The Hardest Opening System in History

Chapter 1600: Old guys heart

The vast land of China, the New Year’s Eve, as the night deepens, the snow falling from the sky is even worse.

The radiant goose feathers and heavy snow, accompanied by the bright light rising up into the sky like a sea of ​​stars in the entire Shenjing City, are like a goose down quilt, slowly covering the largest city in the summer.

Then a part of snowflakes, wrapped in a breeze, fell towards the huge Huangji Square of the Baidi Palace in the center of the capital city.

Before the snowflakes landed, a series of figures in Daxia's various official robes walked out from the depths of the imperial palace under the leadership of a group of internal affairs secretary, step by step on the ground of the square covered with snow.

Because Zhao Yu summoned hundreds of officials tonight, the Huangji Square was brightly lit at this time, and the bright light shot down directly from the heights, even if there was a flying snow, it still fully illuminated the square ground.

After a while, the civil and military officials who withdrew from the depths of the imperial garden scattered from the square in twos and threes, looking for colleagues who knew each other, frowned and walked out, talking about something.

All the officials had a faint hunch that the decision of the young emperor tonight would not only have a profound impact on Daxia, but also on the entire Taixuan Land.

However, under heaven and earth, the more important decisions are made, the more silent the decision is.

Before the predator preys, all they do is hide!

"Lao You, this time, the old man always feels that your majesty is a bit too risky. Whether it is for the orthodox northern position or for me to wait for Da Xia to officially appear in front of all the forces in the Taixuan Land, there is no need to adopt it. Such a radical way."

At the corner of Huangji Square of the White Emperor Palace, two slender figures stepped forward against the wind and snow. It was Li Chunfeng and You Tingjian who walked out from the depths of the imperial garden.

The light shining from a high place pulled the shadows of the two on the ground. After Li Chunfeng’s words fell, he squinted his eyes and looked up at the imperial imperial palace in front of him. , The voice continued to spread:

"Even if we let Guogong Wei or a certain prince take the Radiant Nightmare Taboo, the effect achieved is not as good as that of the Royal Driver, but it is definitely not inferior. Why take such a risk?

After Li Chunfeng finished speaking, You Tingjian, who was walking side by side beside him, took a few breaths, and then faintly responded:

"Old man Li, in fact, your Majesty told me to wait in the palace tonight, not to listen to the opinions of the officials, but to tell us that his heart is determined."

As soon as You Tingjian said this, Li Chunfeng raised his eyebrows, and then said:

"You mean that the imperial driver's personal conquest of Fufeng County was something that His Majesty decided long ago?"

"Although I don't know the specific purpose of this move, it is not difficult to see that your majesty has long been willing to go south."

After he finished speaking, You Tingjian stretched out his right hand, sweeping the snowflakes on his shoulders with care, and his mellow voice sounded in Li Chunfeng's ears:

"Before Baiguan entered the palace, Your Majesty did two things, one of which was to call my son-in-law Sima Annan back to him.

"You must know that this kid ordered the killing of the descendants of Wuxianshan who fled the northern border without authorization, which damaged Daxia's reputation among the Wuxianshan tribe, and even almost caused the riots of the North Sea tribes in Jiaozhou and Haizhou. Bad influence.

"Later, in order to quell the anger of the people in Jiaozhou and Haizhou, your majesty dismissed him from his post according to the law, but this kid only stayed at home for a year and a half, and he was called back. Don’t you think old man Li was too quick ?"

You Tingjian's voice fell, and Li Chunfeng stepped forward slightly beside him, the color of thinking on his face became thicker, and he murmured:

"According to you, it is indeed faster."

After speaking, Li Chunfeng seemed to have thought of something, his eyes lit up suddenly, he turned his head abruptly, and the voice came out:

"That is to say, your Majesty recalled Lord Sima to the Baidi Palace, in order to use the latter to silence the veterans of the cabinet, because the saint knows that the younger generation of our Daxia, including Sima Annan, will support him in person. Fufeng County, while the old cabinet ministers are not, they will definitely advise fiercely."

"When my Majesty was still holding an official position in the court, the last thing I didn't want to face was that kind of cabinet veteran, so I can fully appreciate your Majesty's mood in this move.

Speaking of this, a smile appeared on You Tingjian's face, and then he turned around and walked towards the outer door of the Huangji Hall. The voice came out again:

"But what you said, Old Man Li, is on one side, and on the other hand, it's because your Majesty has made up his mind to attack the Taixuan Land in the south."

The very flat words in You Tingjian's mouth caused Li Chunfeng's body to stand directly on the spot, and his face suddenly became particularly solemn.

Because Li Chunfeng, who has experienced countless twists and turns in his life, knows what is behind these short words.

It is war, blood, the interweaving of life and death!

"Old You, are you sure?"

"Perhaps it is that the situation in the Central Plains of the Great Profound Land is really too bad. It makes your Majesty feel that Da Xia cannot recuperate like this year, or for other reasons, but these are my guesses. Just listen to Old Man Li. ."

Looking at Li Chunfeng with a solemn and solemn face in front of him, You Tingjian raised his hand and patted the former on the shoulder, his voice continued:

"In fact, there is another reason for my speculation, and that is me."

After speaking, You Tingjian raised his hand and pointed at him, opened his mouth, and said:

"Old man Li, I have left Shenjing City and have stayed in Bingzhou for nearly five years. In these five years, great changes have taken place in Daxia, and everything is rolling forward.

"And at this time, your Majesty chose to amnesty me, a person who was degraded in the early years. I can't help thinking, how can you let your Majesty see it again?"

After the voice fell, You Tingjian sighed lightly, and said again:

"On the way here, after thinking about it, there is only one thing that comes to mind, and that is Honghe Temple.

"Hongyou Temple is under the jurisdiction of the Ministry of Rites, and is responsible for diplomacy. Years ago, His Majesty transferred the former Hongyou Temple to the Secretary General Sun Qian directly to the Anjiang Division, then this position will be vacant.

"His Majesty wants to go south, inevitably a diplomatic game is indispensable, so I will be called back from Bingzhou!"

After You Tingjian's uncertain words fell, Li Chunfeng's extremely solemn voice continued:

"Lao You, before your Majesty became the throne, you were the smartest among these people, so I believe you."

After speaking, Li Chunfeng suddenly smiled under the heavy snowfall, turned around and continued to step on the snow, stepping forward, and the old voice passed:

"It's okay to go south. Under this cannibalistic trend, Daxia will one day compete with Zhongyuan. If it is too long, we old guys can't wait.

"Although I always call you Lao You, you are different. You are still very young. You don't understand the hearts of us old guys."

As soon as these words came out, You Tingjian directly stopped, clenched his fists, and stared at Li Chunfeng's back.

The snow covering the sky fell on Li Chunfeng's body, but disappeared under the light in a blink of an eye.

Because before he knew it, Li Chunfeng's white hair was completely gray, and he and Xue were not separated from each other.

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