The Hardest Opening System in History

Chapter 1598: Old and young

"Everyone, my Daxia is a tiger and leopard who is destined to roar in the mountains and forests, not a hare who hides in Tibet. We know this better than anyone else."

In the depths of the imperial garden of the White Emperor Palace, Sima Annan’s Yinglang voice resounded under the Xuantian Wood, and then the military attaché’s face above the lawn gradually became quiet and solemn, and continued to listen to Sima Annan’s words:

"Before the birth of the North Sea, our majesty and our ministers had already set a strategy for the follow-up development. That was a battle to determine the universe, to dominate the North with lightning speed, and then to sit on the North. Development is dormant, and our Daxia is also following this national policy and proceeding step by step."

After Sima Annan's words fell, many officials nodded one after another, and then a household official stepped forward and responded:

"As Young Master Sima said, after a year and a half of full-scale development, our people's livelihood, economy, military, and spirituality have reached an unprecedented level of prosperity.

"Especially after the farmland was reclaimed and reclaimed in the two states, the imperial treasury was extremely full of grain. Not to mention the original Wuxianshan descendants, even if the entire domestic population doubles, it is completely affordable."


When this word came out, Sima Annan flicked his white sleeves and clapped his hands. The voice of increasing volume continued to sound:

"The words of Master Xu are not only for us, but for all the people of Daxia, so everyone can proudly tell the world that this national policy is a success.

"Because my country, which now sits on the entire Northland, is stronger and greater than ever before!"

As the words fell, Sima Annan's passionate expression changed, with piercing eyes, the Daxia Qunchen who was staring closely in front of him, his voice continued to make his debut:

"But the road ahead is endless. My Daxia can't stay in a corner like this forever and be isolated from the world. As I said below, we are tigers and leopards, nine gods and phoenixes, not panic hares hiding in Tibet.

"It is definitely not the best policy to close the country, and there is no doubt about it, because your majesty will not allow it, the Great Xia Kingdom will not allow it, and the general trend of the world will not allow it!"

After speaking, Sima Annan raised his hand to the front, and the voice continued:

"Heaven’s secrets are chaotic, and the rushing river composed of the general trend of the world has never been boiling as fiercely as it is now. At this time, the Central Plains of the Supreme Profound Land is already full of wars. I don’t believe that this conflict and storm that is constantly sweeping outward will not be affected. Let's go to the north.

"If any adult thinks that as long as the Great Border Wall is closed, he can sit back and relax, and he can argue with Xia Zai!"

After Sima Annan's vocal questioning sound came out, the lawn in the depths of the imperial garden fell into the audible silence of needles.

All the officials present were the mainstays of Daxia. They were naturally not short-sighted, so they naturally understood that what Sima Annan said was true.

Then Sima Annan coughed, softened his throat, and continued to speak again:

"Since you all understand that Daxia will go out sooner or later, then there is another crucial issue, that is the timing!"

"Young Master Sima thinks that this so-called World Taoist Association is the best time for my Daxia to formally connect with the rest of the Taixuan Land?"

"Exactly, do you adults think there is a better time than this?"

A faint voice of rhetorical question came from Sima Annan's mouth. The former smiled when no one spoke to rebut, stretched out his five fingers and spread, and the voice continued to resound under the mysterious tree:

"First, according to the Taiqingzong elder, this world will jointly discuss the general situation of the entire Taixuan land. Therefore, it is not only us, but the other powers in the Taixuan land are invited. In other words, this is the perfect stage for ready-made construction.

"The second point is that the hermit sect headed by the Taiqing Sect has always formed a tendency of confrontation and restriction with the holy court, so it is certain that this Daoist society is different from the Beihai chance meeting that has not been established. Your will is the master."

Having said this, Sima Annan paused, and the voice continued to reach everyone's ears:

"This is particularly important. Everyone understands that the strongest enemy of our great Xia is the Holy Court, and this Taixuan Dao Hui, in a sense, restricts the pace of the Holy Court's expansion.

"Because the Hidden Sejong Sect headed by the Taiqing Sect has already sensed a fact that makes them feel terrified, that is, the strength of this holy court hidden under the fog, beyond everyone's imagination.

"Even these hidden Sejong gates united with Central Shangguo, and they only felt that they could not stop the edge of the holy court, so this conference was to be held!"

Sima Annan came down with an icy voice, and the faces of the Daxia civil and military officials on the lawn deep in the Imperial Garden became extremely solemn, and then the billowing suffocation began to spread through their bodies, running through the world.

Then Li Chunfeng with a solemn expression raised his hand to caress his white beard, and his solemn and old voice sounded:

"According to Young Master Sima, the Taiqing Sect was so concerned about Wu Da Xia, and even sent the elders of the sect to invite them in person. It also shows from the side that although the situation in the Central Plains seems chaotic, the real power holders already feel that The infinite pressure brought by the holy court, even without hesitating to tear the face straight, go together!"

After Li Chunfeng's words fell, the voice of the cabinet scholar Xiaosu continued:

"Although I have already known the importance of this Dao Association, it also shows the danger of this Dao Association. The old man still said that all the decisions of my cabinet must be in the safety of your Majesty. There is no doubt about this! "

Then this thin and stubborn old man also took a step forward, and together with the other veteran scholars, they bowed to the top and shouted:

"Your Majesty, please think twice, the Great Profound Land and the Central Plains are full of crises, especially this World Taoist Association, and it will face almost all the forces of the entire Taixuan, even the Holy Court.

"I know the geographical location of Fufeng County. It borders the Central Upper Kingdom, which means that if your Majesty goes to the meeting, he will directly enter the Holy Court.

"This is going straight to Longtan and Tiger's Den. It's too risky. I hope your Majesty will think twice!"

After the advice of the cabinet elders fell, a courtier, after thinking about it, also followed the former to kneel down, and began to persuade him.

In this way, a very interesting picture appeared in the lawn in the depths of the entire imperial garden.

One part of the officials kneeled to persuade, while the other part stood upright, with piercing eyes and unparalleled energy. If you look closely, you will find that the age of the two is quite different.

This is the conflict between the two types of officials in the Daxia court.

Conservative and radical.

Old and young!

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