The Hardest Opening System in History

Chapter 1597: Tigers and leopards never hide in the mountains

"The minister waits to see your majesty, long live your majesty!"

In the depths of the imperial garden of the White Emperor Palace, the respectful voices of the officials and officials resounded like a mountain and a tsunami.

Afterwards, Zhao Yu, under the Xuantianmu, lowered his head slightly, watching the civil and military officer who had knelt down in the dark, his dark eyes remained unchanged, and he waved his hand, and the voice came out:

"Everyone loves to be flat."

"Thank your majesty."

After the voices fell, the hundred officials stood up on the lawn. This time Zhao Yuye summoned a lot of hundred officials, almost involving the entire six departments and 16 departments, and even the Anjiang Department of Jiaozhou and Haizhou and all levels. The yamen sent people over.

Therefore, the lawn of the Royal Garden, which was originally quite large, was almost completely filled with human shadows at this time. With a glance, all kinds of official robes were majestic and majestic. Under the continuous film, the rich to the extreme official aura rose to the sky, even making Xuantian The void under Kinoshita seemed to gradually freeze.

Then a majestic and domineering gaze swept down from above. As far as the gaze was, the officials bowed their heads, and in Zhao Yu’s [笔趣阁], compared with more than a year ago, this time On the lawn of the garden, there are many new faces, and many officials are extremely young.

This also indicates that since the birth of Shenzhou Haotu, the development of Daxia has been all-round, and the talents of Jiji have sprung up like bamboo shoots after a rain. This is not only reflected in the practice world, but also in the officialdom. A lot of new blood has also emerged.

"You Aiqing, this is the new year's eve of the family reunion, but I have been summoned to see you here. I hope you will not be angry."

After Zhao Yu's emperor's voice was passed down from above, the officials on the lawn looked upright, bowed to the front, and said loudly:

"Your Majesty's words, the ministers are terrified."

As the uniform voices lingered, the young emperor put down the folds in his hands, tapped gently on the imperial table in front of him, and continued to open his mouth and say:

"You don't need to be so cautious. Tonight is not the upper dynasty. Just relax. I am looking for you, but there are some things to explain."

After finishing the sentence, Zhao Yu straightened slightly, looking at the civil and military officials who had relaxed a lot below, Emperor Huang Huang's voice continued to resound through the void:

"After the New Year’s Eve, Daxia will enter a half-month holiday. Except for the cabinet and the Military Aircraft Department, the other officials will be on duty for three days, and the morning will also open every three days. Therefore, I have something ahead of schedule. Discuss with you all."

When the voice fell, Zhao Yu raised his hand and held the steaming teacup on the royal table in front of him. Emperor Huang Huang continued to pass on:

"Where are the people from Anjiangsi?"

As soon as this statement came out, a middle-aged official in An Jiangsi's robes took a step forward, knelt on one knee, and an angry voice rolled out:

"Chen, Deputy Si Cheng of Anjiang Division, I have met your Majesty."

"You will talk about what happened in Bafeng Pass today."


After the middle-aged official of the Anjiang Division nodded in response, he got up and looked around for a week, and he spoke directly without being muddled.

"Today, in the Central Plains, the land of Taixuan, the elders of the Taiqing Sect, the head of the five sects of the Hidden World, came from the Central Plains to cross the Yuanchuan, and issued an invitation to His Majesty in Bafeng Pass, inviting His Majesty to participate in the World Taoist Association in Fufeng County, Central Plains!

"This Dao will gather almost all the forces in the Great Profound Land, and according to it, will discuss the general trend of the whole world!"

As soon as this remark came out, it was like a thunder in the sky, and it burst directly in the sea of ​​knowledge of hundreds of officials, igniting countless turbulent waves, and then the complexions of several cabinet veterans suddenly changed. After a few breaths of thought, they all stepped forward and spoke:

"Your Majesty, beware of fraud in this matter!"

After speaking, most of the other officials nodded, and then the cabinet scholar Xiao Su arched his hands forward, and the voice continued:

"Many powers in this Taixuan land are swift and cunning. Although Wu Daxia has been born in Beihai, on the one hand, the time of birth is still short, and there is not much overlap with other forces. On the other hand, there is Yuanchuan as a natural danger. The geographical location of Jingdaxia is unique. Your Majesty does not need to go there personally to take such a big risk."

Xiao Su's words came out, and Li Chunfeng on the side stroked the white beard on his chest and nodded in agreement:

"Your Majesty's safety is undoubtedly the foundation of my great summer, and I should use this as a benchmark for all decision-making.

"In the opinion of the old minister, it is too dangerous for your Majesty to go to the Taixuan Land to participate in the so-called World Daohui. After all, in the previous Beihai birth war, our soldiers, but they will almost all go north. The monks in the Profound Land all had their heads chopped off, and both sides have blood feuds."

After Li Chunfeng's words came out, the entire lawn in the depths of the imperial garden gradually fell into silence, and the complexions of several young officials moved. They wanted to speak, but did not open their mouths, but continued to think.

Afterwards, Zhao Yu, who had been listening, held the teacup in front of him, and looked at the front of the young man dressed in white.

"Sima Annan, what do you think about this matter?"

Following the inquiry of the young emperor, many other officials turned their eyes to the young man in white who hadn't seen them for a long time, with different colors in their eyes.

Sima Annan's figure standing upright at this time clearly shows that he has begun to return to the sight of the young emperor. After a year, he once again entered the decision-making center of the entire Daxia and continued to become the most important right arm of the Emperor Fuyao.

After a breath, Sima Annan, who was staring at him, showed the once iconic confident smile on his face. He opened the folding fan and said aloud, but the bodies of some old officials around him shook fiercely. .

"Your Majesty, the minister thinks that this so-called Fufeng County Tianxia Taoist Association will go, not only go, but also coerce the audience. Everyone knows it!"


As soon as Sima spoke out, a commotion broke out among the officials, and then the white beard of the cabinet veteran Xiao Su jumped fiercely, turned around and glared at Sima Annan, opening his mouth and let out a low cry:

"Sima Annan, you!"

"Elder Xiao Ge, don't worry, please listen to the kid."

After speaking, Sima Annan put away the folding fan in his hand, and saluted several cabinet veterans whose faces were flushed sideways, and continued to speak loudly:

"If you compare the Central Plains of the Great Profound Land beyond Yuanchuan to an infinite forest, then the countless races in this forest are fighting each other to the death.

"Compared with the aboriginal people in these forests, our Daxia is undoubtedly outsiders, and under the will of your majesty, our country has unified the northern territory with lightning speed, and let the entire Taixuan land begin I heard the prestige of our country!"

"But you should understand that all this is far from enough, the crisis is far from being resolved, and you must not take it lightly!"

After speaking, Sima Annan took a deep breath and said loudly:

"Boy, I have heard a sentence, I wonder if you have heard of it."

Speaking of this, the young fluttering white stepped forward, before reaching Baiguan, raised his hands to both sides, and let out a shocking shout:

"Although tigers and leopards can recuperate, they will never hide in the forest!"

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