The Hardest Opening System in History

Chapter 1591: World Conference

In the inner city of Bafeng Pass under the bright sun, the noisy and busy noise of the city fell into the audible silence of the needle at a certain moment.

At the same time, countless Daxia citizens in the city turned their heads under the scream of Yang Jiu, the elder of the Taiqing Sect, and looked at the white-haired old man on the crescent boat with surprise.

Taiqingzong, the head of the Sejong Gate of the Taixuan Land, is well-known even at the Bafeng Pass at this time. At this time, the elder suddenly appeared in the Bafeng Pass, which is even more imaginative. .


After a few breaths of silence, a violent commotion broke out in the vicinity of the round island in the center of Bafeng Pass, and all kinds of discussions were heard:

"This Taiqingzong elder actually came to the North to see your Majesty, and I don't know what is going on?"

"The Central Plains of the Taixuan Land is said to be full of wars, and even the so-called powerful Shangguo is too busy to take care of itself. Although Taiqingzong is the leader of the hidden Sejong Sect, it is estimated that he also feels the crisis and wants to form an alliance with our northern Daxia."

As soon as this analysis sounded, the people around nodded, and then some monk was about to speak, but his face changed slightly and he whispered:

"It's so lingering, it should be the imperial court's overhaul in Bafeng Pass."

Before the words fell, one after another magnificent will suddenly poured out from the Bafeng Station, which was grounded to the sky, like an ancient giant beast in self-sleeping, suddenly opened his eyes.

The void in the center of Bafeng Pass turned into an extremely viscous quagmire at this moment, and even the flowing river stopped for a few breaths at this moment.

Dao Dao’s magnificent will is shrouded in the distance, and the Taiqing Sect elder Yang Jiu above the deck, his old face is full of dignity, his beard dances, he straightens his body, takes out a letter from his arms, hands it up, the old voice Continue to roll out:

"The sky is confused, the universe is ups and downs, the scourge of war has swept Tai Xuan, in just one and a half years, the lives were wiped out, countless deaths and injuries? And there is a tendency to sweep outward.

"The war is raging? Skeletons are everywhere, and the death of the original Beihai is still visible? My Tai Qingzong does not want the world to collapse? Invite the forces of the world to hold a world conference in Fufeng County, Central Plains to discuss the general situation? Now I invite the King of the North, Fuyao the Great. Go, here is the invitation? I look forward to coming!"

Taiqingzong elder Yang Jiu's words? It was like thunder lingering in the sky, but the people who heard it blasted the pot, subconsciously exclaiming:

"The amount of information in the words of the Taiqingzong elders is so great that if you think carefully? It is extremely subtle!"

When the voice fell? The Daxia monk on the side continued directly and said:

"The Taiqingzong directly called His Majesty the King of the Northern Territory. Does it mean that the entire Central Plains forces have recognized our orthodox status in the Northern Territory of the Taixuan Land?"

The words of this person were filled with excitement. Of course, no matter when? The word orthodox meant that the word was right.

"We Daxia Shenzhou vast land? Once was one of the two celestial mountains that sank from the Beihai, now it is reborn? With great power, the Beihai, which has completely become a land of Taoism, was reborn? It should be reborn in love and reason? It's the Northern Orthodox!"

This speech was decisive? The people around him nodded. As he said, whether it was bloodline or geographic location, Da Xia became the orthodox overlord of the northern realm without any doubt.

Soon after this statement fell, there were some active people who raised their brows and then spoke:

"You may have forgotten one thing. The principal of the Central Plains of the Great Profound Land has always been the Holy Court. Given the conflicting relationship between the Holy Court and our Northern Territory, it is not easy to recognize our Daxia status. .

"According to the descendants of Wuxian Mountain, for tens of thousands of years, the Holy Court has been implementing a **** and brutal genocide policy for the entire human race. The **** enmity with the human race cannot be resolved in a few words."

"It's his mother's responsibility. Central Plains fights to death all by himself. It's benevolent if we don't fall into the trap, so what do we have to do with this holy court?"

At this time, the monk who spoke with a strong mockery on his face, and after the previous Beihai battle, every citizen of Daxia Shenzhou Haotu understood that for the Central Plains Holy Court, any illusion needs to be thrown away. There is only one battle. !

The voice of Taiqingzong elders lingering around the sky fell. After experiencing the initial turmoil, the central island where the entire Bafeng Pass was located gradually fell into silence again, because everyone was waiting for the response of the Great Xia court .

At the same time, this huge monster from Bafeng Station poured out a magnificent will, becoming more and more vast and heavy, and almost turned into a handle hanging in the void, pointing down at a distance.

The murderous intent of the violent dancing above the void formed an endless storm, which completely enveloped the elder Taiqingzong's not burly body. Perhaps after a command, the former could be instantly cut into powder.

The wind composed of billowing murderous intent blew the clothes and beards of the old man backwards. At the same time, the expression in the eyes of the latter became more and more serious, and he began to circulate the air in his body on the deck of the crescent ship , Lay down layers of defense.

After an instant, Taiqingzong elder Yang Jiu's body suddenly trembled slightly, because the tumbling aura that had covered the sky and the sun disappeared instantly, as if it had never appeared before.

Outside of Yang Jiu's body, the originally two opposing forces suddenly disappeared, and his Qi machine exploded directly outward like a volcanic eruption.

Then the Taiqingzong elder let out a low muffled hum, but with a strong cultivation base, he suppressed the backlash of his surging Qi, suddenly raised his head and stared at the front.

At the next breath, two figures walked out of the building at Bafeng Station one after another.

The head is a lean old man wearing a big summer-style battle armor. His body is not burly, but the arm muscles exposed outside the armor, each piece is as sharp as a carefully carved rock, even Under the sun, there was a bronze radiance.

Daxia Ximan King, Zhong Liye!

Behind Zhong Liye, followed by a tall and straight figure, in a plain black Anjiang Sisi Cheng robe, a faint solemn air shot out from his eyes.

Compared with more than a year ago, Sun Qian, who was the Secretary of Anjiang at the time, exuded even more vigor from the inside and outside of his body, and his majesty was fully displayed during his steps.

These are the two most powerful people in Daxiajiao and Haizhou!

"I've seen King Ximan, Sicheng Sun of An Jiang!"

After a breath, on the central round island of Bafeng Pass, the sound of greetings from the mountains resounding like a tsunami resounded across the sky, and then the expressionless Ximan King Zhong Liye bent his knees and jumped directly, cutting through the void. Like a cannonball, it smashed on the crescent ship.


After a loud and deafening noise, the Crescent Treasure Ship sank directly forward for most of the river surface, startling countless splashes.

Then the Ximan King, who jumped on the treasure ship, strode to the Taiqingzong elder, reached out to take the latter and presented the invitation with both hands, and the voice came:

"You wait for Taiqingzong's request, this king will pass it on to your majesty!"

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