The Hardest Opening System in History

Chapter 1599: The conclusion

As we all know, time is an extremely mysterious thing. If the mind of a creature is a seed that germinates gradually, then time is the nutrients and substances in the soil that promote the germination of seeds.

The same soil, under the action of different factors, will cultivate all kinds of seeds and blossom and bear fruit.

But on the whole, after years of tempering, life will become more stable and more considerate, which also corresponds to the saying that years can smooth out edges and corners.

Therefore, at this time, on the lawn in the depths of the Imperial Garden, along with the differences of opinion on this world Taoist society, Daxia cultural relic officials were divided into two distinct parts.

The officials who knelt down and advised Zhao Yu to think twice were veterans in the cabinet with white beards and hairs and old faces. Standing on the lawn were the younger generations who had not spoken, but had piercing eyes that showed their support for Sima Annan.

The old people seek stability, the young people seek advancement, and the conflict of ideas between the two parties is vividly demonstrated on this young year's night.

"Old You, or you should stand up and say something, if I remember correctly, this young man Sima has become your good son-in-law and should listen to you."

Just as the civil and military officials in the depths of the imperial garden were caught in disagreement, standing beside everyone's ears, You Tingjian softly sounded a reminder, and then the elegant face of the latter turned his head slightly and stared at him. An official who was once familiar with it lowered his voice and responded:

"Master Li, although Sima Annan is my son-in-law, it does not mean that I need to let him follow my political views. Young people have a lot of energy."

As soon as You Tingjian said this, the complexion of the middle-aged official next to him changed slightly, and then he spoke softly:

"Lao You, listening to what you mean, do you support your participation in the so-called World Taoist Association?"


You Tingjian shook his head slightly, then raised his mouth to reveal a gentle smile, and a mellow response sounded:

"Master Li, I agree with the point made by Sima An Nanfang. Daxia wants to go out. As for how to go out, it must be his Majesty's own decision. On the other hand, I also agree with this kind of relationship between the older generation and young adults. The collision of ideas and thinking.

"As long as both parties are for the sake of my Daxia to become stronger, then these collisions are benign. If the opinions of all those who enter the court as officials are always unified, then the entire court will be a stagnant pool. This is the most important thing. Horrible, isn't it?"

As soon as You Tingjian's words came out, the officials around him became stagnant. After a little thought, they nodded in agreement. Since ancient times, every great era has been a collision of ideas and a hundred schools of thought.

With the passage of time, the atmosphere in the depths of the Imperial Garden of the White Emperor Palace has become more and more subtle, and at the same time, in the gaze from above, the imperial prestige becomes more intense, like the waves of the tide. The rush came.

At the next breath, Zhao Yu, who had not spoken yet, put down the tea cup in his hand, and a steady voice came out:

"Since all the qings have expressed their views, then I will listen to me."

After the voice containing the vast emperor's prestige fell, all the officials below bowed forward, bowed their heads, and listened, and then heard the voice of Zhao Yu continuing to speak, directly lingering in his ears:

"Sima Annan is right. Tigers and leopards never hide in the mountains and forests. I and Daxia are in the high-end, and even if we want to stay in a corner, the general trend of the world will not allow it.

"To know the beginning of this upheaval in the world, in the northern border, also under our feet, we are the starting point of the overall change. According to the laws of the past, the starting point is also the end point. You can refer to the Beihai tens of thousands of years ago. **** battle!"

After the emperor's voice fell, the expressions of the officials below changed drastically. The revolution that swept the world 30,000 years ago is still vivid, and that drastic change is just as Zhao Yu said at this time.

Begins in the north and ends in the north!

The immortal palace that ruled the Taixuan land for countless years completely collapsed. The Wuxian Mountain, known as the strongest power under the Immortal Palace, also fell and shattered at the end, and the northern Wuxian Mountain, which was at its peak, ended in such a tragic end. Baiguan on the lawn of the imperial garden couldn't help but sink.

Although the situation of Daxia today is not exactly the same as the situation of Wuxianshan in the past, after careful consideration, there are a lot of similarities, which makes people frown.

After a few breaths, under the mysterious sky ahead, the young emperor's increasingly domineering and majestic voice continued to be heard:

"Taking history as a mirror, my Daxia absolutely can't walk the old road of Wuxianshan, so Daxia also needs an opportunity, a platform that can fully enter the sight of the forces in the entire Taixuan land, so this so-called Taoist society, Daxia cannot be absent! "

The emperor Huang Huang's voice resounded through the void, and the vast power in Zhao Yu's words already indicated that the young emperor had completely concluded the matter of the Taoist Society in the world and could not be rejected.

This time, Daxia will once again show his majesty as the King of the North in this conference!

After thinking about this, the cabinet veterans headed by the elder Xiao Su below shivered with white beards, and then bowed to the front again, and the old shouts came out:

"Your Majesty, I am waiting to support your decree, but my great Xia can send courtiers to participate in this Taoist meeting. If the Ninth Five-Year Lord of the Holy Spirit comes rashly, there will be danger."

"Xiao Aiqing, your remarks are too small to look down on our son Lang of the Great Summer Nightmare, and also to look down on me."

Emperor Huang Huang's voice sounded by Zhao Yu roared like an angry thunder, causing Xiao Su and the others to hurriedly kneel down, and then the voice came out:

"Your Majesty, the veteran dare not."

"I know the worries in your hearts, after all, it is related to my safety."

After the voice fell, Zhao Yu, who was watching the officials in the Wuyangyang, smiled slightly, and then a softer voice continued:

"But you, you need to understand that at this moment, my Daxia has been completely reborn. In the past few years, no matter what, Daxia has reached an unprecedented peak.

"The treasury is full, the soldiers are strong and the horse is strong, and even the base of practitioners is growing like a blowout. This should be the reason why the younger generation of Sima Annan can be so confident."

Speaking of this, Zhao Yu slowly stood up from behind the imperial table, and slowly walked towards the hundreds of civil and military officials below. In the ebony eyes, the vast majesty rolled out, the red lips lightly opened, the emperor's voice under:

"Let's not hide it from you, I am also very confident, to raise the army for a thousand days, and for a while, what I want to do is to make all the forces of the Great Profound Land fear and awe!

"My Daxia is the orthodox overlord of the Northern Realm, and I am the well-deserved Emperor of the Northern Realm!

"But if these forces participating in the so-called Taoist Society of the World find out that my emperor, who is in the great summer, dare not show it to others, what will they think?"

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