The Hardest Opening System in History

Chapter 1596: Taihang Palace

The city of Shenjing used to be very large, with a span of east, west, north and south, even if ordinary people walked for a long time, they could not fully set foot.

The current Shenjing City is undoubtedly bigger. After a vigorous development across the ages, the Shenjing City, which sits in the northwestern region of Great Xia, has been full of unimaginable vitality recently, and its area is also increasing day by day.

After Zhao Yu destroyed the fortress of the endless mountain gods and powers, which was originally the last pass of the inner three passes, it lost its function as the fortress of Xiongguan.

In this way, after the shackles were completely lifted, Shenjing City completely let go of its hands and feet, and on the basis of the original setting, Shenjing quickly expanded in all directions.

One by one tall buildings rise on the ground, and large tracts of buildings extend out. Except for the broken walls outside the Xuanwu Gate in the north that are still used as warnings, the area of ​​Shenjing City in the other three directions has doubled.

Shenjing City was originally the heart of Daxia, and after glorious retirement, it became an unprecedented city in the new era.

In order to effectively manage such a huge sacred city, the Gyeonggi Prefecture divided the entire city into four large areas with four sacred beasts, and each area was subdivided by the branches of heaven and earth. At this time, the eastern part of Liang's breach was the Qinglong area.

"Liang Po, the place that disturbs the people mentioned in this fold is the Taihang Palace?"

In the depths of the imperial garden, the faint voice of inquiry from the young emperor's mouth lingered under the Xuantian Wood, and then Liang Po, who stood upright, nodded, and the response came out:

"His Majesty, according to the investigation conducted by the Gyeonggi Prefecture and Sitianjian, the tremors often sounded at this time. They did come from the Taihang Palace. Because of the special nature of the Taihang Palace, Sitianjian was not able to deal with it rashly, even after the cabinet had discussed it. , Will also submit the folds for your majesty's decision."

After the voice fell, Zhao Yujun's majestic face remained unchanged, but in the black eyes like ebony, there was a hint of thinking flashing, and the emperor continued to say:

"Then the Southern Heavenly King Xiliu, who is bored in the Taihang Palace again, find other prisoners to practice?"

"Exactly, although your Majesty has locked up her original consciousness, her physical strength is powerful, and when she fights with others, it will cause a lot of movement."

Liang Po's response was as mellow as before, and then he stepped forward, lifted the teapot, and filled the cup next to Zhao Yu with tea, and said again:

"Although there is a mountain and sea map barrier in the Taihang Palace, your majesty also knows that this Southern Heavenly King is very violent. If he feels bored, he will smash the imprisoned Taixuan land overhauls on the barrier. This is where the loud noise comes from."

"Then who did she hit this time?"

There was an inexplicable tone in the voice of Emperor Zhao Yu's mouth, and then Liang Po's voice that was not red and heartbeat immediately sounded:

"Back to your Majesty, it's the old master of Central Shangguo!"

"That old guy is not young anymore, can he eat it?"

"I can't bear it, I have suffered a serious injury. The specific situation has been explained by the guard of the Taihang Palace, and it is in the next paper."

After Liang Po's words fell, Zhao Yu raised his hand to take out the next book and opened it, lowered his head and glanced, the weird color in his eyes grew thicker, and he muttered:

"Just because of the quarrel caused by a hot pot meal, the Southern Heavenly King Xiliu hit the old man of the Central Shangguo on the floor with a hammer?"

"This is indeed the case. The Southern Heavenly King Xiliu tried to change the mandarin duck hot pot to the spicy hot pot, but was rejected by the old master of the Central Shangguo on the grounds that he was too old to eat. The two immediately had a quarrel, and there was a lot of conflict on weekdays. Therefore, they fought directly."

After Liang Po finished speaking, Zhao Yu paused slightly with his right hand holding the teacup, and even his brows jumped. After a long time, he uttered:


It is true that if this matter is spread to the outside world, let alone the monks in the Taixuan Land do not believe it, even the citizens of Daxia in the vast land of China, Daxia 36 State, will definitely drop their jaws!

Shengting Nantian King Xiliu and Central Shangguo Lao Zun, which one is not a top-level overhaul that moved the world?

On weekdays, the diluted treasures that ordinary monks are fighting to break their heads will not even frown, but they will fight because of a mere hot pot!

"Although neither of them can use the law and the power of the source, the power of the physical body is still strong. This fight has caused a lot of building damage in the Taihang Palace.

"The defenders of the Taihang Palace also used the Sitian Tower to mobilize the first artifact, Shanhai Tu, to suppress the two, and this quelled the riots."

After Liang Po's report lingered in his ears, Zhao Yu threw the fold in his hand forward, raised his hand and rubbed his eyebrows, and Di Yin said:

"The Southern Heavenly King Xiliu is full of restlessness. I don't know which time it has been since more than a year. Liang Po, ask Si Tianjian to ask Xia to mobilize the power of the mountain and sea map to strengthen the Taihang Palace barrier.

"In addition, prepare for it. I will visit the Taihang Palace in person these few days."

As soon as this Huanghuang emperor's tone came out, Liang Po suddenly raised his head, and then solemnly bowed forward, and the response came out:

"Chen, follow the order!"

"By the way, what are the arrangements for the reinstatement of Sima Annan and You Tingjian, father-in-law and son-in-law?"

"Back to your majesty, it's already done."

After he finished speaking, Liang Po stood upright, took out a phoenix ling from his arms, presented it with both hands respectfully, and the voice came out:

"Your Majesty, Master You has already taken the pardon token from Li Chunfeng and Li Sicheng to the mansion in Shenjing City. As for Young Master Sima, he has entered the palace and is waiting outside the imperial garden.

"This is the Feng Ling that he handed back. According to what he said, it is the body of sin, and he dared not accept the Ling Yu bestowed by His Majesty. It won't be too late to get the reward when he is guilty and meritorious in the future."

"It seems that this year has been idle at home, this servant has matured a lot, according to the past, his figure in white clothes swinging a folding fan should have appeared in front of me long ago."

After he finished speaking, Zhao Yu leaned back, and just wanted to continue to speak, but a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth, and he cursed:

"I think too much, this kid hasn't grown a little bit!"

When Di Yin fell, a white dress was fluttering, and the figure swinging the folding fan appeared directly beyond the depths of the imperial garden.

Before the person arrives, the sound comes first:

"Your Majesty has a good reputation, but the minister has spent the year and a half in the academic palace studying hard to exercise his character.

"But the more books I read and the more tempered my character, the Weichen wants to understand a truth."

After Yinglang's voice fell, Sima Annan stepped into the deep lawn of the imperial garden, kneeling down and respectfully saluting Zhao Yu in front of him, and the voice continued to sound under the mysterious tree:

"Weichen feels that if he loses his spirit when he is in his twenties, then the minister is not a minister!"

Sima Annan's remarks were confident and clear, then he raised his head and stared at the young emperor in front of him, blinked, and continued to speak:

"Your Majesty, do you think Weichen is right?"

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