the city of God, and entered a new stage in his life.

In this marriage, there is no righteousness that the Chuzhou aristocratic family pays attention to. The girl is not a lady in the traditional sense, but she really likes and relaxes.

Li Xun was born handsome, and he was promoted to the eighth-grade secretary of the household department at a young age. Therefore, he was appreciated by the girl's family and regarded it as his own.

For this young man, a short period of more than a year was more fulfilling than the days he had used for more than a decade. Gradually, he also accepted this ordinary? Because all the good things in life are visible in front of him. See the appearance.

At the crossing of the Bafengguan River, on the deck of the Crescent Treasure Ship, not far from the battle point of the central island? Li Xun, who had converged his once sharp spirit?, continued to raise his hand and salute the two Radiant Army Taboos in front of him, his face calm? Calmly.

"You have changed a lot, when the sleepless **** Ao broke free from the seal of Lingbo Lake? When I was waiting to encircle the lake with the Weiyang army to suppress it? Your kid screamed loudest behind me. Look like."

There was a smile on Jiang Yue's face. Although the two had only one fate, but after a long time of parting, could they still meet the deceased outside the vast land of China? Isn't this a kind of fate?

After the voice fell? Jiang Yue stared at Li Xun, who was wearing the black official uniform of the Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Development, and his voice continued:

"Why, instead of being your family prince in Chuzhou, you came to this Bafeng Pass instead?"

"Let the adults read the joke, and the government is on duty in the Hubu? It coincides with Jiaozhou and Haizhou's efforts to reclaim farmland, so Shenjing City came here to participate in the construction."

Li Xun smiled slightly? A voice of neither humble nor arrogant came out, and then Jiang Yue nodded? Raised his hand and patted the former on the shoulder, he spoke again:

"Since you have been in Bafeng Pass for a long time? How many people around you and me? Go to the Anjiang Siyamen to go through the immigration procedures? You don't have to worry about others."

When the voice fell, Li Xun looked upright and bowed to the front again. A solemn voice came out:

"The next official takes orders."

With the conversation of several people, the Crescent Moon Boat passed through several merged river crossings and gradually approached the central station island. Then, the little Taoist who had not spoken for a long time, listened to the river and stretched out his hand to watch Yundao people. 'S sleeves, lowered his voice and said:

"Master, what do you mean by this huge building in front of Bafeng Station? Isn't this place Bafeng Pass?"

"This station character is really unpredictable for a while, and there has never been such a name in the land of the profound."

Taoist Guanyun's response was also a little puzzled, and then he continued to think for a while, and his uncertain voice continued to be heard in a low voice:

"Perhaps the word "stop" can be understood as an inn, then we should be a transportation hub in front of us. It should be a dock for replenishing the ocean, leading to the Daxia mainland that is said to be floating on the North Sea."

After the middle-aged Taoist's explanation fell, the little Taoist nodded with deep approval, but Li Xun and the others on the side smiled meaningfully, but did not speak to refute, but spoke:

"This so-called station character, as Taoist Guanyun said, it is a post station that continues traffic, and it is also the starting point for us to lead to the city of Shenjing. And such a station is in our Daxia mainland. The states and major cities along the North Sea coast have been established. You can take a good look at it later, and you won’t be disappointed."

After the voice fell, the whole treasure ship started to slow down with a whistle on the Crescent Treasure Ship, and under the guidance of the officer of Bafeng Station, it docked on the shore. After the next breath, Crescent Moon’s comforting voice sounded. In the ears of everyone:

"Dear brothers going north, the Crescent Moon Ship will officially dock. Please follow the Anjiang Division’s officials to disembark in an orderly manner for more detailed immigration procedures, while those of the Crescent Caravan in the ship will stay where they are and will be registered and built together. Register entry."

After speaking, Crescent Moon raised her hand, made a guide, and said again:


The voice fell, and the young captain of An Jiangsi on the deck took the lead to step off the Crescent Ship, followed by the northward monks with different looks, who also disembarked, and under the Crescent Ship, a group of heavily armed soldiers Xia Anjiang's secretary has already finished the formation.

At the same time, a series of vast and profound divine consciousness stretched out from Bafeng Station, like the eyes of a god, locked tightly to the place where the Crescent Moon Treasure Ship was, making the entire void of Qi suddenly become extremely heavy.

Compared with the strict border Great Wall, the defense in Bafeng Pass at this time is not inferior.

Then a monk from the Central Plains who came from a long distance converged the qi movement in his body, stepped off the treasure ship, and stepped on the ground that truly belonged to the north for the first time.

The island floor under the sole of the foot is entirely made of flat marble. Even under the sun, it reflects warmth. After a breath, everyone’s ears suddenly heard a question from Jiang Yue on the deck:

"This old gentleman, you stay on the boat alone, but there are still important things?"

As soon as this question came out, everyone turned their heads, and saw that on the deck where everyone was originally on, there was an old man standing straight in place without moving his footsteps.

The old man had white hair and beard, holding a wine gourd that was very old in his hand, with a smile on his face, and when Jiang Yuedu's voice came to his ears, the old man picked up the wine jug, raised his head and took a drink, and the old response suddenly came out:

"Of course, the old man is here for important matters!"

As the voice rolled around, the old man stepped forward abruptly, his entire gray hair exploded, opening his mouth and let out a loud shout that resounded through the sky:

"Yang Jiu, the elder of the Taiqingzong in the land of Taixuan, came to deliver the letter for Taixuanyin Sejongmen, asking to see the Emperor Fuyao of the North!"

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