The Hardest Opening System in History

Chapter 1595: The harassment incident of Shenjing City

Under the heaven and the earth, everything has an aura.

There are countless races living in the entire Taixuan Land. Although each race has different intelligence and talents due to racial characteristics, the prosperous culture and long history of all races clearly indicate this area. The war-torn land is a breeding ground for life.

The mystery of life lies in diversity. Although some races are sparsely populated, they have amazing and unique charm. At this time, the mysterious woods that thrive in the imperial garden of the White Emperor Palace are one of them.

This sacred tree is high in the sky, leaning against the sky and grounding, and after spreading out, it resembles a stalwart giant of heaven and earth, and once it has survived the long years and enters the stage of tree growth, it will form a mysterious mysterious realm at the crown of the tree.

Not only that, Xuantian Shenmu will directly disperse its magnificent will into countless life elves to explore the entire world, and more mysteriously, each of these life elves exudes emerald green light. Before returning to Shenmu, he was an independent ignorant individual.

Therefore, these life elves floating in the void of the Imperial Garden have their own personalities, either calm or lively, but also cowardly and reckless. At this time, on the lawn in the depths of the Imperial Garden, they sneaked into a different one. Little things.

Although this life elf is not the strongest and strongest, it must be the most curious, and at the same time, its intelligence is far superior to the rest.

Under the hazy moonlight, the lawn in the depths of the imperial garden was extremely quiet, and at the same time, a soft light from nowhere shone down and shrouded a huge desk.

At the same time, the little life elf seemed to be in a devilish state, motionless, watching the young man with his head supported and his eyes closed.

It was a face that could not be described by any word in the world.

In other words, no vocabulary is enough to fully summarize the appearance that it reveals to the world.

Thousands of romantic styles, made by one family!

Zhao Yu just closed his eyes quietly, but all the matter around his body began to revolve around his upright figure, spontaneously guarding and worshipping. If you look closely, you will find that even the grass growing on the ground is right. The figure in front bowed respectfully.

What's more noticeable is the bright and vivid cinnabar pattern on the eyebrows of the young emperor at this time.

Every cinnabar pattern is the supreme medal made by Tiandi himself.

When the person standing under the bridge of heaven and earth, every time a land immortal is killed, the heaven and earth will draw a pattern of avenues!

The avenue pattern contains the purest avenue origin power, which has an indescribable attraction for any creature, and this attraction is even more so for the life elves who are still ignorant.

Therefore, this trembling life spirit became more and more powerful, after a short pause, all its attention was focused on the flickering flowers of the young emperor.

One, two, three, four, fifth, sixth!

The six avenue lines can even make all the creatures in the heart of Zhao Yumei feel shattered and exiled directly into the endless sea of ​​avenues.

At the next breath, the trembling life spirit stopped shaking, and the entire small body fell feebly towards the ground like a kite that had lost the wind.

After an instant, in the depths of the Imperial Garden, a steady voice sounded softly:

"Interesting, a unique spirit of life."

As the voice fell, Zhao Yu's closed eyes slowly opened, and then the light in the depths of the entire Imperial Garden suddenly lit up.

At the same time, the flower of the avenue composed of six cinnabar patterns on the eyebrows of the young emperor disappeared after flashing and beating suddenly.

At the next breath, an undulating imperial might surged outwards, and at the same time pushed the little life elf that fell not far away.

"Since Xuantianmu entered the tree-forming stage, your life elves have also greatly increased their wits, and as a result, you have become more and more afraid of me."

A voice of regret came from Zhao Yu's mouth, and then the young emperor stretched out his right hand and made a gentle move towards the front, and suddenly a very soft wave spread out, holding up the stunned life spirit. , Floating to the front of the royal table.

After a few breaths, the little life elf fell on Zhao Yu's hand. The young emperor bowed his head, staring at the little thing in his hand, his lips opened slightly, and his voice came out:

"In the past year, no life spirit has dared to step into the center of this imperial garden and come to me. You are the first one, little guy, you are very special."

As soon as this particular word came out, the whole world in the depths of the Imperial Garden seemed to be touched by a certain law, and then like the essence of life qi, it turned into a long dragon, and it was all facing the little in Zhao Yu's palm. The little life spirit rushed down.

The emperor touches the top, reborn!

In just a few short breaths, ray after ray of emerald green light began to gush out from the inside of the life elf's body, accompanied by extremely mysterious runes, directly wrapping the former into a cocoon.

"The ants are still short of life. The instinct of the whole world is to seek good and avoid evil, but you are different. You have the ability to fight against instincts and are predestined with me. Then I will give you a good luck."

After finishing the sentence, Zhao Yu put the cocooned life spirit in his hand on the imperial table in front of him, picked up a book and opened it, quietly waiting for the latter to break into a butterfly.

The depths of the imperial garden of the White Emperor Palace were extremely quiet. Except for the slight swaying of the branches and leaves of the Xuantian Shenmu, there was no other sound. Then he lowered his head and glanced at the young emperor, who suddenly wrinkled his brows, raised his hand and knocked on the table lightly. Two soft sounds.

"Boom, boom."

After a breath, on the lawn deep in the imperial garden, Liang Po's bald head was bright, his extremely burly body walked out of the shadow, and a voice full of magnetism came out:

"Your Majesty, what's your order?"

"The envelope in my hand comes from Gyeonggi Prefecture. It says that the people in the eastern district of Shenjingcheng reacted. Recently late at night, there is often a violent roar that is accompanied by the light of flames soaring into the sky, awakening people from their sleep, and people nearby. It is not very intrusive, and has reported many times to Gyeonggi Prefecture, and even Sitianjian has gone.

"What about this?"

After the majestic and steady voice passed, Liang Po nodded and said:

"Your Majesty, there is this matter. Not only the Gyeonggi Prefecture, but also the officials of the Sitian Supervisor have also gone to investigate."

The response fell, and Zhao Yu put the paper in front of him, and the interested voice continued:

"I am very curious about how a nuisance incident is passed through the Gyeonggi Prefecture and the Sitian Supervisor. Even the veterans of the cabinet can't solve it. They have to come to me?"

Although the words of the young emperor did not contain much emotion, the emperor's prestige above the entire void suddenly exploded and swept all over the place.

After that, Liang Po continued to bow, with a very rare expression of helplessness on his face, and responded:

"Your Majesty, the land that disturbs the people in the east of Shenjing City, but the Qinglong Renchen District in the east."

As soon as this response sounded, Zhao Yu raised his brows and gently spit out:

"Liang Po, are you talking about Taihang Palace?"

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