"Boom, boom, boom!"

One after another, the vigorous drum beat sounded from above the Meridian Gate of the Baidi Palace, spreading vastly outward, and then spreading throughout the entire Shenjing City.

Morning bell and evening drum!

The sound of drums above the Meridian Gate of the White Emperor's Palace indicates that day and night will begin to alternate, the day will be lonely, and the night will rise.

Afterwards, the Nine Heavens God Sun glowing with the sunset light in the sky gradually sank into the west. At the same time, Yinyue poked her head out, like a playful child, climbing up the sky.

Winter nights always come very suddenly, and at a certain moment, all the lights of the almost infinite capital city are lit up in an instant, suddenly turning into a land of stars, shining the world.

Hundreds of thousands of lights are shining all together, and this vast expanse of galaxy on earth is even more gorgeous and dazzling than the real stars above the sky.

The misty lights of Shenjing City illuminate the entire Youzhou land, and then in the sky, the heavy snow of goose feathers still spilt down, reflecting the moonlight under the entire Xiongcheng more brightly.

Then, as the snowflakes danced, the smoke rose up, and the rich smell of food diffused outward at the same time, accompanied by the blowing wind, shuttled through the streets and lanes, making a singing-like whine.

This buzzing sound was completely devoid of the past grievances, but rather like the whistling produced when fireworks rose, with a festive color.

Today coincides with the New Year’s Eve. Although it is not as grand as the New Year’s Eve a few days later, everyone still attaches great importance to it.

Afterwards, in the brightly decorated house, plentiful foods were put on the table one after another, and laughter and laughter came out of the window, which was completely happy.


Accompanied by a loud shout from the housewife at home, the little children who could not wait for a long time swarmed to the steaming dining table, and then paid a great respect to the elders in the family with a respectful voice:

"Grandpa, grandma, Xiaonian Ankang, please eat!"

"Well, good, you eat too."

The two elders sitting on the main seat in the kitchen suddenly had a smile on their faces? Raised their hands and raised them? The voice continued:

"Don't be cautious, call everyone here to eat together? Today is a young year? It's just a lively event."

"Lively, lively!"

With the excitement of the little children cheering? The city of Shenjing after night fell, suddenly became more and more lively? Through the silhouettes on the window? All laughter.

Time passed by, and after eating, the family began to chat about the homework around the stove that exuded the warm light. A word was revealed everywhere with a smile.

Quiet years!

In the middle of Shenjing City? In a simple and exquisite small courtyard, the moonlight shone on the snow, emitting a bright luster, and then inside the small courtyard, a confused young voice came out:

"I don't know that the sky is on the water after being drunk? The boat is full of clear dreams and the Qinghe River is full of clear dreams. My son is in the sky? No, on the boat? Hahaha!"

This voice fell, and a door of a house not far from the courtyard? Was opened with a soft squeak? Then a figure in a white cloak walked out of the door? Quickly walked towards the small courtyard.

After that, You Rui'er, who was getting more and more slender, stared at the white figure lying on his back on the swing in the yard. The corners of his mouth were slightly raised. After rolling his eyes, he said in an angry voice:

"Sima Annan, you are neither in the sky nor on the boat. You are on the ground because you drank and fell down!"

After speaking, You Ruier gathered the big cloak behind her, moved her slender legs, walked into the small yard, and came to Sima Annan who was lying on the swing, bewildered, and looked down.

Compared with a year and a half ago, Sima Annan has matured too much at this time, and even a little beard has grown on the corners of his mouth. On the angular face, the former childishness has faded and been replaced by stability.

He was already the darling of the river of destiny, but after experiencing precipitation and baptism, he gradually became a helm of the river of destiny.

This is a special temperament that is extremely difficult to understand, making You Rui'er standing in front of him at this time, even if he has seen Sima Annan's face countless times, under the concentrating gaze, all eyes are absorbed and it is difficult to move away.

At the next breath, it seemed as if Sima Annan who was aware of it, turned over, covered his forehead, and muttered:

"Although you are a good wine, my father-in-law, my son-in-law, I really can't drink it anymore. You drink so much. I am ashamed. I can't drink it anymore. I really can't drink it anymore."

As soon as this remark came out, You Ruier snorted and let out a chuckle, then he squatted down and touched Sima Annan's cheek with a slight accusation:

"You, you know that you are brave, you can't drink so much, you have to drink hard with my dad, and the drink is still strong, you know that when my dad was a book of rites, the most powerful thing is to drink."

After speaking, You Rui'er's eyes were filled with distressed colors. Only he understood that the husband in front of him who seemed to be rude on weekdays had a lot of courage behind him.

He is the most respected right-hand man of Emperor Daxia Fuyao, and he can even imprint his name deeply on the immortal monument of this great country.

"Daughter-in-law, I didn't fall down on the dining table this time, so I shouldn't be ashamed of you. My father-in-law finally returned to Beijing from the merged state. Why should I accompany him to do his best?"

You Rui'er's words fell, lying on the swing below, Sima Annan, who continued to squint and did not open, spoke slightly, and the voice continued:

"It's okay. I happened to be at home for a year and a half. I didn't learn how to do the rest, but the amount of alcohol has increased a lot."

"You, I know that you have been stubborn for more than a year. Others may not feel it, but I know you. You only drink tea and less alcohol, because you want to keep your mind clear."

After the girl dropped her distressed voice, Sima Annan raised her hand and gently held You Rui'er's right hand to caress her cheek. Although she didn't say a word, everything was silent.

Sima Annan, Director of the Military Aircraft Department, was ordered by Zhao Yu to cultivate his heart in the academy a year and a half ago. Until this time, he has not been recalled to the palace!

The night was dim, with heavy snow all over the sky, and then the snowflakes drifted under the swing where the two of them were, and fell on the black hair, and their heads turned white for a moment.


Suddenly, the quiet atmosphere was broken by a soft sound from below, and at the next breath, You Ruier said with a little puzzled voice:


Before the girl's words fell, the white figure who was originally lying on the swing directly stretched out his right hand, and lightly grabbed it to the side, and caught a golden light directly among the flying snowflakes.

That is a golden phoenix feather!

At the same time, a vague voice came directly:

"Sima Annan, your Majesty is summoned in the Baidi Palace."

When the voice fell, Sima Annan suddenly opened his eyes, and electricity was generated in the void, piercing the night sky, and there was no more drunkenness in the embarrassing eyes.

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